Left 4 Dead 2
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Artículos (89)
【原神】可莉 “Bang!” 替换铁喷开火音效
Creada por Doux9桜月
将游戏中铁喷的开火音效替换为《原神》中可莉(普通话)的重击音效“Bang!”。 Replace Chrome Shotgun fire sound into Klee (Chinese Mandarin) “Bang!” in Genshin Impact. 其他散弹枪的可莉音效: Want other shotgun's sound? 木喷/Pumpshotgun 一代连喷/M1014/Auto Shotgun 二代连喷/SPAS/Combat Shotgun 如果喜欢我做的mod请考虑点赞,制作不易,您...
Creada por Beau
显示25% 50% 75%的完成度,不会因为灭了多少次都不知道自己准备通关没 输入:!p 或!P 可以查看当前进度(感叹号需要大写 英文大小写都可以) 仅在使用该MOD的服务器生效,进入他人服务器不会生效 三方图同样适用,部分三方图原地来回绕路可能会提示错误 在服务器上使用只需把本MOD放到服务端的addons文件夹即可 此MOD通过:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2314785668 修改而来 ...
【Again】H&K MP7 (Replaces MAC-10)
说明 · 【Again】H&K MP7 (Replaces MAC-10) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:S0kk0 · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852684680856648171/0CE0757E4619A9F926C7C13844F5DF3E59758DC4/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy...
【BEATLESS】SVCh替换军用连狙(replace military sniper)[animated skin]
Creada por M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女SVCh替换30连狙 Credit animation - HK G41 model - AVA, saber interactive sound - AVA, dogtag, battlefield, warface materials - M82A1闇冥 ...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
Creada por 老瑞瑞
vtuber rurudo 替换 Nick 介绍:mod来源工坊,在原mod基础上进行修改 更改了v模并且测试大部分武器没有出现手部扭曲 降低部分地方分辨率,降低mod大小 填补缺少的倒地贴图,并且删除内裤 添加了动态头像,处理了裙子穿模(new!) 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/30/AjKhrwetD5b9xXT.gif 点击图片跳转原mod//Click on the image to jump to the original mod 原mod:>>秋善冬華/Koha...
击杀回血,可设置回复实血或者虚血 RewardHP
Creada por 思雨
击杀回血,可设置回复实血还是虚血。仅在非对抗类模式生效,功能默认关闭。 在聊天窗发送 !rhp n 控制功能模式: n=0 关闭 n=1 只回复实血 n=2 只回复虚血 n=3 优先回复虚血,若到达回复上限或所设置的虚血回复量为0,则回复实血。 如果想要每局游戏都默认开启,可以在开启之后发送 !save 或者 !save rewardhp 保存当前设置为默认设置。 作为房主开始一局游戏后会生成配置文件,可以是单机模式。文件位于 游戏目录/left4dead2/ems/linge/config_xxx.tbl...
Creada por Beau
官方一代连喷模型 发光不刺眼 使用的是我个人修改后的arby26动作,适合像我一样设置80手臂长度的 无动作版 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2790648993...
动态 五更琉璃 黑猫替换一代木喷 单喷 Gokou Ruri replace pump shotgun
Creada por Orange Cat
This gun has a dynamic gradient effect 我的妹妹不可能那么可爱中的黑猫替换一代木喷 伏见老贼丧尽天良,我与黑猫共存亡(现在还在做过气角色mod的可能只有我自己了吧(笑)) 此mod有:夜光,动态 ...
Creada por 叫我MAX
这个逼https://steamproxy.net/id/mominchong/ 中摇摆阳的"哼,滚!"毒很深,让我帮忙整的个推人音效,没做空推,音效只有"滚"没有"哼",还是那样,有啥意见可以在留言板提出来,谢谢老板...
