Dota 2
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Dota as an exam
By ĚarthŘabbit. 兔子
This guide provides seven steps to help you prepare for Dota 2 like an "exam" and get better at the game
Choose your character as if you were choosing which exam to prepare for
Choosing a character is like choosing study materials for an exam, so do it wisely and carefully. You can wisely choose a character that suits your personality. If you like to spit poison, choose a Venomancer. If you like to slow your enemies down, choose Crystal Maiden. And if you like to eat, choose Pudge - he can stuff an enemy straight into his stomach!
Study your abilities as if you were preparing for an exam
A character's abilities can be complex and varied, and to use them to their full potential you need to study them carefully, as if you were preparing for an exam. Read the descriptions of the abilities, study their effects and how they affect other heroes. And don't forget to practice using them in combat until they become as familiar as your morning cup of coffee.
Use your spells with the same mind as when you study for an exam
Like an exam, the use of your abilities requires mind and tactics. Use your abilities at the right time and on the right enemies. Just like on an exam, the right answer can lead to success, while the wrong one can lead to failure.
Don't waste mana on silly things
A character's mana is a resource that must be used wisely. Be frugal, like a student who understands that he only has one packet of noodles and one bottle of water left. Don't waste them on trifles, concentrate on the main thing - winning!
Don't forget about items and talents they're like extra knowledge that can help you in the exam
Items and talents are like extra knowledge that can help you in the exam. Study them and choose the ones that suit you best, as they will help increase your power and effectiveness in battle.
Collaborate with the team as if it's a group project
As with group projects, collaboration with your team can lead to success in the game. Talk to other players and work together to achieve the common goal. Remember that you are all on the same team and working together to win.
Don't forget the main goal to win, like it's your final exam
The main goal of Dota 2 is to win, don't forget it like it's your final exam. Focus on winning and use all your knowledge and skills to do so. Don't despair if you fail, just like in an exam, failure in the game is not the end of the world.
tarantula 16 Jun, 2023 @ 7:32am 
thank you