

作者: lePzycho ♡
Game & achievements/collectibles walkthrough. Game is video guided, & collectibles are both text/video.
Starting off with...

This guide is meant to aid you if you are stuck on any of the puzzles, cannot find any of the collectibles or you just want to play along for a smooth completion.

WARNING: This guide contains spoilers for the whole game.

If you follow the guide you will get all the achievements, as each collectible is an achievement.

Estimated time to 100%: ~2-3 hours if you follow the video walkthrough, ~5 hours otherwise, dependant on how fast you solve the puzzles.

Missables: None. Chapter select is available at any given time.

Difficulty: The puzzles are the only hard part about the game. Some of the puzzles are restrained by time, so you need to be fast, but there is no difficulty modifier, or any hard fights.

Let me know in the comment section if you have any questions about anything, or if anything is unclear & needs to be edited.
Video Walkthrough
Each video links to the playlist with all the chapters. I [will mark every video] with the timestamp for just the collectible, so it is easier to navigate.

Link to playlist with every chapter

I have chosen to leave Chapter 6 out. This is because it does not have any puzzles, nor any collectibles. It is a flying sequence, with trial and error.

Chapter 1:
Collectible 1 & 2
Chapter 2:
Collectible 3 & 4
Chapter 3:
Collectible 5
Chapter 4:
Collectible 6
Chapter 5 & 6:
Collectible 7 (chapter 5)
Chapter 7:
Collectible 8 & 9
Chapter 8:
Collectible 10
Chapter 9:
Collectible 11 & 12
Chapter 10:
Collectible 13
Chapter 11:
Collectible 14
Text version
I will try to aid you as well as possible using only text and images for those who prefer that, however if something is confusing, I recommend checking out the video guides above.

Chapter 1

Collectible 1

This one will be automatically awarded once you complete the rail puzzle. Plug the socket in, pick up the railtrack that Birly (the bear) throws out of the tent, place it on the track. As soon as the train is ready to leave, the first firefly will appear, and your first achievement is done.

Collectible 2

Pick up the music disc, & carry it into the next room. There will be a cutscene, that's okay.

Pick up the music disc again, and head towards the grammaphone. Once placed on the grammaphone, the firefly will appear.

Chapter 2

Collectible 3

After you fall down when you land on the crate, you will hear a train [choo choo].

Head over to the platform on the right. You will see Birly holding a train cart.

Place the train cart on the railroad.

The firefly will now appear, and you have your achievement.

Collectible 4

First knock down the left vase. A firefly will come out. It will fly to the next vase.

Then knock down the vase to the right of it, then the last vase. The firefly will now head towards the left side room.

Go to the left side of the room, climb up the furnace & jump to grab onto the arm of the knight. The firefly will appear out of its armor.

Chapter 3

Collectible 5

When you drop down here, grab the pallet/fence & pull it backwards. A secret entrance will open.

After entering, break the glass jar & the firefly will come out.

Chapter 4

Collectible 6

In the left back corner, there is a spider egg. Grab a torch, and hit it. The firefly will come out.

Chapter 5 & 6

Collectible 7

One collectible in chapter 5, no collectibles in chapter 6. When you reach the top floor of the building, there is a toy plane. Pick it up, then walk towards the left-side window.

Throw it out of the window, it will fly back with the firefly.

Chapter 7

Collectible 8

Once you meet up with the new protagonist, Mira, head back towards the left where you came from.

Once you see the crystal, ask Mira to shoot it [same way you ask Birly to do tasks for you]. A crystal will drop. Pick it up, and carry it all the way back to the camp where you met Mira (and where Birly is recovering).

Insert the crystal on the front of the train. There will be a small explosion, & then the firefly will appear.

Chapter 8

Collectible 9

Next to the cart that you attach the wheel to, there is a target. Ask Mira to shoot the target, and a basket of stone will drop. It will open up a whole to a secret cave.

Once inside, pull the flower backwards, so it opens up. The firefly will come out.

Collectible 10

Once you are at the puzzle with the four platform key, when you are pushing down the crate on the right, there will be a picture frame behind it. Pick it up & throw it down.

Then bring the picture frame to the highlighted rectangle on the right. Place it there, and the firefly will come.

Chapter 9

Collectible 11

At the start of chapter 9, there is a swing. Lift Birly up on the swing, and push him a few times. The firefly will appear.

Collectible 12

Before heading into the elevator, go past it. You will see a vent. Open it, & go inside.

Once inside, open the drawer & the firefly will come out.