夜光金舌Smoker(Glowing Gold Tongue)
Creada por 裂波斩
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 绝对醒目的夜光舌头,好看好用,简单实用 在黑暗的地方无论是自救还是救队友,都非常的好用,推荐大家使用 仅修改了Smoker的舌头外观,未修改Smoker的角色外观 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Creada por 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
拜山2【bai mountain 2】
Creada por 晨晨
地图名字:拜山2 地图关卡数:12 地图难度:地狱十星★★★★★★★★★★ 地图风格:战役、挑战、boss、多人娱乐 背景故事:幸存者们开车出外游玩,不料发生了交通意外,他们昏迷了,灵魂离开了他们的身体,前方有一道白光,当他们走进去后却发现自己进到了地狱世界,这里有很多亡魂和地狱使者,他们能离开这里回到自己的肉身吗? 作者建议: 1.不建议单人带电脑 2.不建议萌新游玩 3.不建议心脏不好者游玩(本地图有可能造成砸电脑鼠标等不安成分,请三思后游玩) 4.本地图可当娱乐地图或喜欢挑战(抖M玩家)的玩家游玩 5...
标记物资、队友被控与倒地等状态提示 Hint
Creada por 思雨
简述 这个 MOD 主要有两个功能: 1. 自动玩家状态提示:玩家在倒地、黑白、被控的时候,队友的画面里会出现相应提示。提示文字可以在配置文件中修改。 2. 玩家主动发出标记:可以用来标记物资、空地位置、特感等。 玩家想要主动发出标记需要事先配置,有两种方案: 1. 玩家自己绑定按键到 +alt1。以绑定 g 键为例,在控制台输入:bind g +alt1,然后就可以用 g 键来标记了。若要解除按键绑定,则输入:unbind g 2. 房主服务端安装 辅助插件。安装之后所有人就都可以直接用 z 键人物语音菜...
真香 吃药语音
Creada por Eric the Pig
我王境泽就算饿死 死外面 从这跳下去 也不会吃你们一颗丸!!...
自杀指令 !zs
Creada por 思雨
在聊天窗输入 !zs 可以马上自杀。该功能在所有非对抗类模式下加载。 自杀后提示台词可以在 left4dead2/ems/linge/config_xxx.tbl 中修改,其中 xxx 为端口号,默认为 27015. 同系列 MOD Base 基础库 必须同时订阅这个,否则本 MOD 无效。 调整特感数量、刷新频率、生成种类 HUD排行榜、伤害击杀统计、友伤提示 标记物资、队友倒地与被控等状态提示 击杀回血 如果你需要以上的全部功能,那么可以只订阅 整合 MOD. 详细说明 功能演示视频 GitHub Gi...
菜刀 【撬棍】
Creada por Beau
替换撬棍 crowbar 1.懒得做封面 2.移除了攻击屏幕晃动 3.修改了音效 4.修改了HUD 模型来源:广州增城7.3 搜索关键词: 菜刀 撬棍 crowbar...
多特控制:调整特感数量、刷新频率、生成种类 MoreSI
Creada por 思雨
可以随时在游戏中改变特感数量,并且可以根据生还者人数自动增加减少特感。 仅限非对抗类模式,对抗类模式不会加载. 注意:在不使用 metamod 与 l4dtoolz 插件的情况下,生还者+特感总数最多无法超过 18 个。在使用插件后,生还者+特感总数上限可以到达 32 个,只留一个生还者最多能刷出 31 个特感。 插件安装:将压缩包中 addons 里的文件解压到 游戏目录/left4dead2/addons 目录,然后游戏启动项加入 -insecure -maxplayers 32。 在聊天窗中可发出以下...
露背旗袍 猫娘 雨空 替换路易斯 replace louis
模型来源:我自己在恋活内捏人出来的,衣服是读取服装卡的 如果服装作者觉得有什么不妥请联系我进行处理。 本来是我自己用的,纪念我b站过500粉,转成公开版本 包括飘动骨骼 删除胖次 各项基本的mod都有 穿着这么漂亮又色气的旗袍猫娘 我已经好了 八人自选包加群获取,之前的群号搞错了,这次好了 655077118 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Pe4y1Y7da?vd_source=03c973b51fb9c267f6adcb6181af2ccf ...
>>> Blue Fire (no screen + no weapon conflict)
Creada por wx
as you wished. since the other one is conflicting with your adrenaline add-on. this will be no problem. Blue Fire - no screen conflict + no weapon conflict Blue Colored Fire replaces most of the default Fire color, expect Weapon Flame effect and Burning ef...
