Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash

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Geometry Dash Support Guide
By Belja
Geomerty Dash Support. An unofficial support guide for Geometry Dash players having technical problems with the game.
This guide provides support:
  • Account: Answers to common questions about Geometry Dash accounts.
  • Comment: Answers to common questions about in-game comments.
  • Level: Answers to common questions about in-game levels.
  • Moderator: Answers to common questions about Geometry Dash Moderators.
  • Music: Answers to common questions about Geometry Dash music.
  • Other: Answers to other common questions about Geometry Dash.

This guide should be able to help you when you run into problems with Geometry Dash.
We have several FAQ sections which can be found below such as ⁠account, ⁠comment and many more. They answer common problems and people's questions. However, if you have not found a solution, you can ask for individual help on the game's Official Discord[]. Also you can find solution on Geometry Dash Assistant[] website, where the information may be more updated to date. The information in this guide does not guarantee a solution to your problem.

Pro Tip: You can use the word search to quickly find the information you need. Press the Ctrl + F in Steam Client or browser to use it.

Warning! Legacy guide: This guide was written at the time of the 2.1 version of the game. The information may not be true.
This section answers many popular questions about account issues. More questions might be answered here in the future.

A bunch of account features are not in the game, but on the Boomlings website. Important links:


Why can't I save my data to the cloud?
Geometry dash may have trouble saving your data if you are using a lot of space in your editor levels; We suggest you to erase some of these, preferably these that have a lot of objects as they consume space the most. If you have error -5, then your savefiles have outdated credentials, many services online including saving will be blocked. Go to "account", then click "more", then "refresh login" and try logging in. Consider that refreshing login doesn't results in data loss. If refresh login gives an error, try restoring your password using the boomlings page[].

What should I do when my chests/quests show waiting times that are greater than what they should be?
Simply restart the game to fix the wrong times. If the problem still occurs, please contact an Elder moderator.

How do I change my account username after registering my account? How do I change my password? How do I change my email?
To change your username and your password, you must use the boomlings website[] that can be found in "Manage account" at the in-game Account settings. An alternative way of changing your password is to use the "Forgot password?" Section found in the same website. You will be asked to use the email that you registered your profile with.
You cannot change the email bonded to your gd account, nor will it ever be possible.

Why do I sometimes lose stars after loading?
RobTop has implemented an anticheat that is made to remove levels from the savefile when they don't meet a reasonable number of attempts and jumps. Insane and demon levels require to be completed in either more than 10 attempts, or 50 jumps. If you complete an insane or demon level under that requirement, the game will remove your completion, losing the percentage and stars. This is also why you may encounter situations where levels show 500/500 orbs obtained in a level, yet the percentage bar is less than 100%, or map pack rewards being shown as collected when the completion bar is less than 3/3.

What is the difference between green and golden names?
Users with green names are unregistered users. They can't comment or upload levels, but they can still play levels. Users with yellow/golden names are registered users; they have all the options the game has to offer.

Can a hacker get someone's password (also known as GJP) from the servers?
No. The only known password exploits have already been patched, and date back to 2017. Since this patch, it has been impossible for someone to get your password from the GD servers as the servers no longer store a usable form of your password. If you suspect that someone knows your password, the easiest thing you can do is change that password at account management website[].

Why can't I see someone's profile or comments?
When you try to load a profile of someone and the message "something went wrong" appears, it's most likely because you have been blocked by the user. If you can't view the comments of a user, it's because that person has their comment history disabled.

Why can't I reply to someone's message?
If you can't reply to a message, it is because the user has messages disabled or have set them to "friends only".

How do I change my profile's settings?
To change your profiles settings, such as comment visibility or to change who can message you, go to your profile from the main menu, and select the ⚙️ (gear) icon. From there, you can change how open or closed your account can be to the public, and assign your account your social media. For the last one, you must not paste the whole link to your Youtube account in case you want to link this one, instead, only paste your @username after If you want to link your twitch account, do the same, don't paste the whole link as it won't fit. If you want to link your Twitter account, you only need to write your @username on the text box.

Social Media
What to insert (bolded & underlined)
... .com/@yourchannel
... .com/yourprofile
... .tv/yourchannel

Why can't I log in?
The game will refuse to let you into an account if you use a password that does not match the profile. In the event that you forgot about it, or if you believe someone else changed it, use the boomlings page[] to restore it. This tool requires you to use the email you used to register your profile; if you forgot about it, or if you no longer have access to it there's nothing you can do. If you are trying to find an account you can use the same website[] to be sent an email with your username. Insert your email and the website will send you the username of the account that's bonded to it. If you have an issue where you can log in using the website, but not in-game, you must reinstall the game as it could mean there are damaged files.

Can you help me recover my lost data?
Lost data can not be recovered sadly, therefore you can not get it back. Lost data can only be prevented; save your data to the cloud often and if you are on PC, you can choose to backup your .dat files manually.

Why is nothing happening when I try to insert my password?
If you have a texture pack installed, then remove your texture pack. Currently, some texture packs remove the texture that is used when you type in your password, which makes it look blank, even though you actually typed something in, meaning you can still login, you just wont be able to see if you actually typed anything or not. If your issue is the password not fitting entirely in-game, change it to something shorter. The Boomlings page allows for longer passwords than what the game supports, with the current password limit in GD being 20 characters.

