Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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OWB: Madre del Sol
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1.092 MB
11.6.2023 klo 7.36
11.6.2023 klo 7.39
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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OWB: Madre del Sol

Madre del Sol is a submod which aims to improve some aspects of everyone’s favorite gun-making, tequila-drinking, partying people of the sun. This submod also includes a new section of the focus tree focusing on the alternate leader for Gente del Sol, Maria Izquierda! Show Gente true Mexican democracy and the laws of man, not of juntas or Aztlani psychics.

- 16 new focuses, bring the torch of democracy to Sonora under Maria Izquierda
- Three new unit leaders
- Minor changes to the existing focus tree
- New focus descriptions for some that were lacking them
- Updated icons for many existing focuses
5 kommenttia
Mr Zoat 11.6.2023 klo 15.47 
Oh, and the starting general with the Ranger trait has Awareness instead of the Sniper skill that actually boosts special forces.
Sky  [tekijä] 11.6.2023 klo 11.14 
Yeah honestly I didn't think much of it when I made this submod, but it's definitely a good idea!
Mr Zoat 11.6.2023 klo 10.45 
I think you should feel free to change things in vanilla if they're dumb.
Sky  [tekijä] 11.6.2023 klo 10.37 
@Mr Zoat Oh that's actually vanilla, I didn't touch Vialla so he stayed that way. I might change it in the future.
Mr Zoat 11.6.2023 klo 9.37 
The General isn't a Field Marshal but one of the other general is? Seems odd.