Admin Menu JianTiZhongWen
Creada por QuoDB
Admin System
Creada por Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Apex Legends - Wingman
Creada por Twilight Sparkle
So continuing with the Apex weapons, i bring you now the Wingman, this one will replace the Desert Eagle ( (Aka Deagle or whatever), and it comes with its orignal animations and sounds, so yeah not much to easy other than i hope you guys like it or not and...
Apex Wingman Animated Skin
Creada por HK560
Readme Apex Legends - Wingman Animated Skin Need to subscribe “Apex Legends - Wingman” Replace Deagle comment if you have any question 皮肤定制请查看此链接 Bilibili preview video 关于转载或使用 禁止CSGO社区服移植使用该皮肤 (除EXG社区) 移植转载请先联系我 皮肤作者SkinAuther HK560 原作品Credits: Assets Ext...
Auto Bunnyhop
Creada por Sw1ft
Auto Bunnyhop Script Auto Bunnyhop for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server. Features Ability to disable/enable Auto Bunnyhop Keeps saved for each player when a level changes Chat Commands !bhop - turn on/off auto bhop !bhop2 - turn on/off 2nd method of auto bho...
Bang Sound
Creada por Loli Sovietica
Loli Bang Sound (DESERT)...
Black And White Notifier
Creada por Hex To Max
This mod notifies the survivor in black and white state to other survivors by chat and colored outline - You can set specific options like duration, color or flash effect - All commands are host-only and detected by typing to chat box - The value of all co...
Borderlands Loot Beams [Server Mod]
Creada por ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
Host your game locally to use it. This script creates beams for all usable items. Weapons, melees, throwables, healthitems, carryables like gnomes, gascans etc etc...Known issues are the poor origin of the propane tank which is pretty off. Be carefull to u...
COD MW19 Rodion Red Death (Louis)
Creada por BiGeYiEr
COD MW19 Rodion Red Death (Louis). ...
CS:GO Ak - 47 Cyrex ★
Creada por Nyx Zero
Cs go ak-47 replace rifle ak-47with spunds and original animations. Credits: Twilight sparkle - model base and animations NextGenZ - skin Nyx Zero - change in the position of the flashlight (hidde), lasersight and particle effect removal This recent model ...
CS:GO AWP Doodle Lore
Creada por Nyx Zero
Cs go sniper AWP replace CSS AWP with inspect animations. Credits: Twilight Sparkle - model base and animations Jimmba - texture Others: Gloves http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
CS:GO Scar-20 Bloodsport
Creada por Nyx Zero
Cs go scar-20 skin replace hunting rifle, it include sounds and original animations glow effect. Credits: SLIMEface - Skin Twilight Sparkle - Model more Mp7 Bloodsport Mp9 Bloodsport http://i.imgur.com/mksS8Z4.png ...
CS:GO SG 553 Cyrex
Creada por Nyx Zero
Cs go SG553 replace CSS SG552 include inspect animations and sounds. Credits: Twilight sparkle - model NZ_Workshop - skin http://i.imgur.com/mksS8Z4.png ...
CS:GO tec-9 Decimator 2000 (UZI)
Creada por Nyx Zero
Cs go Tec-9 replace uzi smg with sounds. credits: Lt.Rocky - model Coridium - skin HUD icon Tec-9 http://i.imgur.com/mksS8Z4.png...
CS:GO | Knife = Butterfly Knife (w/ "Butterfly" Deploy Sound) - axe_break 发光蝴蝶刀=小刀-蝴蝶刀拿出声
Creada por wx
Butterfly Knife replaces "Knife" (Glow in Dark) > Butterfly Deploy sound - axe_break w/ Animation (shove/push) w/ Sound w/ Butterfly Knife Deploy Sound w/ Glowing Knife part w/ Light Reflective Handle part >>> All Other Options Machete = BK w/ Butterfly De...
CSGO Karambit
Creada por nacho
Replacement of machetes...
CSGO USP-S locking
Creada por nacho
CSGO USP-S replace pistol and dual pistol...
DOAX3S Kokoro - Narwhal replace francis
Creada por 十八画
DOAX3S Kokoro - Narwhal replace francis 因为找不到暑假工,所以就跑回来做mod了 乳摇 第一人称手臂 表情 人物hud 飘动 ...