Chapter 10

Collectible 13

Head to the bottom right side of the gear puzzle, to the furnace.

You have to keep opening the furnace until you get a red handle. is RNG dependant. I was lucky & got it first try while recording, however there are at least 3 various items you could potentially get.

Once you receive the red handle, backtrack to the left side again, in the same room with the ladder. There is a place on the tubes to place the handle. Turn the handle around to turn off the gas.

Once the gas is off, head up to the right side again. Just before the gear puzzle room, you will notice that you can now head behind where the gas was. On the right side, there is a vase/bottle to break. The firefly will come out of it.

Chapter 11

Collectible 14

You will see a tree with many hooks. On the left side, one of the hooks are lower. Hop onto it, and it will reveal a new area. Swing across.

Drag the stone tomb to the left, all the way until the stone people turn into a family.

The firefly, with the last achievement and secret will appear. You now have 100% achievements.

Achievement List
Just to be clear, every collectible/secret in this game is 1 achievement each.

Collectible 1
On a Journey! I've always dreamed of a long journey.

Collectible 2

Mother's song The recording reminded her of a forgotten dream. I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time.

Collectible 3

A Kid's Toy I fixed the toy he broke while staggering to his study.

Collectible 4

What a Mess! He was mad when he saw what I'd done, but I wasn't afraid of him anymore. He couldn't do me or her any harm.

Collectible 5

Secret Lair I've made a shelter. Now I have a place to hide and dream.

Collectible 6

A Light in the Darkness I thought about running away all the time, but I was afraid. In the end, I decided I needed

Collectible 7

Winds of Change After talking to a therapist, I was able to drive away the difficult thoughts that had plagued me. I felt so light, it was like I could fly.

Collectible 8

Oops! When I met her, I was terrified of making a mistake. But if you don't take risks, nothing good will ever happen.

Collectible 9

The Flower I didn't want to share what was deep inside of me, but I eventually decided to be honest with her.

Collectible 10

Vague Memories We're together now. For better or for worse. Forever.

Collectible 11

The Swing Set I gave him an old toy of mine. I'll do my best to make sure he has more happy memories than I did.

Collectible 12

The Last Drawing He was crying so hard, and he wanted to go with me... but that time I was too busy and didn't do a good job taking care of him.

Collectible 13

The Pieces In the morning, I looked in the mirror and saw my father's cloudy gaze. I need to stop. I refuse to be like him.

Collectible 14

The Finale This achievement is hidden. I'm going to do everything right this time.
Please leave a thumbs up and favorite if you liked the guide or it helped. Leave a comment if something is unclear, or if you have anything on your mind.

5 件のコメント
lePzycho ♡  [作成者] 2023年9月19日 0時56分 
Each collectible is an achievement
Gameplayerin 2023年9月18日 23時31分 
And how can I get the archivements?
lePzycho ♡  [作成者] 2023年6月14日 6時54分 
No problem, Funkey. That is very much appreciated, and I love that you took time of your day to comment on this guide! This is a very respectable manner of you, and I cannot believe that you would actually be so nice, kind, happy and whole as to take not only several minutes of your day, but several hours out of your day to make sure you savored and commented every single comment section this guide had to offer. I am absolutely flabbergasted at the dedication you have put in to make this effort come true. Funkey, you truly are a capable warrior, and I would like to wish you a merry comment section, and I hope there are many more of these to come. I will be expecting similar dedication to the next comment, if not my disappointment will be immeasureable and my day will be completely ruined. I am looking forward to hearing about your next comment, and I will check my steam guides for new comments, so I can get the happiness within me that I feel whenever I see you comment on a new guide.
FunkeymonkeyTTR 2023年6月13日 17時36分 
Thanks for the guide lePzycho ♡. That is very much appreciated, and I love that you took time of your day to guide the game! This is a very respectable manner of you, and I cannot believe that you would actually be so nice, kind, happy and whole as to take not only several minutes of your day, but several hours out of your day to make sure you savored and guided every single achievement this game had to offer. I am absolutely flabbergasted at the dedication you have put in to make this effort come true. lePzycho ♡, you truly are a capable warrior, and I would like to wish you a merry 100%, and I hope there are many more of these to come. I will be expecting similar dedication to the next guide, if not my disappointment will be immeasureable and my day will be completely ruined. I am looking forward to hearing about your next guide, and I will check your steam profile for new guides, so I can get the happiness within me that I feel whenever I see you guide a new game.
Klumb3r 2023年6月13日 17時12分 
opis :100percent: