Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur Supports Women's Suffrage and Believes in... EQUALITY! | RDR2
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Mr. Firebrand 2023년 6월 23일 오후 9시 49분 
Hell Yeah!!
Miss M. Morgan 2023년 6월 23일 오전 7시 38분 
O97M/Y2K 2023년 6월 21일 오후 2시 41분 
Soooo, Arthur is the perfect modern progressive liberal?
~~ 2023년 6월 19일 오전 3시 58분 
Arthur bandies about his hollow, meaningless morality as a counterweight to his blood lust, savagery, greed, and cruel viciousness. His flimsy proclamations of moral superiority serve more to impress, dazzle, and seduce the easily impressed than provide a window into his soul. His habit of killing the problems he confronts in life lends no credence to his counterfeit progressive demeanor.