Drop the treasure
Creada por g(o)od
This is a treasure drop system, when you kill the infection will have the chance to get something I reinterpreted the script scripts by Loot Drops Counterstrike Weapon Unlocker Common Infected Uncommon Infected 2% Drops 1 Items no Drops give 3~8 (A)-Bonus ...
Fiona {Dead or Alive Venus Vacation} ZOEY.VER
Creada por Cass
DONATE HERE Fiona has purple eyes and long purple hair. She also wears a purple dress-like swimsuit that's reminiscent of a fairy tale princess, and places particular emphasis on her cleavage. She also has a purple mantle with a sapphire heart at the cente...
Creada por мяFunreal
I saw this as a TF2 mod, on the tf2 frying pan, and thought i should port it to L4D2. the pan is skin compatible. Before you fight about whom this panty belongs to: It's a panty that half of the japanese female population has at least one of. It doesn't be...
Head Shot Feedback【爆头特效】
Creada por 仓鼠箘
The Head Shot Feedback effect can be used online for good, without plug-ins, scripts and conflicts. Added the feedback icon when you got Head-shot to zombies, but you must set the to high and use large caliber weapons to trigger. The weapons that can trigg...
Improved Blood Textures
Creada por BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
infected damage display
Creada por 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
LinGe VScripts Base 基础库
Creada por 思雨
这个 MOD 是我的其它功能型 MOD 的前置库,构建了这个系列 MOD 的运行框架。 它的实质性功能只有一个真人玩家状态提示,在玩家连接、加入与离开队伍、进入闲置时触发。默认情况下它是关闭的,因为游戏自带的一些提示与它有重叠。你可以在聊天窗中发送 !teaminfo 开启该功能,然后发送 !save 将设置保存到配置文件。 LinGe VScripts 系列 MOD HUD排行榜、伤害击杀统计、友伤提示 多特控制:调整特感数量、刷新频率、生成种类 标记物资、队友倒地与被控等状态提示 自杀指令 !zs 击杀...
M1903A3 Springfield[Scout]
Creada por ThunderKiss65
REPLACES THE HIDDEN CSS SCOUT THE ONE WITH THE BOLT THAT GOES PEW CLANK CLANK NOT THE HUNTING RIFLE Here is an american made springfield rifle, a ww1-ww2 era bolt action rifle firing a powerful 30-06 cartridge and is known for being a deadly rifle in any m...
Marie Rose Bouquet Rosen Dress (ROCHELLE VER.)
Creada por Cass
Her Bouquet Rosen outfit from her passing birthday June 6th includes her Bun hair and Tiara. • Custom Proportions • Face Anims • VGUI • Boomer Bile Textures • FP Arms • Custom Attachments • Jigglebones • Light Model • Zoey Animations • Model extracted from...
Master Chief
Creada por Splinks
The time has come for the apocalypse and this madness to come to an end, and lets top it off with a tea-bagging from the legendary Master Chief. ~~~~~~~~~ATTENTION~~~~~~~~~ If you would like more of my mods not hosted on workshop please feel free to visit ...
ME!ME!ME! Animated TV Screen
Creada por Stonga
the girl from ME!ME!ME! dancing on TV screens. replaces all TVs framerate is not correct on thumbnail; watch youtube video...
Melee hit fly effect
Creada por 原神职业选手
This mod Modified the melee weapons. Enables the melee weapon attacks to strike flying zombies. This mod can only take effect on the local server. I'm sorry, my English is not very good. 这个mod修改了所有的近战武器,能够把僵尸击飞,效果可能很鬼畜. 仅在本地服务器生效! 我认为打击感较好的是平底锅和撬棍......
Misaki{Denim Swimsuit} {Dead Or Alive Extreme 3 Fortune}
Creada por Cass
Misaki is a young girl acting as the assistant to the unnamed temporary owner of New Zack Island, who will make her debut in the 2017 PC version of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, entitled Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation. Denim Bikini Version -First person Ar...
MW2019: Shared Materials
Creada por mav
Required shared materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Materialization Method and Assistance mav: Animation Porting, Model Porting, Sound Porting, Project Lead Note: You are not allowed to modify, use parts of and create deri...
Nano Shot [Adrenaline]
Creada por scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/r88RQLX.png Replaces Adrenaline with Nano Shot from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Nano Shot is a Fujiwara tactical equipment that increases health regeneration. https://i.imgur.com/gK5rJyj.png ◼ Exclusiv...
NCR Ranger Bill
Creada por Lt. Rocky
Days like these make you wish for a nuclear hell in a hand basket. Sheriff Bill is the law, and you will conform, or suffer the beard. Its Bill! In the suit of a ranger of the New California Republic, the face of Fallout: New Vegas, from the Fallout 4 NCR ...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Creada por 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
Powerful flashlight(强光手电筒)
Creada por 寒枫Feng
The instruction is changed. No other plug-ins are required. Now the range and distance of the flashlight have been greatly enhanced, and there is no need to worry about getting dark any more. The effect is probably the same as the above figure. Among them,...
Remove AI Charger Damage Resistance
Creada por ChimiChamo
Removes the 66% damage resistance AI chargers have while charging, allowing you to level them....
REUPLOADED [R18]Honkai Impact 3rd Xier Bunny replaces witch
Creada por
https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2909853143 ?????? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fa...
Self Help By Holding Ctrl
Creada por 洛圣都改猫王
use medicine self help,doesnt work on ledge_grab. and sub the pre-file usage:holding ctrl(3 sec) Mode:All modes. BackImage(plugin images):https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1207285...
Survivor treatment(幸存者治疗)
Creada por 寒枫Feng
The front row reminds me that if you find something wrong, please check whether there are conflicts in the plug-in bar and whether there are potential conflicts that are not displayed, instead of saying "you are not good" I made the treatment and rescue sc...
Tank no cam shake
Creada por CHAUS
Description:Removes screen shaking due to tank steps If you don't want to turn off the shaking completely then try this: Tank less cam shake This addon only works in a single game and a local server (the creator of the server must have this addon so that i...
Team Health Counter
Creada por Rayman1103
This addon adds a health counter for Survivor teammates. Now you can see how much health they actually have in numbers, allowing for a more accurate display of their health....
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Creada por мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
Titanfall 2 - R-201 Carbine
Creada por Twilight Sparkle
So, to celebrate the release of Apex Legends on steam, thought of why not bring something from a previous sequel, so why not doing that with Titanfall 2 cuz why not?, anyways so this is the R-201 Carbine, and it will replace the ("Assault Rifle") or "M16" ...
Titanfall2 R201 Dark Matter Animated Skin
Creada por HK560
Readme Titanfall2 R201 Dark Matter Animated Skin Need to subscribe “Titanfall 2 - R-201 Carbine” Replace M16 comment if you have any question 皮肤定制可以通过b站私信联系我 Bilibili preview video 关于转载或使用 禁止CSGO社区服移植使用该皮肤 (除EXG社区) 其他移植转载请先联系我 皮肤作者SkinAuther HK560 原作品Credi...
Toilet plug / thunderbolt dynamic transformation replace pitchfork
Toilet plug / thunderbolt dynamic transformation replace pitchfork Change the color periodically for about 30s Sometimes it's stinger, sometimes it's toilet plug Super long toilet plug / stingray must be good for zombies The mod includes a luminous map mod...
Toy D❤❤k【仙女棒】
Creada por 仓鼠箘
Toy D❤❤k from Guangzhou Zengcheng replace Tonfa. I recommend you using ! Changed the color from purple into Pink, added translucent and illuminate. I will update to add Haku's Calligraphy upon this toy! This MOD was permitted by The author of , All copyrig...
Ultraman - Supeshiumu Ray
Creada por ClearSkyC
Seen ultraman, you should know what is this Add this should be better http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618501360 Credits: Internet - Model/Texture/Sound ClearSkyC - Animations, rig, sound editing, texture modifications, compile. replac...
Vtuber 女仆装甘城猫猫?nachoneko 替换黑妹(无胖次) 2022 7 31 更新
嘿嘿嘿,我又来了 女仆装的甘城猫猫,虽然不是百分百还原,但也是尽力了 本模型来自恋活提取,我修改了衣服为女仆装,耳朵更改 希望你能喜欢 本mod包括 1 乳摇 2 无胖次 3 飘动骨骼 4 VGUI 5 一只可爱的猫娘 6 vrd骨骼 7 人物表情 演示视频:BV1VU4y1q7jw(求求给个三连吧�? ˘•ω•�?) 更新日志 2022 7 26 手模重做,最初手模属实看不下去了,这次优化了会好很多 2022 7 27 表情制作,现在人物不是面瘫了 2022年了,vtb 甘城猫猫和猫羽雫还是得分得清啊。甘...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Creada por xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[CORE MOD] Realistic Damage
Creada por Ellie
NOTE THAT THIS MOD DOES NOTHING ALONE. YOU NEED COMPATIBLE SURVIVOR MODS https://i.imgur.com/1MsDApO.png https://i.imgur.com/NP3Y6ff.png https://i.imgur.com/Tme7xvg.png This mod is the CORE Mod that is required for the Realistic Damage effects. It contains...
[Dynamic] Katana from ghostrunner Replace katana
Creada por 夜空☆Twinkle
简介 【动态】幽灵行者武士刀 替换 武士刀 Katana from ghostrunner Replace katana 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials 动作:这位大佬https://steamproxy.net/id/INSANITY_AURA/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 侵权删 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
[Dynamic] MP5-SD Replace The MP5(CSS)
Creada por 夜空☆Twinkle
我不想做封面啊啊啊啊啊( 简介 【动态】MP5-sd霓虹心跳 替换 MP5(CSS) MP5-sd Replace The MP5(CSS) 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials (虽然和伽拉忒亚一点关系都没有但是我还是贴了伽拉忒亚) (别问,问就是随便贴的) 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
[Honkai 3rd]MAG-Typhoon replaces Cricket Bat
Creada por 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】重磁暴·斩替换板球棒 Replace the cricket bat with MAG-Typhoon in Honkai Impact 3. I only replaced the model. Animations are all original. 只替换了模型,动作还是原来的。 Among melees now there's only the chainsaw, knife and riot shield left unHonkai-lized. 现在近战武器只剩链锯、匕首和防爆盾没...
[LOL] Charger = Sion (L4D1/L4D2) | League of Legend
Creada por wx
Sion = Charger. This is like a re-uploaded version, due to original creator of the add-on has not came back to renew the addon because of The Last Stand update. =Replace Charger as Sion =Replace Voice as Sion Quotes The model is from the game "League of Le...
[Re0] 蕾姆 Spas-12
Creada por Cheese菠蘿包
Re:从零开始的异世界生活 蕾姆 部分贴图荧光 仅替换贴图 图源P站 ID 82519270 感谢各位的赞和订阅 thank you for your subscription and praise https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1749057282360732276/F85BB22E3EC7BDE6966726E41276DA2218C88306/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolo...
[xdR] California Girls
Creada por xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
[xdR] Mixamo Shove Animations (Standing Only)
Creada por ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Standing Bash Animations with Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 029 For Standing bashes only When running, walking, crouching, or jumping, the default bash will play. So these animations would be fairly...
[xdR] Kip Up Get Up Animation - Mixamo
Creada por ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Getting Up Animations from Tank, Hunters, and Chargers to do a Kip Up from Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 035 Let's say if you do not want Bill to have animation, then you can unpack this workshop it...
[xdR] Stagger Roll - Mixamo
Creada por ChapCanai
Replaces each Survivors' stagger/shoved animations with Rolling animations from Mixamo. Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 038 Problems: Chainsaw not holding properly even though I copy pasted the grip animation from vanilla. Credits: Mixamo.com Mr F...
[xdR] Survivor Gangnam Style
Creada por Foof!
replaces the healing animation with the gangnam style animation from mixamo, this is the worst mod i've ever made. why have i been bestowed upon with the knowledge VERSION 2! Now all the survivors can do this stupid dance. works with custom character remod...
[xdR] Tank F
Creada por xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Tank pays respect on death Works for custom player models. Occupies Character Slot 36 of reanimations. Original motions data by Valve....