Fistful of Frags

Fistful of Frags

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More Shootout Loadouts 2023
By Damn, 4 Real
It has been like six or seven years since I did one of these. Now you need more definitive opinions from the coolest player to know which loudouts to use in the game.
Volcanic - High scoring loadout

This is it fellas. We all know the volcanic is the best scoring weapon in the game. Well maybe you don't but basically it's because it gives you the best compromise between notoriety reward, frag potential, and (most importantly) longevity. You get nine shots instead of whatever other stupid dinky number you might have from the other starter weapons (but especially the Navy) which basically means you are at less risk of dying in longer fights.

This is my favourite setup for the Volcanic if I am after a big fat score. The boots are a no-brainer, especially with the lower damage, left-handed works out better than ambi considering you are not often fighting with two (and the penalty is not that much anyway) and then that leaves three more. You could pick the knives here if you like but I feel like the jumpmaster gives you a similar utility for indoors, close-range fights where knives would usually work out. Then we get hgthrow with the last slot.

Long term you can pair this with several other guns. Obvious choice is another Volcanic for the old-school mega scoring thing. If you're not feeling it (or not getting the opportunity) your other options are anything that can deal ~65+ damage in one shot (coachgun, machete, peacemaker, spencer, even smith if you find one) or a hatchet for the whole chop-kick-shoot fiasco. Also a secret tip: towards the end of the match, if you have loads of cash left over, you can buy Walkers to pad your killstreak and then ride that wave with the Volcanic at the end of it.
Navy - Newschool jumpster

The Navy is the 'vanilla gun' but this is not a 'vanilla loadout'. In this guide I want to probe your mind with some more interesting food-for-thought sh*it than the usual fodder. Oh duhh duhh navy knives right handed bluuh bluuh nobody cares. This is cool. This is one of my favourite loadouts with fanning and I think that fanning with anything besides the Mare's Leg is well slept on right now. Nobody seems to do it but it owns. ESPECIALLY when used in conjunction with jumpmaster. Look at my cool video where I spout nonsense on this topic.

Well most of the examples in there are with the Schofield, and to be honest the Schofield and Peacemaker are the real prizes here but if we want to keep our new movement tech abilities then the Navy is the best we can afford. This loadout is actually pretty sweet for big scores too. Definitely give it a shot and try to do some cool gun spinning. Oh yeah and why do I say the other guns are the prizes?? Well the Schofield has seriously sick accuracy while fanning and it's cool to be able to fire so fast and so accurately and so on-the-move, and the Peacemaker cracks over 50 big'uns every bodyshot and will clean house in the deathmatch.
Hatchet - Furry mode

Furries love to do the chop kick shoot thingy with the axe and the dinger. This is my tribute to furries. I love them. If you are doing the chop kick shoot with the axe and the dinger then the handedness is totally irrelevant so we can look elsewhere to spend our two stars. Jumpmaster seems to be the obvious choice if we're in close quarters often, which we are. And certainly not on some big open ridge on a canyum-themed map next to a lake which is an environmental hazard.

Long term you can get a machete if you want to keep doing the ding thing, or you can buy a hammerless if you want to keep doing the ding thing on a budget, or you can buy anything else that you want to pair with your hatchet. Great opportunity to play on the move with some cool higher-tier weapon like a Spencer or Sharps.
Bow - The boring one

Why is this the boring one?? Because this is the bow and there is really not much you can do with the bow that is interesting. Really the concept of a 'bow loadout' is kind of superfluous because if you are using the bow anywhere then you might as well be using the bow everywhere. It's supposed to do 100 point headshots at point blank after all. The boots are a no-brainer because we want to line up nice clean shots and then we have 3 points leftover. The knives make no sense, jumpmaster and hgthrow makes lots of sense, and then the other option is brass knuckles so that you can get something besides the bow to play with. Or you can use it as a crutch, which I expect you will.

Long term you can upgrade to a black bow which owns.
Sawed-off - Also dynamite

The Sawed-off actually rocks co*cks with knives and left handed and whatever but like I said before I want to put some left-field food-for-thought sh*it in here. So here is one sh*it from the toilet bowl. It's an excuse to use red dynamite in the starting loadout. Actually more fun than you might think. Naturally if you pick the dynamite with all those precious stars then you will be trying REALLY hard to find some excuse to use it near the start of your life, lest you get owned before fragging anything and get knocked down to one stick, so the sawed-off takes a back seat here. Why sawed-off and not the other 4/5-star weapons? Because it is an easy going and casual gun just like you when you play like this. Long term you can get whatever the f*uck you want because who cares. You are easy going.
Hammerless - Basterd

We all hate that fulla who slides into the room and goes papapapapa with the hammerless and gets everyone down to 34hp. Well now you can be he. Slide pairs with little better than the hammerless and the same can be said for ambidextrous. Besides wacked out and ridiculous ideas like putting both hammerlesses in your left hand and playing with LH and hgthrow, this is the best 'core' for any hammerless loadout. And then you have two more stars, and I feel like hgthrow and heavy loads and jumpmaster are all decent options, especially the former and latter.
Remington - Noob goes pro

Back before the handedness system got reworked, a fanned Remington was the instant tell that you were fighting a mega noob. Nowadays that has been replaced by right handed Navies with the anti hacker loadout restrictions and all but fanned Remington still has a place in my heart as the "noob thing". But of course it is in our best interest to see if we can make it work. Indeed with the aforementioned cool fanning techs we certainly can - it's more accurate than the Navy after all - but costs more and does about the same damage in practice when fanning. Still, it's fun, and we get a new stars puzzle with the increase in price which I have solved by going for knives of all things. You spend way way way longer reloading this thing than the Navy - or rather, you can't just load in a couple shots and keep scrambling for a desperate frag - so it seems a reasonable choice. A different take on the same core concept. Again, you want Schofields and Peacemakers long-term, but you will be a bit of a disadvantage without the slide and jumpmaster in tow once you get there.
Mare's Leg - Crack Heads

This one you have probably seen before. Right-handed pairs with nothing better than the Mare's Leg. The whole point of this loadout is to play at very close quarters and aim level (at head height) as you walk around corners into rooms with flat floors. Maybe one in seven times you'll run into someone near point-blank and then comes your chance to click on them and win the game. It never gets old. The tricky thing with making a clever loadout out of this style is that there's not much else that complements this style well. The Mare's Leg has a painfully slow crosshair time so slide and jumpmaster and heavy loads are out of the question. Having to switch off the Mare's Leg at all is a recipe for a bad time so I feel the boots is the sensible choice here. If you fancy the other melee options then go for em. Later on you can switch the Mare's Leg for a Peacemaker or Walker to make the ownage even more sweet.
Smith Carbine - Avant-Garde Rifler

The Smith Carbine... with a TWIST!!! Bet you didn't see that coming. Yeah I went there. Well the idea here is that you are sick of all the booting with the Smith and want something a bit more exotic, namely jumpmaster because you got owned in one too many situations where you KNOW it would have saved your ass. Then we have two stars left over for... f*ck it, fanning, because you'll probably find a fannable gun here and there to run as your backup. And we like to panic when we pull out the backup gun. AND it goes well with the jumpmaster. Naturally this loadout favours the other rifles in the long-term.
No primary - Scavenger

If you are not feeling any of your usual loadouts or can't think of what style to play, this is the correct option. Play the hand that is dealt to you. Use the brass knuckles and heavy loads to gather guns or just melee out some fullas until fate brings you to something else. Buy whatever you haven't bought in a while, throw guns away instead of reloading them, explicitly go for environmental frags. Personally I do this one a lot and really enjoy it every time. Always a good break from the autistic PB grinding which will inevitably get you mad when you can't crack it.
a random fox 12 Jan @ 7:50am 
"Furries love to do the chop kick shoot thingy with the axe and the dinger." I'm a furry, can confirm that i like that tactic a lot.
Jumping Hunter 8 Dec, 2023 @ 4:09am 
That's a neat guide, well written one, gotta try some of these, especially the last one!
Miyamoto 28 Nov, 2023 @ 2:11am 
de_rumbalz 20 Nov, 2023 @ 10:08am 
Damn, 4 Real  [author] 25 Jun, 2023 @ 6:09am 
haha hey nice guide leave a comment