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Space Engineers

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Storm Ghost Guide
By Survival Ready
User's manual for controlling the assault corvette "Storm Ghost" with its own Artificial Intelligence. Description of the modes of flight, combat and the use of guided missiles.
Assault Corvette Storm Ghost is designed for solo or cooperative play against NPC that can be installed in your Star System using PVE mods. The name of the corvette reflects the fact that it can automatically turn off its own radio signals if the character takes the pilot's seat or cockpit. This makes it difficult to detect by some NPC that are aimed at the antenna or beacon.
The Artificial Intelligence of the ship is represented by several Automatons AI blocks, event controllers, timers and sensors that provide target designation, parking to the base, printing and missile guidance, and also allow you to automatically engage in battle when an enemy is detected. General control of behavior in various situations is provided by two EasyPlay programm blocks that automate most of the game actions in space and atmosphere conditions. Gravity flights are controlled by the Grand Cruise script, and the Autokit Assembler script is responsible for production.
All the modules listed above interact with each other, provide a comfortable game and minimize the routine actions associated with managing the ship. This manual will describe the features of the ship's behavior in various game situations and the features of using control modes through the interactive menu and control buttons on the digital panels of the pilot's seat.

P.S. this ship was built and programmed over a total of two months, immediately after the release of the Automaton update. The automation scenario contains more than 1000 lines of code, and all scripts used have been updated more than once and supplemented with useful functionality. The result is a ship that I wanted to have when I first started playing Space Engineers 3 years ago and finally got my wish after 8400 hours online.

Automaton upgrade really provided a new level of play, for which I would like to express my gratitude to the developers, despite some problems in the implementation of new modules. Along the way, I will describe some of them and perhaps this will help you in developing your own automated ships until the problems are resolved.
Ship control menu
The control menu is displayed on the central screen of the pilot's seat and is duplicated on the lower screen of the cockpit. The menu is always active, and its control is provided by the first three buttons of the digital panel #3, where: #1 - selection in the menu; #2 - move pointer up; #3 - move pointer down.

After selecting the desired item, the ":" (colon) symbol changes to the "=" (equal) symbol, and the #2 and #3 buttons cycle through the desired setting. After selecting the desired value, press #1 again to fix it and return to the main menu. This algorithm allows you to quickly switch between different settings during the battle and immediately see all the settings of the ship on one screen.

Below is a brief reference to all menu items, some of them will be discussed in more detail in other sections of the manual:

Option menu
Assault mode
Controls the behavior of the ship depending on the presence of a target within a radius of 2500 m:

Manual — the main ship control mode, when an enemy is detected, the ship interrupts automatic actions related to the flight and waits for the player's reaction
Auto — automatic control mode, when an enemy is detected, the ship enters the battle and leads it until the player WASD-intervention* or the target is destroyed
Offline — disables all automation associated with the target, except for the light indication and continues to perform flight tasks until the player WASD-intervention*
Combat type
Determines the settings for artillery (ART) and assault turrets (AST) for different types of enemies, as well as the type of attacked systems:

Distant — ART of the power system of large grid ships; AST weapons for any ships
Meele — ART power systems for any ships; AST weapons for any ships
Static — ART weapons of static bases; AST weapons of any ships and static bases
Off — disables all turrets so that you can fly to the target to capture without damage
Missile type
Specifies the rocket type that will be printed on the next printer:

Strike Missile — strike missile with 2 warheads
Cannon Drone — drone with 3 autocannons
Cassete Torpedo — missile with 3 detachable warheads
Ion Decoy — drone with 2 decoys
Missile aim
Specifies the type of target the missile will aim at if there are multiple targets:

Blueprint — as set in the blueprint
Closest — closest target regardless of size
Largest — the maximum size target for attacking ships covered by drones
Smillest — the minimum size target for escort drones to attack
Ship status
Displays reports on the status of the ship on the LCD screen of the deckhouse:

Damages — ship damage report based on ship projector blueprint analysis
Weapons — report on the status of weapons and ammunition
Stock — ore ingots report, ice, uranium and ammunition of various types
Jump (km)
Allows you to set the range for short jumps up to 10 km in 1 km steps to intercept the target
Flight control
Flight modes in gravity and space:

Stop — stop flying in gravity
Landing — landing in gravity
Take off 50 m — take off 50 m in gravity
Flat fly — stabilized flight in gravity
Fly to orbit — take off into a low orbit beyond gravity
Fly to home — automatic parking to the base in space and gravity
CIC guide
Help for digital keypad control, telemetry, and linking to a parking base

* WASD-intervention[] — pressing the ship control keys by the player
Digital control keys
Here are the keys for the digital control of the pilot's seat and cockpit, marked with the icon "program block" with the name of the block and the argument that is used to activate one or another automation. Brief help on the digital control keys is available in the ship control menu.