Why can't I register?
The in-game registering is inconsistent, currently people is expected to register an account using the boomlings page[]. You must use an email address that has not been used in the past to create another profile, you also need to use an email domain that is whitelisted for registering, preferably Consider that you can not change the email address that's bonded to your account, in case you lose your password you will need it to do a restoration. Passwords can only have Latin characters (a to z with or without capitalization), numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Can I take a username from an account that is inactive?
You won't be able to take that name. It's not possible to take a used name by default, and while robtop can change it himself, he avoids doing it and only reserves it for moderators, as they need to be easier to find in-game. Changing names is a hard task that cannot be done for everyone unfortunately.

How do I delete my GD profile?
It's not possible to delete an in-game GD profile. Resetting the stats to 0 is the closest you can get to deleting your profile.

Why am I not getting the activation email?
Check the spam folder; the activation email often ends up there. You can also use the "Resend Activation" option on the Boomlings website. Another reason could be that you may mistyped your email upon registering, and in that event there is nothing you can do but register another account.

Why can't I load my data?
This for the most part means there's nothing in the cloud to load. But other, less usual instances involve account credentials being outdated in the save file. You can solve outdated account credentials by refreshing your login, at "Account", "More" and then clicking "Refresh Login". If this gives an error, restore the account password on the Boomlings website. Another cause of this is due to IP bans, which can be skipped by changing connections or by using a VPN. If you have another device with data you can attempt to save, and then try the loading process again. Keep in mind that if you have pirated GD, the game will not load your data if you downloaded an outdated version.

Does loading data overwrite my current save?
If you have data before loading, nothing will be overwritten, loading will merge both savefiles.

Why is a green user taking the name I want to use?
This is a visual error, some accounts appear as green when you search them up. Said accounts are indeed registered, so you won't be able to take their names.

Why do I have a lower rank than some people on the top 1000?
This is because the top 1000 is defined by a different leaderboard, where people are added manually by list moderators. If you're not here, you haven't been added by them.

Why can't I open timed chests?
There are typically three causes for this. More often than not, your data has outdated account credentials, which can be solved by refreshing your login. The second cause involves your internet connection being banned from the Geometry Dash servers, which also means you wouldn't be able to do anything server related. In this case, try using a VPN or a different connection to bypass it. The third one involves a bug that you, unfortunately, can't fix. This bug is inherently server based. You can tell if you have this bug if your timed chests aren't able to be opened, but their respective timers for those chests have reset and remain locked.
Note: If refreshing your login gives an error, use the Boomlings page to restore your password.

Why don't I have a global rank on my profile?
Only accounts with 500 stars or more have a global rank. Keep in mind you don't get it instantly upon reaching 500 stars. If you have reached the threshold and have not received a rank after a few days, or if your rank is suddenly removed, you have probably been banned from the leaderboards.

Why is there a player with no stats in the leaderboard?
It is a visual issue and it doesn't means you've been hacked, or that your game is damaged. It's not well known what is exactly causing it but it's server sided, you don't have to worry about anything.

How do I prevent my account from being stolen or hacked?
There are many ways to prevent the stealing of your account. The first step to take is to make sure you have a secure password, as all recent account hacking incidents have been based on the attacking of weak accounts. Passwords should not be common dictionary words, should not be your username, and should be unique.
Ensure all game modifications you use are created by trusted members of the community, and only hand out your save data (especially GameManager.dat - which contains your save data) to those you trust.
If you suspect your password or account has been stolen, immediately reset your password at the website[].

I am not getting demon keys anymore, what's going on?
This is a game visual glitch, demon keys are obtained every 500 orbs gathered from levels. If you don't seem to get any, simply restart the game and take a look at the treasure room; you'll see your missing keys added to the counter.

Why can't I open the chests in the treasure room?
This is a game bug, where the last page displays the chest counter on 248/248, while you still have one, or multiple left. No matter how many keys you have you just can't open chests anymore. There are tools that let you solve this issue, or you can choose to undo this bug by restating your account progress, for obvious reasons It's not suggested to do so.

Can you administrate my account?
No. The GD Elder Moderators, Moderators, GD discord server administrators nor staff can manage your account. It is not possible for these people to recover your lost data or to change your account information.

Would I get banned for using X hack?
You will never be leaderboard banned for just using a hack. You are allowed to use hacks as long as they don't give you an unfair advantage when completing rated levels. This includes hacks that can give you a visual advantage, such as a hitbox viewer or hacks that remove decoration that influence the difficulty, and hacks that make the gameplay easier, such as noclipping or speed hacks. Creator and icon hacks are allowed, seeing how they don't give you any sort of harmful advantage over other players. This is a more in-depth set of guidelines when it comes to usage of tools: Link[]. If you have any questions, or need assistance you can send a message to the leaderboard moderators or ask within the leaderboard server found here[]. If you break the guidelines, your global rank will be deleted from your profile, but your account won't be removed. If you want to know about the guidelines of cheating for other sub-communities, such as the demonlist, you must go to their dedicated places and ask there.

I have completed a quest but why can't I claim the reward?
This is a visual error that can be solved by meeting a further requirement of the quest. For example, if the game asked you for 6 coins, you should get more than that so the game rewards you anyway eventually.
The monster has been softlocked. Can you help me fix this issue?
You can fully free the monster by re-completing the event as a whole by resseting the game data. Reinstall the game without logging into your account to avoid transferring the issue to this progress. Complete the requirements to unlock the monster again and once the cage is opened, log into your account, then load your data; this will merge the progress with the unlocked monster. Save to the cloud to keep the changes made.
Alternatively, you can download tools online that fix this issue.

How do I transfer data from one device to another? How do I transfer data from one account to another?
Use the "Save" option found in settings in the device where you have the data you'd like to transfer. You then will log in using the same account in the receptionist device, for then using the "Load" function.
If you want to transfer data from one account to another, you will have to download tools that allow you to keep your data upon logging off, as there's not an integrated way to do it. Consider that cloning accounts is a bannable offense in the leaderboard.

I cannot log into my account, as it's been "disabled.” What does that mean? What am I banned for? Can it be appealed?
RobTop closes accounts that have committed severe in-game offences. He is the only person who is able to disable accounts, however receives reports of those who do commit such offences from Geometry Dash Moderators. It is not possible to find out the exact reason for the ban on your profile, but some of the most common reasons include:
  • Using the editor to implement NSFW content, and then uploading the level.
  • Self-botting — such as using scripts to upload comments, automatically give likes, etc.
  • Usage of the communication system to harrass other players.

These bans are final decisions. This means that they're non-disputable, nor able to be appealed.
In this section you will find answers to popular questions regarding comments in Geometry Dash. Further FAQs may be added in the future.


What are the comment rules?
Comment rules exist in Geometry Dash to promote good behavior. They act as simple guidelines to stop users of posting inappropriate or spammy messages. Breaking the comment rules can result in a timeout or ban.
The Comment rules are as follows:
  • Flaming: Do not write hostile of insulting messages aimed at other users.
  • Spamming: Do not spam requests from others to play your levels.
  • Profanity: No swearing or crude language.

Why are the comment rules so simple?
Back when RobTop first implemented the comment rules, there was no high priority in defining these properly. Comment sections were not as popular as they are today, and the simple comment rules sufficed for the general community at the time. Expect an update to the comment rules in 2.2.

Why is the comment help useless?
The comment help is "useless" (outdated) because RobTop didn't foresee the comment section to be used as a live-chat, like Daily Chat does now- meaning low priority for features like the comment help. The comment help cannot be updated without an update, therefore resulting in the comment help being "useless" until 2.2.

How can I report people for breaking comment rules?
Contact an Elder moderator using DMs in Discord. You can find elder moderators on the Geometry Dash server[] in Discord.

What are permabans?
Permabans are bans that last either forever or long enough to be considered so. These are for habitual offenders, ban evaders, and severe offenders. The in-game ban timer currently only goes up to 34 days and 22 hours; bans of this demonstrated length are generally much longer than the time shown and are most likely permanent.

I have been comment banned, can I appeal it?
In general, comment bans are not removed when they're justified. If you believe it was a mistake, talk to an elder moderator.

Why does the comment I delete reappear?
This is because the level you originally commented on is no longer available on the server. There is not a way to delete these comments for the time being.

Why does my game crash when I open the comments section?
Turn off parental controls. There is an option in settings that disables level comments, but this doesn't hide them, instead it crashes the game when you load the comments section. This should be solved in 2.2.

The game keeps claiming my password is insecure even though I've tried changing it a bunch of times, what is going on?
Well, there aren't many explanations other than the passwords you've changed to, are deemed insecure by the game. A trick to have a stronger password is to use the dash (-) somewhere in your password. Also avoid common words and short passwords, as they increase the chance of your account password being brute-forced. Try to keep it always above 9 characters. Remember to do refresh login every time that you change your account credentials.
This section answers many popular questions about level issues. More questions might be answered here in the future.


Why can't I download levels?
This happens frequently, often due to Geometry dash servers experiencing downtime or due to a poor internet connection. Usually this situation improves after a while. It's also possible for you to be IP banned; this happens when the automoderation detects high traffic from a connection. In this event you can wait it out, as it's usually temporary, or you can switch IPs by VPN, DNS or a different connection.

How do I get a star value on my level?
The developer chooses levels that are deemed "good enough" under his eyes. Questions like these are hard to answer, as there is not an objective guideline nor guarantees. Robtop is the only one who can give star value to levels, however ingame moderators can send levels to him to look at.

Why I can not update my level in the servers?
Rated Levels that have an id smaller than 60 millons are locked from updating to avoid harmful alterations, although in-game moderators have the ability to unlock this restriction as long as there's reasoning behind. Also consider that if you do update a level, it's daily, weekly and gauntlet version won't update.

How do some players have 3 coins on a level that have less coins?
There can be given the case where a level was updated to reduce the number the amount of coins. It could also be given the case where the player used cheats to gather the extra coins. In general, players with more user coins than possible shouldn't appear on level leaderboards thanks to an anti-cheat put into place.

Why is my level only searchable by ID very shortly after uploading?
This due to a server sided glitch. For the time being this has no fix other than reaching RobTop. Contact a game moderator as they might redirect your report to him.

How do I uncomplete a level?
If you recently completed a level and want to undo the completion, try logging out of your account and in again right after. Load your data from the cloud as you might have old progress without the completion. Loading without logging out first won't help as it will just merge the data. If you want another alternative, there are hacks and tools online that do the job, although their usage is not easy in general.

I found an issue in a level. What do I do?
If you have an issue with a specific level, such as refresh rate issues or general level bugs, you must talk to the creator or play a fixed copy. Copying the level to fix the bug or searching up a fixed copy for that refresh rate is often the way to go for correcting this. However, we recommend asking the creator to fix it so it's easier for everyone.

I completed a level as a copy on the editor. Would it be considered legitimate to complete the rated version using cheats?
It can be depending of the circumstances. Firstly, you need to have a recording of the level in order to do this. A lot of levels have specific issues that affect the completion, such as lag or bugs specific to a certain refresh rate. The community has deemed it appropriate to recomplete levels with cheats as long as the copied version doesn't alter the difficulty. This includes decoration that can be obstructive and affect difficulty. The Demonlist lists fixes that are allowed for very hard levels. For precaution, we recommend checking with the List Team or Leaderboard Team first before hacking a level on the servers.

Why is the online level I downloaded empty upon playing?
This most commonly occurs when the level has a lot of objects. If you notice the level is empty, leave it and use the refresh button to attempt a redownload.

Why can't I open my editor level?
This is because you placed a huge amount of objects on a small focused spot. There's not a defined number on how many objects there must be to happen, it varies among devices. A solution would be to load your data from the cloud hoping you have an available copy. There are hacks, known as antikick which allows you to open the level normally, but only to open the editor and solve the clutter of objects, as you need to get rid of the issue as a whole, otherwise you will not be able to play the level.

Why does the song and the player start delayed when I use a start position in the editor?
Playtesting with a start position causes the chunk of the level that is behind to load. If you have too many objects, or if your level is too long you will face a long loading freeze, once it's finished you are far from where you placed your start position, most likely even dead. This has no fix, however there is a way around, press the play test button twice, this will start it and while the screen is frozen it will pause the play testing, allowing it to load without making any progress.

Can you help me set up a trigger? Can you give me advice in my level? Can you explain this button to me?
We avoid questions related to building levels and suggest you to take a look at the creator guide, here is the document[].

I can't select nor erase any objects in editor. How do I fix it?
You might have enabled a delete filter. A lot of people don't realize that this setting is on. Go to the delete section, on the right zone set the filter to "none" and it should work again. If this does not work, reinstall the game.

Why were some of my uploaded levels deleted?
RobTop occasionally deletes levels that do not meet certain thresholds like downloads, rating, or length to clear room on the servers. The most recent mass-deletion was on August 6th, 2021, the factors that lead to levels in that purge being deleted are detailed in the following tweet by RobTop. There are other forms of auto-deletes that can occur, the most notable of these being the one that deletes levels with less than 100 objects. In the future, unlisted levels will be exempt from the level purges. In the near future, there'll be a way to recover purged levels. Until then, you won't be able to get them back.

Why does this level have so many dislikes, is this a sign of hackers?
In many cases, especially for newly-rated levels, excessive dislikes is typically another action done as abuse by bot accounts. This dislike botting will usually be reverted by RobTop for featured levels.

Someone is spamming the comments of a level, is that a sign of hackers?
The only "hacking" being done here is abuse of bot accounts. These accounts will be automatically cleaned up by RobTop and can be reported to elder moderators if manual work is necessary.\

Why can't I upload levels to the server?
This most commonly occurs when the Geometry dash server is experiencing downtime. However there is a word filter which prevents you from uploading levels with a specific name or description. If you upload a level, then remove it from the server then you won't be able to re-upload it unless you copy it and reverify it. Also consider that if you upload too many levels you will be timed out for a while, which causes this issue. If you have outdated account credentials, many online services including uploading levels will be blocked. Go to "account", then click "more", then "refresh login" and try logging in. Consider that refreshing login doesn't results in data loss. If refresh login gives an error, try restoring your password using the boomlings page[].
What are the magic tab requirements?
Levels who are sent to Rob are displayed here. Former requirements involved meeting a criteria that is kept secret by RobTop, however, you can still find levels in the magic tab that meet these requirements if you select "NA" difficulty while searching under this category.

Why can't I delete my levels from the servers?
Rated levels and levels that have more than 1,000 downloads cannot be deleted by the creator to avoid abuse if the account is stolen. You can contact an Elder moderator so they delete the level for you.

Why can't I move objects in the editor?
This happens when you have certain hacks enabled; Disable your editor hacks (or the tool as a whole) and your issue should be solved. If this doesn't help, reinstall the game as your files could be damaged.

Why is the game much faster upon playing the first attempt of a level?
This is a mobile bug which is caused by a miscalculation of the game speed that is altered by the Smooth Fix option. Disable this option to solve your issue.

Why does this online level have a difficulty that does not match the stars?
Sometimes the developer rates levels in a way that people might not be used to seeing, these are generally mistakes that should be solved in a while. If you are being shown a picture, it is possible it's altered to make it look like it's misrated.

Why am I not in the level leaderboard?
Player's scores are not automatically uploaded to the level leaderboard. Instead, only the players that submit their scores are displayed. You can submit your score by simply opening the level leaderboard, although it is inconsistent at times and might only display you locally. Leaderboard banned players will not be displayed on the global level leaderboard.
For the hardest levels, the leaderboard works on an approval system instead, where only players who are deemed legitimate by the leaderboard moderators are shown.

Do I win stars if I complete a level before it gets rated? Do I lose stars if I complete a level that gets unrated?
Yes, but your stats won't be updated in the same second. It will update if you refresh the level, or if you reload your data from the cloud, as this causes the game to look through the list of your completed levels and add stars for those who are rated.

Why is there no Daily/Weekly?
RobTop is yet to select a level for either of those.

Sometimes I move through a moving platform and I get aggressively launched to the top. What can I do?
Change the physics by manipulating the frames. This is a physics miscalculation; Changing your V-sync settings could help. If you have this enabled turn it off, do the opposite if the case is different. Manipulating your frames via hacks might also help, as different frame rates alter the physics, therefore changing the possibility of this issue occuring.
In this channel you will find answers to popular questions regarding Moderators in Geometry Dash. Further FAQs may be added in the future.

What is a Moderator?
A Moderator is identifiable through the Mod badge in Geometry Dash. This role can be granted only by RobTop himself, meaning that Moderators represent him, as well as Geometry Dash directly. Moderators are tasked with sending good levels to RobTop and positively representing the game and community. Moderators also have more power when voting for Demon difficulty.

What is an Elder Moderator?
An Elder Moderator is identifiable through the Elder Mod badge in Geometry Dash. Elders are tasked not only with sending good levels, but also moderating the in-game comment sections, whitelisting users on Newgrounds as well as some other tasks.

Who are the current Elders?
You can see all in-game Moderators, including Elders on the top, in this Google Sheet: Link[]
This list may be not actual in this moment.

What is a Leaderboard Moderator?
Leaderboard Moderators manage leaderboards within the game. They manage the Top 1000 whitelist and can ban players from both global and level-specific leaderboards. There is currently no indication for this role within the game, but this will be added in the future. It's worth noting that they are not necessarily a normal Moderator too, and the list is found below. If you need any support regarding these topics, you should join the discord-server[] dedicated to leaderboards.

Who are the current Leaderboard Moderators?
Without counting RobTop, there are currently 9 Leaderboard Moderators:
Ashkar, AutoNick, Bertifys, Cool, mbed, Pepper360, Polyatomic, ViPriN, YourLocalGoat and Zipi
This list may be not actual in this moment.

Are Moderators paid?
Moderators, Elder Moderators and Leaderboard Moderators are not paid, their positions are entirely voluntary. Moderators are not allowed to accept payment for sending levels.

Why do some Elders lurk and never talk?
Due to the badge and green text, commenting may result in all attention immediately being drawn to us instead of the current topic. This can be problematic at times, as we prefer not to disrupt the chat unless we must, so we often lurk as a result.

How can I contact a GD Moderator?
This is different for every GD Moderator. Most Moderators nowadays are active on Discord and are to be found in here in the GD Server. Not all Moderators like to take level requests via DM, so try to figure out whether they have a server or a form if you are contacting them for this reason. Most Moderators also check their in-game messages occasionally. Remember to stay respectful!

What is the "Modchat"?
The "Modchat" is a strictly private Discord server for the Moderators of Geometry Dash. It allows for a safe environment to discuss topics that concern Moderators.

Why are Moderators not allowed to leak Modchat contents?
The purpose of Modchat is to be a safe environment for discussing various Moderator-related topics, many of which simply do not concern the public.

What standards do Moderators have when sending levels?
While every Moderator is trusted with their own standards when sending levels, certain factors need to be considered by all moderators. These factors include but are not limited to: stolen designs or levels, the song being available, the level's length (in most cases, at least "Long" length is preferred), the name or the contents of the level being appropriate and more.

Do Moderators have contact to RobTop?
Yes, Moderators are able to contact RobTop. If some kind of issue arises, RobTop can be informed via a Moderator.

Can Elder Moderators rate levels?
No, the only person who can rate levels is RobTop.

Do Elder Moderators sends have more impact than regular Moderator sends?
The importance of a send remains the same for any Moderator. Both regular Moderators and Elder Moderators have the same weight on sends.

What does the "Req" button do inside the settings?
The "Req" button (a.k.a Request Button) is used by new Moderators to enable sending levels to RobTop.

Are Demon rates handled differently from other levels?
Yes, they are. More details can be found here[].

How does one become a Moderator?
The only way to become a Moderator is through being promoted by RobTop himself. If you contribute to the community of Geometry Dash in positive ways, your contributions may be noticed by Moderators or Elder Moderators, and may be forwarded to RobTop. Beyond that, there aren't any clear steps to getting it. However, this is generally what we look for in Moderator candidates:
  • Be nice. If you’re known to be toxic you probably won’t get it.
  • Be active in the community. If you’re hardly present in the community you probably won’t get it.
  • Be trustworthy. If you don’t have any connections within the Moderator team, we can’t confirm if you can be trusted. One thing is important information that could be leaked, but if no one can vouch for you being trustworthy, how can we know you won’t just send a ton of bad levels or use your Moderator position to hate on creators? You’re a representative of RobTop as a Moderator.
  • Be able to judge levels well. We need to be able to confirm that you can differentiate a good level from a bad level.

If you have some minor issues here and there or didn’t meet any of these requirements in the past, you can still get Moderator. No one’s "blacklisted". These are just some general guidelines to give you an idea of how you should act to be a potential candidate. Recently, we have also added a form[] where you can show your interest. You can still get Moderator without ever using this form, and you certainly need to do a lot more than just applying. Writing a good application is just another way of being considered.
This channel answers many popular questions regarding the Newgrounds whitelist. If your question is not answered or require further assistance, please send a message to Elder mod. Please note that more questions may be answered here in the future.


What is whitelisting?
In order for Newgrounds artists to have their songs usable in Geometry Dash, they have to be first scouted on Newgrounds and then whitelisted by an Elder or RobTop. This system was put into place to prevent uploads of stolen songs on Newgrounds.

