Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

89 avaliações
Snapping tills (Updated and español agregado)
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24/jun./2023 às 11:47
24/jun./2023 às 11:50
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Snapping tills (Updated and español agregado)

Now you can use Brightshade Shoevel in this mod :D
Lenguaje español agregado

Aligns plowing to the grid.

LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile.
Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon.
Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x3. You can bind key in configure mod.

"Geometric Placement" has priority, so that to use this mod,
"Geometric Placement" must be OFF in game (key B -> "off")
or disabled "snap till" in options (key B -> disable "snap till")

Сontroller support.
Compatible with Geometric Placement
Compatible with ActionQueue Reborn (ActionQueue RB2)
5 comentário(s)
素晴丶一叶之秋 27/nov./2024 às 2:35 
Wonsz 26/mar./2024 às 5:40 
Any possiblity it would be able to till not just one tile but all tiles in range with one "shift+right click?
kicpir12 2/set./2023 às 15:53 
Tea 22/jul./2023 às 8:57 
╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬
Thanks to the author/secondary creator for the creation, I compiled a collection, welcome to download
There are also detailed tutorials on how to use the mod
╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬ ╭☆╭★╭♬
⭐茶海空的DST超實用新手萌新必備【客戶端】模組推薦合集MOD (๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)⭐
阿西aaa 19/jul./2023 às 9:50 
very good