Digital pad #1
Key #1 — flight control in a straight line. PB EasyPlay(flat_fly)

Behavior depends on where the ship is. If there is natural gravity, then at zero speed the ship freezes in place in the stabilization mode with gyroscopes, which prevent the ship from falling on its tail due to a displaced center of gravity. If the speed is more than 1 m/s, then the ship enters the plane stabilized flight mode at a speed of 50 m/s with control of the minimum height and avoidance of collision with an obstacle. In space, pressing leads to acceleration to 99 m / s at any initial speed of the ship with the dampers turned off. Collision control is not performed. Pressing again cancels all actions related to automatic flight.

In gravity, flat flight is well suited for exploration of ore deposits, and in space it allows you to quickly pick up speed to intercept enemy ships. If something suddenly goes wrong and you risk losing the ship, then simply press this key to take control and stabilize the ship.

Key # 2 — reverse (retro) turn 180 degrees. PB EasyPlay(retro)

Performs a 180-degree turn using gyroscope control interception. It is used in close combat on a collision course and allows you to quickly extinguish the speed with a turn towards the enemy. In the presence of gravity, it additionally aligns the ship along it. You can also use this mode if you think you might be hitting an obstacle.

Key #7 — scan target. PB EasyPlay(scan)

The first press scans the target, determining the distance to it in meters. The scan result is displayed in the CIC-log. Pressing again initiates flight to the target if the deviation from the initial scan point exceeds 30 m. In gravity, the flight is performed using the autopilot, and in space — inertial flight with disengaged dampers. Obstacle collision control. The speed depends on the settings of the Grand Cruse script and the EasyPlay script.

Scanning is well suited for asteroid exploration of ore deposits in space and determining the distance to an enemy ship in order to establish a jump range to intercept a target. In gravity, flying on autopilot is well suited for diving down on a target in gravity alignment mode.

Key #9 — switching control mode Manual / Auto. PB EasyPlay(assault_switch)

Used to quickly switch the ship to automatic mode and back without using the control menu. In Auto mode, the ship turns into a drone that will attack any enemy within a 2500m radius. You can use this if you need to temporarily leave the ship, since in a static position it is vulnerable to drone attacks and missile defense may not be enough to avoid damage . By default, the "Stay at range" mode is set at a distance of 900-1100 m. This is enough for the ship not to fly away from you while pursuing the target. Other settings you can test yourself.

Digital pad #2
Key #3 — launch a guided missile. PB EasyPlay(missile_launch)

The launch is carried out in any conditions: in space, to exit the rocket from the shaft, a short-term blocking of the maneuvering control is performed by turning off the absorbers, and in gravity — by intercepting the control of the gyroscopes. Therefore, missile launches can be carried out in motion without the risk of undermining the missile inside the ship or in the guide shaft. It is still recommended to avoid sharp maneuvering at the time of launch so that the missile does not stray off course towards the target.

To aim at a target, simply turn the bow of the ship in its direction so that the missiles can hit a sphere with a diameter of 5 km and activate AI Offensive to automatically capture the target. The choice of the type of rocket, as well as the type of target, is carried out through the control menu and will be available for the next print session.

Key #7 — scan target. PB EasyPlay(scan)

Same as digital pad #1

Digital pad #3
Key #1 — selection in the control menu. PB EasyPlay(menu)

Key #2 — move the menu pointer down. PB EasyPlay(menu_down)

Key #3 — move the menu pointer up. PB EasyPlay(menu_up)

Key #5 — landing in gravity. PB Cruise(landing)

Key #6 — takeoff 50 m in gravity. PB Cruise(escape 50)

Key #7 — autopark to the current base. PB EasyPlay(fly_home)

It is executed from any point in space if the binding to the base has been performed. A message about the beginning of the parking with the indication of the distance to the base is displayed in the CIC-log — make sure that you fly to the correct base and at a reasonable distance, as parking is performed on autopilot and consumes quite a lot of hydrogen.