How can I be scouted?
Elder Moderators cannot scout, we can only whitelist users. In order to be scouted, you need another artist to do so for you. You can find more about scouting here[].

Who can whitelist artists?
Artists can be whitelisted by an Elder Moderator or RobTop.

Who can be whitelisted, who can't?
In general, all artists who have at least one song, which is their own original work, can be whitelisted. An artist will not be whitelisted, if his songs are stolen or NSFW.

How can I suggest people to be whitelisted?
You can suggest people or apply for yourself by DMing an Elder Moderator or Moderator. Only Elder Moderators can whitelist users, but regular Moderators can show you to an Elder Moderator.
Please note that being scouted is a requirement for whitelist.

Can artists be removed from the whitelist?
Artists can be removed from the whitelist if they are caught uploading stolen songs or if they break Newgrounds ToS. For questions about Newgrounds TOS, please read Terms of Use[] and Content Submission[].

Does changing your Newgrounds name get you removed from the whitelist?
Changing your name on Newgrounds does effectively remove you from the whitelist, requiring you to get whitelisted anew.

Why can't i download songs?
The website could be banned in your country. You can confirm this if you cannot access the website; in this case there is nothing you can do, other than bypass the block which we do not endorse because depending on where you live it could potentially be illegal, you will have to get used to downloading songs from the internet and manually replace them. It is also possible that you are banned from the website, in that case get in contact with the website's moderators as we cannot do anything to help you. If it is specific songs you cannot download, they could be either blocked for in-game usage (happens when the artist is not whitelisted, or when the artist disables its usage) or it could have been removed from the website due to copyright issues.

What is a NONG and how do I get it?
A "Not on Newgrounds Song" a song that is not available for download in-game, and is instead downloaded primarily through using an online YouTube to .mp3 converter, and then set as a replacement of a song that is available for use in-game. Replacing a song can be done by renaming the audio file to a Newgrounds song ID. The audio file must be on the chosen download location folder for in-game custom songs:

On Windows, this folder is located in "...\Appdata\Local\GeometryDash", which can be reached by pressing the Windows key + R, and then running the "%LocalAppData%" command.
However, if you have "Change Custom Songs Location" enabled, the audio files can be found in the "resources" folder, able to be reached by right-clicking Geometry Dash on Steam, then entering the "Properties" section where you can find the folder under "Browse Local Files.”

On Mac, you can find this folder by going to Finder, in the taskbar click "Go", to which you can access the "Library" section. If you don't have this option, hold the "Options" key while hovering over the "Go" menu. Once you're in this folder, go to *Application Support" to then access the Geometry Dash folder.

On Android, you cannot access the local folder due to security limitations, however there are tools downladable on the internet that can implement NONGs for you.
On iOS, you can't apply NONGs at all, given the boundaries Apple sets to prevent mishandlement of important files.

If the NONG you applied doesn't have any sound in-game, check if the file is .mp3, as this is the format the game uses to read songs. Else, try using a different YouTube to .mp3 converter, or change the sample rate of the song to 44.1k using tools.
If you are building a level using a NONG, be aware that your chances of having your level rated are lower, and that every player must apply the NONG individually for your level.

Why is my game sound not working?
It's possible that the game files are damaged. In this event, try reinstalling the game. Check the volume mixer, too, as you might have the audio for Geometry Dash muted. If it's only Newgrounds songs not playing, go to the in-game settings and click "Change custom songs location". On mobile, the audio is muted sometimes when you close the game using the "Home" button. In that instance, simply restart the game. On iOS, you might have to enable the ringtone switch on your phone.

My game is desynced with the song. What do i do?
The common cause of this is because of having enabled Smooth fix without noticing it. This is enabled by default on mobile devices. What this does is to slow down the game when it detects lag. If your game is slowed down the music should resync when you pause and resume. You can also increase the music offset on the setting found at the last page in "options".

I can't insert 7 digits custom songs in-game. What can i do?
There is not much you can do, but in Android using the floating keyboard feature on Google's keyboard solves the issue. This only happens on mobile devices, the game hasn't been updated for a while on this platform and newgrounds recently reached it's 1000000th song. However you still can download these songs from online levels or your own local levels. It's confirmed to be solved on 2.2.

I moved my music sliders off screen. How do i solve it?
Minimize the window to find the slider on the very right or left, depending on where you moved it. Alternatively, save your data to the cloud, then do a clean reinstall of the game to remove all local data. This will undo all of your settings which should solve your issue.
In this channel you will find answers to popular questions that are not present in the other channels.. Further FAQs will be added in the future.


Who adds questions to this guide?
Staff members on Geometry Dash Server[http//htttps]! If you feel like one should be added, consider sending one of staff a message in Discord.

Why can't I open Geometry Dash?
  1. On Windows, a common cause is the save files being corrupted. In this state, the game cannot read your local data, therefore it refuses to open. There are tools online that can fix your save files, but you also have the choice to remove the data from the local folder. To get into this folder, press the Windows key and "R" at the same time, then execute the command %LocalAppData%. Here, you can find the game's local folder which contains your .dat files. These store your data. Move them out of the folder to let the game open. Avoid erasing them, just in case this doesn't solve your issue.

  2. On iOS, iPhones and iPads that have been updated to iOS 15 and use the A11 Bionic chip (or older) will not be able to run the full game. Robtop confirmed this will be solved with the release of 2.2.

  3. Some files might be damaged, which can be solved by uninstalling the game and then reinstalling using Steam, App Store or Google Play respectively. Note that reinstalling the game on mobile devices will result in data loss.

  4. Restart the device, as this could solve your issue. This can also solve Steam-sided issues, as sometimes Steam is the cause of the game not opening on PCs.

  5. On Windows, you can try changing the compatibility settings. On Steam, right-click the game logo, then go to "Properties", then "Local Files" and open "Browse Local Files". Once you're on the file explorer, right-click "GeometryDash.exe" and go to "Properties", then enter the "Compatibility" section. Enable "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select one of the following:
    Windows 7, Windows 95 or Windows Vista. Once you're done, select "Apply" and then "Ok". You can try to run the game again using Steam. If this doesn't help, set the game back on "Windows 8" as that is the default setting.

  6. Outdated systems or drivers can cause issues with the game. On Windows, you can update your system by going into the "Update and Security" section in settings. On Mobile, this varies per device, but you can generally find it in its own "System Update" section inside settings. However, on the case of iOS devices, newer updates could cause issues in the game.

  7. Hacks and modifications can cause issues if they're mishandled or installed incorrectly. If you have these, you must ask the developers for assistance, otherwise you can uninstall them altogether.

  8. On Windows, reinstalling the C++ Redistributables can solve some incompatibility issues the game may have, you can find a link for them here:

  9. On Windows, reinstalling Generic PnP monitor or reinstalling the video drivers can solve the issues on some devices. Open the Device Manager application, then expand the "Monitors" section. If you see "Generic PnP" monitor, right-click on it and select "Uninstall driver." Video drivers can be found on the "Display adapters" section. Uninstall them by following the above-mentioned process. I've they're uninstalled, refresh the hardware changes by clicking on "Action", then clicking on "Scan Hardware Changes". This should reinstall the missing drivers. Restart the computer and try reopening the game again.

There is a line dividing my screen in two. What do I do?
This is known as screen tearing. This happens when the monitor's refresh rate is unsynced with the frame rate. Normally, enabling Vsync is enough to solve this. Go to Settings > graphics > advanced and enable Vsync. Sometimes this doesn't helps, the second option would be to enable Vsync on your graphics card control panel. We can't guide you on this unfortunately, seeing how different models have different ways and paths to do it. The third option would be to use hacks to manipulate the fps in order to sync them with the monitor. Cheap monitors might cause screen tearing regardless.

When i exit the quests / daily tab, my screen turns black and the game crashes. How do I fix it?
On steam, enable the fps counter found at the settings, inside the "In-Game" section, this solves the issue completely for some reason. You can also keep the game from crashing by spamming the "esc" key of your keyboard as soon as the screen turns black. If you did this right you should be redirected to the main menu, preventing a crash. AMD components seem to play a role on the cause of this.

When is 2.2 coming out?
Nobody knows, not even RobTop himself. There aren't estimated dates, don't trust sources other than RobTop himself when it comes to release information.

I have installed a hack or in-game mod and it isn't working, why?
Unfortunately, the people of this server likely do not know the reasoning for your issue. These types of questions are best directed towards the developer of the hack you are trying to use or through the developer's support server, if they have one. Some users may try to answer your question, but asking these questions here is generally discouraged as they are not related to the main game.

Why my Mouse Cursor isn't showing up in-game?
We are addressing to the whole game, if you want to enable the cursor in-level, go to:
Menu options > Options > Show cursor in-game
The game might take a while to load the level when you press the play button too fast, this will cause a bug where you can't see your mouse cursor anymore, however exiting to the game's main menu using ESC will potentially show it back.

Why is the game taking so long to close when I do Alt + Tab? Why is the game crashing when I do Alt + Tab?
Try erasing some editor levels. When you Alt + Tab, the game saves the data locally, and if it has too much to save then it will take long to switch windows, for some people it might even crash. There are tools that might help with the issue in the internet.

Why is my rotating trigger not working?
Save and play, or save and exit. The rotate trigger doesnt work until you finally reopen the editor, this is due to an unfixable bug.

If I delete my game, will my data be erased too?
  • In PC, if you delete your game, it only deletes the base data game but not the save file folder so your data and songs will stay intact.

I need to report X thing. How do I do it?
Depending on what needs to be reported there are different people to contact. If there is a member of the community spreading hate by using the in-game commenting system please contact an Elder Moderator as they have the ability to comment ban users. For reporting a user that has hacked statistics please report to a leaderboard moderator or report within the GD Leaderboards server. To report a level please contact an Elder Moderator as they have the ability to delete unrated levels. For reporting an account as a whole for multiple issues contact any moderator and they will pass the information onto Robtop if required.
How do I fix a runtime error?
Crashes can occur due to many factors, and many of them are due to incompatibility. Another common cause is save files being too big for the game to save locally, which causes crashes upon exiting the game. Delete saved levels and editor levels you don't need to free up space. Additionally, your device may not be able to run levels with a lot of objects. It can crash both upon loading the level to play or when exiting a copy of it in the editor. Some tools can reduce the chances of a crash, such as the "4 GB Patch", which can be downloaded online.

How do I backup my data files?
On Windows, press the Windows key and "R" button simultaneously. On the text box that appears, type "%localappdata%". This will open the File Explorer. From there, go to the "Geometry Dash" folder where you will find all your downloaded songs and your ".dat" files. The latter are your data files. On Mac, open Finder. Select "Go" from the task bar and then select "Library". It's normally hidden, but you can make it appear by holding the Options key. Once you open the Library section, go to Application support, then "geometrydash". There, you will find all your downloaded songs and ".dat" files. On android, you can't enter the appdata folder of the game without root, however hacks and tools online can let you backup your .dat files and implement NONG songs. On iOS it's not possible to enter the data folder of the game without jailbreak. Jailbreaking an iOS device and rooting an android device can cause many issues such as the loss of warranty. It's not advised to do so.

I can't get rid of my texture pack on Steam
If reinstalling didn't work, you can download the files in the following Google Drive link[] for you to replace the edited Resources folder with this one that is untouched. Another alternative is to change the texture quality as texture packs are generally created for one or two texture qualities.

I have input delay, how do I solve it?
The most common cause of this issue on PCs is V-sync. Input delay comes naturally with V-sync, so you'll have to disable it. Although some settings and other stuff could help you reduce it, refer to another question answered on this channel regarding lag issues. On mobile, it's much harder to solve input delay, as on mobile there is almost nothing you can do. Android 10 devices or higher will always display a warning message explaining potential issues like this one.

How do I fix lag? How do i fix FPS inconsistencies?
If the lag has occurred suddenly, try reinstalling the game as your files might be damaged. Reinstalling your display drivers could also help with your issue; Open device managers, then go to the "device manager" section. Open your display adapters drivers, select them and right click, then click delete. Close the device manager application and then restart your computer, that should reinstall them. The lag may also be occurring from GD using a lot of space, to clear some space try removing saved songs and downloaded levels (editor levels included). If the lag has always been present, try adjusting some in-game options such as; turning on "Smooth fix", turning off "Vertical sync", enabling "Load songs to memory", enabling "Low detail" and lowering the texture quality. There are some external options as well such as going to task manager, then going to "details", then set GeometryDash.exe as "high priority". Experimenting with the compatibility settings can help, but in some cases it might be worse, but you can still give it a try, Right click on the game's icon in steam, then go to "properties", then "browse local files". There, right click on Geometrydash.exe, go to "properties" the enter the compatibility settings. Enable "run this program in Compatibility mode for:" and go applying different systems to see if there is any that works better. On laptops, having the device not plugged in forces the system to reduce performance, which directly affects the game. Also ensure that your system and it's drivers are up to date. In general lag issues are hard to solve, given that there are many factors that could cause lag which many of them are not things you can fix unfortunately.

How do I get 2.2 beta/will there be a 2.2 beta?
There is no 2.2 beta, nor will there ever be. Playable content you see on the social media are either fan mades, or customised clients; sometimes 2.2 code can be found on GD spin-offs, Which allows experimented people on coding to translate it to a modded, non official client.

How do I get the discord rich presence for the game?
The detailed discord rich presence is a modification for the game, which can be found and downloaded online, either as a stand alone script or as a collection of cheats. The default rich prescence can't show more than the time inverted into the game.

How do I transfer icons from one game to another?
For the time being, you can't transfer spin-offs GD icons to the base game, although it's confirmed it'll be a thing on the next update.

I have a suggestion for the game, how would i go about that?
There is not a specific place to suggest changes or additions to the game. But sometimes, RobTop is seen taking them from people when they suggest while he's in chat, although it's a very rare case and he wants to avoid adding more content to not delay the update.

How do I link a console controller to the game?
On Windows and Mac, linking a controller through wireless connection to the PC is all that is needed, the game will recognize the controller upon reopening the game. Note that not all controllers are compatible with PCs and Android.

Why does Steam claim the game won't work on Mac?
Steam falsely displays a warning on the Mac version of GD, since the newer Mac systems can't run 32bit applications. However, the Mac version of the game is coded in 64bits, but since the Windows version uses 32bits, Steam assumes there will be issues with this version too. If your game cannot open, the cause must be something else. Refer to the first question answered in this channel.

Why does the keys (W A S D) in the editor not work?
You might have an extension added to the game that changes how the keys work in the editor. Check in the tools if you changed, or disabled the hotkeys. There is also the possibility that if you have a different keyboard layout you might be using the wrong keys. It could also be given the scenario where your game files are damaged, which can be solved by reinstalling the game.

Mind explaining the date image found in RobTop's servers? Is it the release date of 2.2?
No. The release date shown in the image is the date on which Boomlings was officially released for the App store, and is not related to 2.2 in any way. The reason the image shows a relatively recent creation date is simply because RobTop moved it from one server to another, as it was stored somewhere else at some point. You can see the image being used in the following trailer:

Additional and used information on the topic of this guide:

-Recourse Description-

The main web-page for managing your account.
Account Management: Register[]
The web-page for registering a new account in game.
Web-page for changing the password of an existing account. This page will help you if you lose your password
Web-page for changing the nickname of an existing account.
Page for re-sending a letter to activate the registered account in the game.
Account Management: Email[]
Web-page for fix invalid e-mail.

Geometry Dash Wiki | Fandom[]
Resource for information about the Geometry Dash series and is maintained by the contributions of fans.
Geometry Dash Assistance[]
Unofficial page that has been created to gather essential information about Geometry Dash to assist you in selected topics.
Official Geometry Dash Server in Discord.

Suggest your useful resources on the topic of this guide in the comments!