Sentience: The Android's Tale

Sentience: The Android's Tale

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"Help, where do I find..."
Von Crystallized
Struggling to find the answer to the riddle? Or perhaps pieces of evidence? Take a look at this guide!
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Hello! I decided to create a quick and fairly detailed guide on where to find specific things because I know I've personally gotten frustrated when I couldn't find something.

Please note that there are spoilers for gameplay here! I highly recommend doing a playthrough on your own, or at least attempt to do one before reading through this guide.

I hope this will be helpful to other players! I mostly picked tasks and quests that I had the most trouble with.

Also PRO TIP: Turn on dash!! It's super helpful and makes you go around so much faster. Unfortunately, I didn't discover the option to run until I nearly finished getting all the achievements for the game :')

>> Security Footage Achievement
In case you are unsure where this is, this is the place you can view the security footage at. It's inside headquarters, and you go downstairs to find it. Watch it every single day you're at Alpha Station, and you should get the achievement!

>> Binge Achievement
Here's where you can find each episode of Photuris for the Steam achievement! There are three total.

Note: You can only view one of the episodes on Day 6 as that is the only time you'll have access to one of the TVs, which can be found in one of the residences.

The last episode can be found at Beta Station. You simply go to headquarters, and head downstairs to find it.

>> Those Darn Shovels
I genuinely had a hard time finding both shovels, which are needed for certain quests. Basically, if you're asked to bury something, you need a shovel.

Here's where they are if you are struggling to find them too.

Alpha Station, Agriculture 1:

Beta Station, Cavern:

Alpha Station
>> The Riddle - Melis
When you talk to her on Day 3, she will give you this riddle to solve: "Look for me where land meets sea, Three sentinels mark my tomb."

This is the location you need to find. The shovel is in agriculture 1.

>> Scrap Metal - Gitty
You simply need to walk around the place and locate where the scrap parts are. You can collect nine of them immediately, but you will have to wait until Day 6 to find the rest of them.

On Day 6, you are given permission to search the residences around due to suspected thievery. You will find the 10th piece of scrap in Rocket and Hurley's place.

And for the last two pieces, Melis will have decrypted data from the chip you gave her earlier in the game. When you head out on the jeep with her, you will find the last two pieces of scrap here.

Beta Station
>> Animal Mistreatment - Hannabelle
If you choose to take Hannabelle, she will have a quest for you. She'll want you to find evidence of animal mistreatment.

>> Repairing the Mining Machine - Rocket | Yuria
When you speak to Rocket or Yuria (depending on who you chose to take with you), they will ask that you get some oil and a motor for the mining machine.

To get the oil, you can view the barrels below. Then you need to grab a container to put it in.

Afterwards, you can head over to the headquarters building. Go downstairs, and you will find that there's a broken drone down there. Use your tools, and receive the motor for whichever character you chose.

>> Sus - Carter
Carter will ask you to look into the mercenaries that Sylens has hired.

This part was very tricky for me as I wasn't sure what counted as evidence? I have seen other people have this problem too, so here is what you need to examine in order to complete the task.

>> Finding the Bones - Viggo
You need to find 6 bones for him. You can find 5 of them quickly.

The way to get the last one is after they break further into the mine. Depending on which character you took with you, this could be done within an in-game day or two. When I took Carter, it took a few days before it opened. But with Rocket and Yuria, it opened on Day 11.

>> Finding Kalo's Notes - Melis
On Day 11, Melis will ask you if you can steal Kalo's notes for her so she can see what he's worked on. If you choose to accept her quest, then this is where you can find a key in order to open the chest that's in his tent.

It should be known that depending on the person you brought with you, he could be in a different place. These are the two places I have seen him so far.

As soon as you get the notes, then you need to return the key to him. So, just go back to wherever you found him and simply put it back.
>> Trapped in the Mines!
This part might get a little tricky for you. You are asked to search for a way out. For some areas, simply examining them won't suffice. I didn't quite connect the dots at first as to what I was supposed to do haha. You'll have to use two broken lamps nearby and toss them down in order to complete the task you were given.

The End!
Thank you for checking this small guide out! If you were having trouble with various aspects of the game, I hope it was helpful for you!

Have a wonderful timezone :>
2 Kommentare
torpeo 15. Sep. 2023 um 13:34 
The Vending machine required for 'Six-pack' achievement is found in the HQ building at Alpha base. Buy Megajuice 6 times and give it to 6 people to get the achievement.
SHREKSPACITO69 18. Juni 2023 um 7:10 
Look at you being useful