Key #9 — recording anchor points to the base. PB EasyPlay(record_path)

It is used in the process of binding the ship to the next base. The result is displayed in the CIC-log. A brief reference on the binding procedure is available through the control menu in the CIC guide option. See the relevant section for more details.

Digital pad #4
Key #9 — start/stop the production of components. PB EasyPlay(autokit)
Ship logging telemetry
Deckhouse telemetry includes 7 screens, most of which are visible from the pilot's seat without changing the tilt.

1. Log Command Information Center (CIC) here displays information about significant events and prompts for the necessary actions. The log is automatically displayed on the LCD screen each time a character takes the pilot's seat. Information scrolls from top to bottom. The log is automatically cleared when its length exceeds 50 lines and a new record is started. You can view the data that did not fit on the screen in the Custom Data field of the LCD panel.

2. Express ship status is displayed on the top right screen. If the damage to the ship is more than 10%, then the information is displayed in red. The following abbreviations are used here:
  • 1st - AI Mode, displays the type of AI block that controls the behavior of the ship at the moment
  • SD - Ship Damage, total % damages, if the ship blueprint is loaded into the projector and active
  • JD - Jump Distance, current jump distance or GPS if coordinates from the GPS list are selected
  • Wl - Welders status, working welders / total welders
  • O2 - Oxygen supply, if below 25% then O2/H2 Generators are turned on
  • UR - Uranium in reactors
3. The production process of Autokit Assembler script components. If the stock is full, Stuff is displayed. If there are not enough ingots for production, then the information is displayed in red.

4. The status of the print and the readiness of the missile launch. The first line displays the prefix of the selected missile (see the "Guided Missiles" section), and the second line displays the status of the print and launch process: Print, Refuel (for hydrogen rockets), Ready, Launch. If the printer or one of the launch shaft blocks is damaged, then the information is displayed in red, and the missile launch is blocked until the damage is repaired. You can see the composition of the blocks that affect the status of the printer in the Terminal in the "Status Printer" group and change them if necessary.

5. Timer. Red light means that there is damage to the blocks that make up the AI of the ship. You can see the composition of these blocks in the Terminal in the "Status CIC" group; you should not change them unless necessary.

6. Telemetry Grand Cruise script, active in the gravity

7. Target tracking and telemetry of parking to the base

Telemetry displayed on 2-5 LCD screens is duplicated in the cockpit:

Light and sound indication
When an enemy is detected within a radius of 2500 meters from the ship, a light and sound alert is triggered. The alarm bazer is activated only once for 3 seconds at the moment the target is detected. The light inside the ship's deckhouse switches to red and remains so as long as at least one enemy target is within 2500 m. The exterior lighting also turns red and this can be seen when controlling the ship in third person. Target change is not indicated in any way, but may be displayed in the CIC log.

Indication of the presence of a target in the cockpit is carried out by switching the battery charge indicator from green to yellow (see cockpit picture above). Additionally, the sound is accompanied by the end of the printing of the rocket — the message "Objective completed" is broadcast through the speaker. An audible alert is heard throughout the ship.

The light indication of the presence of the target remains even if the AI ​​is turned off.
Ship custom settings
The ship is already set up for the game, but you can change some settings related to the AI of the ship. They are located in the [setup] section of the CustomData field of the pilot's seat:

brake — stopping distance in space during acceleration up to 100 m/s, used for lidar flights
damage — the total percentage of damage to the ship, above which it will not autobattle
sspeed — maximum speed in space, valid value must be 1 less than the limit
gspeed — maximum speed in gravity, valid value must be 1 less than the limit
beacon — range of the beacon in meters, the beacon turns on when you leave the ship
pguard — automatic protection during parking (see "Storm Ghost AI" section)

You can change the rest of the settings in the scripts themselves indicated in the "Introduction" section, their description is published in the workshop.

The CustomData field below contains batch settings for controlling automatic turrets and tips for controlling the ship through digital panels, which are available in the last item of the control menu.
Guided missiles
One of the main advantages of the ship is the ability to attack the enemy outside the range of any weapon. This is provided by several types of guided missiles, which are printed right on the ship in a closed shaft, and their type and target designation can be changed right during the battle. This greatly expands Storm Ghost tactics and makes him useful even in PvP.

All of the missiles shown use only vanilla Automatons blocks and have no radio signal to locate them. You can also design any missiles, including gravity ones, as long as they are no larger than 14x3x3 small grid blocks and the mount is suitable for a ship-mounted printer.

Strike Missile
Main attack missile. The minimum size and maximum speed make it a very difficult target even for a rich anti-missile defense equipped with custom turrets. It can be used to destroy any targets, including high-speed maneuverable small grid drones. The nose hemisphere of heavy armor increases the survivability of the missile due to the ricochet of light missile defense turret rounds.

Prefix: HM
PCU: 693
Blocks: 49
Weight: 4946 kg
Blocksize: 7x2x2

H2 Tanks: 1 small
Thruster: 5 axis
Warhead: 2

Race 100 m/s: 3.5 sec
Pattern: Intercept
Attack: Power Systems
Target: Closest
Applied: Anywhere


Cassete Torpedo
A rocket with a separable warhead. When approaching the target at a distance of 270 m, the torpedo spins along its axis and releases warheads, which detonate after 2 seconds on the target's armor, which significantly increases the radius of destruction. In the event of a miss, the torpedo upper stage returns to the target and rams it, causing the hydrogen tanks to explode. Cassette gyroscopes increase kinetic impact damage and protect warheads during approach to the target.

Prefix: HS
PCU: 1826
Blocks: 78
Weight: 8097 kg
Blocksize: 9x3x2

H2 Tanks: 2 small
Thruster: 5 axis
Cassete: 3x1 warhead

Race 100 m/s: 4 sec
Pattern: Intercept
Attack: Power Systems
Target: Largest
Applied: Anywhere


Assault drone
Drone with thrusters on all axes and 3 autocannons. 3 hydrogen tanks provide long-term maneuvering around the target, knocking out enemy weapons. Effective against low speed targets and static fortifications, especially in the atmosphere. When the ammunition is depleted, it can be used as a bait, distracting enemy turrets.

Prefix: HC
PCU: 1030
Blocks: 72
Weight: 6819 kg

Blocksize: 10x3x2
H2 Tanks: 3 small
Thruster: 6 axis
Autocannon: 3

Race 100 m/s: 4.5 sec
Pattern: Orbit/Cycle
Attack: Weapon Systems
Target: Largest
Orbit: 720 m
Fly-by: 45 m/s
Applied: Anywhere

Hint: since after printing the drone is attached to the ship through the merge block and is part of it, you can control its forward weapons directly from the pilot's seat, enhancing frontal fire with its autocannons. Remember to only open the door that covers the printer.

Decoy drone
Drone with ion thrusters on all axes and 2 decoys. Its small size, 5 batteries, and high orbital speed allow it to distract automatic missile defense turrets for long periods of time. Drone significantly increases the chances of attack missiles and torpedoes to break through to the target.

Prefix: ID
PCU: 592
Blocks: 48
Weight: 3364 kg
Blocksize: 7x2x2

Battery: 5 small
Thruster: 6 axis
Decoy: 2

Race 100 m/s: 12 sec
Pattern: Orbit/Cycle
Attack: N/A
Target: Largest
Orbit: 750 m
Fly-by: 70 m/s
Applied: Space

All missiles attack on the same principle — acceleration to 100 m/s, then the inertial phase of the flight until it is no further than 2500 m from the target. After that, the AI blocks are turned on, which control the missile according to the program specified in the blueprint.

Missiles can be launched from any distance, you just need to get into a sphere with a diameter of 5 km inside which the target is located. In close combat, the missile locks onto the target immediately.

Excessive thrust along the axes and low weight allows attack missiles to approach the target in the mode of intensive evasion from turret fire, which increases their chances of passing through enemy missile defenses while maintaining strike potential.
Combat use
A variety of missiles allows you to use different tactics of warfare. A good result in space was shown by the combined use of Ion Decoy drones and Strike Missiles that attack in the second echelon.

The Assault Drone performed well when attacking static fortifications, causing damage to the missile defense system. When the ammunition is depleted, the drone acts as a decoy for enemy turrets, because. has a large supply of hydrogen.

The Cluster Torpedo is effective against stationary and low-maneuverable targets. It is more vulnerable than the Strike Missile, however, when breaking through the defense, it is able to quickly deal a lot of damage.

Missile printer
The continuous fire Missile Printer is a modification of the AI Tiny Printer, extended to two welders, and allows you to print small grid missiles inside a ship that is 14 small blocks long, 3 wide and 3 high. After a missile is launched, the next one is printed immediately.
The design of the printer is very simple and allows you to print and install it on the ship's large grid hinge slot. The connection between the printer and the ship is made by a 3x3 small grid hinge head.

The printer has 4 projectors, battery and remote control block, antenna, hydrogen rocket fueling controller, timer and 1x1 merge block. Refueling of missiles and loading of drone ammunition is carried out through a 1x1 connector. PCU: 842, Blocks: 29

You can add your own projectors instead of armor blocks or replace the blueprints of already installed missiles. The battery will allow blueprint alignment before the printer is installed on the ship. To do this, another EasyPlay programm block with a projector alignment menu is installed on the printer.
On the Storm Ghost, the printer can be accessed from below by removing the magnetic parking plate and the heavy armor covering blocks. A gravitational generator with a 1g narrow forward field makes it possible not only to clear the path of debris when launching a rocket, but also to develop gravitational torpedoes with an artificial mass block. To do this, you can increase the field power to 3g if you replace 2 gyroscopes with 2 additional gravity generators.

This section ends the guide to managing the ship. Further chapters will be devoted to describing the gameplay and engineering tasks that were solved during development and testing. You can also learn how to connect a missile of your own production to expand the combat capabilities of Storm Ghost.
Storm Ghost AI
By artificial intelligence (AI) of a warship, I mean the ability to help the player cope with enemy attacks in various game situations, as well as the automation of routine tasks related to flight control.

Ship AI differs from drone AI in that the player is in charge of the ship and therefore any automatic action must be interrupted if the player interferes with the controls.

The Storm Ghost is just such a ship — it transfers control to you if you press one of the WASD keys[], but it can also automatically join the battle if there is a risk of damage, for example, in the process of parking to the base, when the speed of the ship is minimal and maneuverability is limited.

AI Automatons Blocks
Here and below, the block names are given as they are named in the Terminal. Check the box "show hidden blocks" to see them in the list. The following AI blocks are installed on the ship:
  1. AI Flight — flight control in combat and while parking
  2. AI Offensive — active target designation and combat pattern
  3. AI Defensive — passive target designation
  4. AI Recorder — parking to the base
Event controllers:
  1. Event Bridge — turn stealth mode on and off (Beacon On / Off)
  2. Event Print — refueling missiles with hydrogen and loading drone weapons
  3. Event Target — tracking the distance to the target

Ship Behavior
Depends on the Assult Mode setting in the ship control menu and can have three values: Manual, Auto and Offline.

Offline — The ship's AI stops interfering with the controls and will continue to perform any automatic actions related to flight control, regardless of the presence of a target. If you need to land next to an enemy base or urgently park at the base, set this mode.

Manual — the basic ship control mode, in which the ship's AI takes control only in cases where the ship is most vulnerable to enemy attacks. When a target is detected, landing on the surface of the planet in automatic mode and parking to the base in gravity and space are interrupted. All thrusters turn on and gyroscope control interception stops. The ship is put into braking mode and will wait for the player's further actions.

Auto — The ship's AI behaves the same as in Manual mode, except that when a target is detected, the ship will automatically start combat according to the settings you set for the AI Offensive block. The default pattern is "Stay at Range".

You can switch the ship to automatic mode when leaving the ship and back to manual mode when returning. To do this, press the #9 key on the #1 digital panel of the pilot's seat or cockpit.

If the ship is parked at the base or is on the surface of the planet, this behavior can be automatically initiated. To do this, you need to set the variable pguard CustomData of the pilot's seat = 1.

In this case, the ship will interrupt the hydrogen filling, undock from the connector or the surface of the planet, climb 150m up and start the battle if Assault Mode is not set to Offline. This avoids the damage that drones can inflict with forward weapons while the ship is stationary.

Target detection
The target is defined by two blocks AI Offensive located on the main grid & AI Defensive located on the subgrid of the printer. AI Defensive controls the light indication of the target, and AI Offensive controls the sound and combat in automatic mode.

This solution was chosen because AI Defensive is able to determine the target a little earlier (from about 2600 m) and regardless of how it is identified. AI Offensive is configured to detect military targets that have weapons and do not attack civilian ships.
A military target is determined by the presence of turrets, warheads and decoys, whether they are enabled or not. All targets are determined regardless of whether they have radio signal sources or not. The target is not detected if it is hidden behind an asteroid or in the folds of the planet's surface.

Location on different grids allows you to have both blocks active and at the same time they do not conflict with each other when AI Flight is turned on, which receives a flight task from the AI Offensive block located on the same grid as it.

You can see the targeting indication on the upper right screen of the pilot's seat, where the tracking status and target identification with both blocks are displayed. The line Target: 0/1 before the slash indicates the presence of a target for the AI Offensive block, and after that for the AI Defensive.

The last line on the Mode: 1/0 screen shows the AI Offensive block status update before the slash, and then the Grand Cruise script mode that controls gravity flight. Fixed an issue related to the event controller, which should perform actions on the condition "Distance to locked target"
Missile launch
Launching rockets in motion is a separate task, the solution of which depends on where the ship is located in space or in gravity, what its linear speed is, as well as the angular velocity in pitch and yaw.

Demonstration launches of designer craft vanilla rockets from a static position have nothing to do with real combat on the move. These are the situations that can occur in a real battle:

Explosion inside the ship at high angular velocity
Drone stuck in doors at high line speed

To launch a rocket in space, the ship's AI turns off the dampeners for 3 seconds so that the missile can exit the launch shaft, this time is enough for the rocket to completely leave the hull on the booster thrusters. However, if the speed of the ship at the moment is close to the maximum, then there may not be enough time, so before launching, you need to reduce the speed of the ship.

In gravity, the dumpeners cannot be turned off, otherwise the ship will begin to fall, so the launch is stabilized by intercepting the control of the gyroscopes, and the rocket thrusters are turned on before launch to compensate for the effect of gravity and ensure the rocket exits the launch door. The thrust of the rocket should be enough to keep the rocket in the air.

If the printer or the elements of the launch shaft are damaged, the missile launch is blocked until the damage is repaired. To avoid emergency situations, it is better to refrain from sudden maneuvers at the time of rocket launch.
Base parking
Parking to the base is one of the most routine tasks in the game, which you have to perform over and over again to replenish your hydrogen and ingots. After Automatons Update, this task can be solved using the AI Recorder block, but along the way, some problems arise that have to be solved taking into account the features of the implementation of AI Flight.

The figures below show the settings of the AI Flight and AI Recorder blocks for relatively stable parking

Note that the Collision Avoidance mode of the AI Flight block is disabled. This mode still does not work properly. Its activation not only does not guarantee that the ship will not collide with an obstacle, but also greatly increase the time and consumption of hydrogen during parking.

In addition, AI Flight is completely disoriented in asteroid clusters and mountains due to the fact that there are too many obstacles around and does not take into account the size of the ship when turning to GPS points. Therefore, the minimum height above the surface is set at 500 m.

AI Storm Ghost solves all these problems — the ship regulates the speed of approaching the parking points, determines the presence of an obstacle on the route and stops parking on the planet and in space if the ship is in danger of colliding with an obstacle.

Now look at the settings of the AI Recorder block. There are only two points installed: the flight point Waypoint 0 and the parking point — Waypoint 1. This is due to the gameplay in which the player has several bases on the planets and in space. To remember them all, you will need to install one AI Recorder block per base on the ship, which is not realistic.

Instead, the Storm Ghost parking track is extremely simplified to two points, which can be reset within 1-2 minutes when changing the game sector of space. Unfortunately, there is no way to set the parking route using a script, so this solution is a compromise.

Binding to base
To bind to the base, follow these steps in sequence:
  1. Select AI Recorder in Terminal
  2. Delete all waypoints (if exists)
  3. Enable AI behavior for it
  4. Hang neably to the base connector
  5. Fly away from him forward and up to a distance of about 250 meters
  6. Switch to digital pad #3 and press #9
  7. Park at the base connector manually
  8. Press #9 again at the digital pad #3
  9. Select AI Recorder in Terminal and add an event to lock the Connector Ship
  10. Fly more than 1 km from the base and test parking press #7 at the digital pad #3

You can find this help in the ship control menu. After parking, the ship automatically turns on the refueling of hydrogen tanks, so if there is no hydrogen in the base, the thrusters may go out, but don't let that bother you. To take off from the parking connector, just press the Up (Space) key and the ship will do everything automatically. You no longer need to think about the "P" key.

Other problems
Originally posted by = Goofy Engineer:
The main task of parking is not to damage the ship and the base!

1. The better the ship is balanced along the axes, the less time and H2 is required to approach the next GPS point, so when entering the Storm Ghost connector, the large hydrogen thruster will turn off.

2. The percentage of stable parking in space reaches 90%, and in gravity — 70%. In any case, the ship flies so close to the connector that it is not difficult to correct it manually. The Storm Ghost will automatically dock to the connector if it is ready to park.

3. Placing a base connector on a subgrid or in a cluster of asteroids makes it difficult to park. In the first case, the ship cannot accurately calculate the coordinates of the connector, and in the second, it is necessary to often interrupt the parking due to the presence of an obstacle along the course.

Despite all the difficulties, it is very convenient to get out of the jump to the base and by pressing one key to be next to the base connector. On the Storm Ghost, press key #7 on digital pad #3 to park.
Missile development
The most interesting task, the solution of which gives advantages to the Storm Ghost in any type of battle and in any conditions. You can develop and connect your own missiles to the ship, which can be more effective than existing ones or optimized to hit specific types of targets.

For example, atmospheric or gravity missiles, mines, artillery and energy drones for firing from a long distance, etc. You can also develop missiles controlled as before by scripts. The only design requirement is a 14x3x3 small grid size and a suitable printer mount.

In the tail section, the missile can be larger in width and height, but only within 4 tail blocks (see facing of installed missiles). In order for a missile to launch, its blueprint must be fully welded. This can be established experimentally. This section covers the development of vanilla rockets equipped with an AI Offensive block for targeting.

Blocks name
In order for a missile to be launched, the following conditions must be met for naming of the blocks:

1. After designing a new missile, it needs to be assigned a prefix, such as "HYD". If the rocket is hydrogen, then the prefix must begin with a capital "H", for example "HYD Missile"

2. The prefix must be present in all block names, for example: HYD Gyroscope, HYD Connector, etc. The name of the rocket is not important, it will still be "Small Grid XXX" after printing

3. Rocket hydrogen tanks should be named "<prefix> Tank", for example "HYD Tank" and set to stockpile mode: Stockpile = On

4. The rocket must have a timer named "<prefix> Start", for example "HYD Start", which starts the start program. The timer is activated by the EasyPlay script after printing and refilling

5. The rocket must contain an AI Offensive block with the name "<prefix> Offensive", for example "HYD Offensive"

6. All missile thrusters must start with "<prefix> Thruster" e.g. "HYD Thruster", booster thrusters must have a "Fwd" suffix, e.g. "HYD Thruster Fwd" and configured to intercept thrust
Hydrogen Strike Missile blocks, prefix HM

Missile setup
Here is the configuration of already installed missiles, your settings may differ from those setting:

1. Select the "<prefix> Combat" timer delay, depending on the required acceleration speed up to 100 m/s, but for close combat, you can try to reduce the speed, but this may cause problems when launching the rocket immediately.

2. Customize AI Offensive tactics depending on the tasks being performed, programming at the start through the control menu is possible to select the type of target Closest/Largest/Smallest

3. Create a "<prefix> Side Thruster" group, which includes all thrusters, except for boosters

4. Set the "<prefix> Start" timer to turn off the refueling mode (hydrogen rockets), start the accelerating thruster through thrust interception and start the "<prefix> Combat" timer. All thrusters in the drawing must be turned off.

5. Set the "<prefix> Combat" timer to turn on other thrusters, arm warheads, turn on traps, etc. set thrust intercept reduction for upper thrusters and activate AI Flight, AI Offensive in the blueprint can be left enabled so that by the time of welding the missile already has target designation. Close the timer to yourself through Trigger Now

6. If the missile is configured to intercept the target, then you need to remove the gravity alignment.
Setting the HM Combat timer, #5 decrease thrust override for buster Truster Fwd

Installing a rocket on a ship
This is not the easiest task. For testing a new missile, it's best to simply replace one of the existing ones, keeping its prefix in the block names.

If you want to install a missile with a new prefix instead of the existing one, then you will need:

1. rename the projector by giving it a new prefix, for example, if the projector was called "Print Projector HM", and the new rocket has the "HYD" prefix, then the new name will be "Print Projector HYD"

2. in the Custom Data settings of the PB Print block in the main variable, replace the name of the old projector with the new one, for example
* old value main = "Print Projector HM\NPrint Projector HC\N...\NExit" * new value main = "Print Projector HYD\NPrint Projector HC\N...\NExit"

3. turn off welders and other print projectors, except for the one being updated, and load a new drawing into it

4. align the drawing using the PB Print block menu so that the rocket connector becomes active, and the projection of the connector, if present in the drawing, is aligned with the printer connector to ensure hydrogen refueling and ammunition loading

5. turn on the print welders and make sure the rocket is printed completely (see the projector's print progress)

6. in the Custom Data of the Print Connector & Print Merge blocks, enter a new rocket prefix, for example "HYD"

To add a new missile, you need to install a new projector on the seal hinge and then:

1. name the new projector by analogy with the existing ones, for example "Print Projector HYD"

2. In the Custom Data settings of the PB Print block, add the name of the new projector to the main variable, for example
* old value main = "Print Projector HM\NPrint Projector HC\N...\NExit" * new value main = "Print Projector HYD\NPrint Projector HM\NPrint Projector HC\N...\NExit"

Follow steps 2-6 as when replacing a missile, after which in both cases it is necessary to restore the removed armor blocks and register the missile in the "CIC control menu" of the ship. To do this, in Custom Data PB EasyPlay, change:

1. mpfx variable containing active rocket prefixes:
* the current value of the variable mpfx="HM:HC:HD:ID" * when replacing, change the prefix mpfx="HYD:HC:HD:ID" * add when adding mpfx="HM:HC:HD:ID:HYD"

2. opt3 variable containing the name of the rocket in the menu
* the current value of the variable opt3 = "Hydrogen Missile:Hydrogen Drone:Hydrogen Decoy:Ion Decoy" * when replacing, change the prefix opt3 = "New Missile:Hydrogen Drone:Hydrogen Decoy:Ion Decoy" * add when adding opt3 = "Hydrogen Missile:Hydrogen Drone:Hydrogen Decoy:Ion Decoy:New Missile"

Vars mpfx and opt3 are related positionally, i.e. the ordinal number of the rocket prefix token in mpfx, calculated by the separator ":", must correspond to the ordinal number of the token of its name in opt3.
Ship specification
Vanilla | No Mods | Script | 6 DLC

PCU: 12344/13877 (self / with printer)
Blocks: 733/811 (self / with printer)
Net weight: 870 tn (without missile)
Curb mass: 1025 tn (with missile)
Thrust (1g): 1440 tn
Size (LWH): 60 x 37.5 x 25 m

Life support
2 Survival Kit
1 Airvent

Energy & gas
4 Small Reactors
2 Hydrogen Engine
11 Battery
3 Large hydrogen tank
2 Small hydrogen tank
1 Oxygen tank

4 Assembler
1 Basic Refinery
4 H2/O2 generator
1 Ore Detector

11 Small Container
1 Connector

1 Projector
2 Parachute hatch
15 Welder (printer & autorepair)

4 Small projector
1 Small Programm block
1 Small Event Controller
1 Small Timer
1 Remote Control
1 Control Seat
1 Cockpit
8 Gyroscope
1 Antenna (subgrid)
1 Beacon

1 AI Flight
1 AI Offensive
1 AI Defensive
1 AI Recorder
5 Programmable blocks
2 Event Controller

1 Jump Drive
1 Gravity Generator
43 Hydrogen Thruster
2 Atmospheric Thruster
6 Ion Thruster

2 Railgun
4 Artillery Cannon
4 Artillery Turret
7 Assault Turret
6 Interior turret
1 Custom Misslie Launcher

Supply ship: Industrial Miner

Design features of the ship

1. The blueprint of the ship is already installed in the projector, but turned off to save download size from the workshop. Turn it on to enable auto-repair and battle damage reporting.

2. The reactor conveyors are turned off so that they do not take uranium ingots from production. Monitor the presence of uranium in the reactors through the upper right screen of the deckhouse and cockpit telemetry.

3. Three assemblers are involved in the production, having a modification for the speed of production. Assembler 4 is used to disassemble components into ingots

4. When auto repairing, the refinery can produce a lot of iron ingots from scrap metal, which increase the mass of the ship and reduce its maneuverability, especially in the atmosphere. Keep track of this by the total mass of the ship.

5. The ship is published in the workshop in running order, i.e. loaded with ingots, ice and components.

The Industrial Miner is well suited to supply the ship. It lifts 3 large containers of a small grid and works effectively in all conditions. The connectors of both ships are compatible.

Enjoy and Play Space Engineers!