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Squad: 1989
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1.345 GB
5.6.2023 klo 21.08
6.4. klo 16.56
19 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Squad: 1989

Squad 1989 is a public gameplay mod of the Squad Ops community. Squad 1989 was designed by using the immersive, tactical, and teamwork-oriented foundations of our Operations to create new game modes, kits, factions, weapons, and more! It’s also designed to take Squad back to an era that better approximates the type of gameplay we have in our famous 1-Life events. Currently the mod focuses on a fictional WW3 scenario between the US and Soviet Union, starting in 1989 and with combat taking place in all the existing Squad theatres; Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Our next planned expansion will add Afghan irregulars, the mod’s first irregular faction.

Tactical and Teamwork-Oriented
Squad 1989 makes decision-making and coordination more important than ever before! Stamina boosts, medic revive speed and heal increases, kit changes, a greatly enhanced suppression system, bullet deviation, weapon bracing, and drastically curtailed availability of scopes allows and encourages players to work as a squad to complete objectives and take down enemies. Meanwhile, "dead-dead" mechanics and dangerous new FOB deployables (such as minefields)

New Experiences
Whether it's the tactical sandbox of King of the Hill, a more focused and high intensity version of Invasion called Attack and Defend, or our hardcore twist on insurgency, Search and Destroy, Squad 1989 presents players with all sorts of new experiences! King of the Hill takes a portion of the map as the "area of operations," and makes players' own FOBs into the primary objectives, meaning you get to decide every aspect of how the game is played. Attack and Defend gives defenders a randomly placed but difficult to destroy and upgraded defensive FOB, as well as 10 minutes of pre-live build time to fortify, while giving attackers time to preposition forward resupply and repair bases and plan a daring offensive to seize the enemy objectives and win the day. Search and Destroy replaces the traditional caches familiar to fans of Squad’s unloved and rarely developed Insurgency mode with upgraded FOBs, randomly placed throughout the entire area of operations but much more easily recognized and visually distinctive.

Want to learn more about Squad 1989 or Squad Ops? Come talk to us on our Discord[discord.com]! We offer public servers and one-life events, as well as a venue to discuss the mod and report bugs.

Major Changes and Additions
Infantry Gameplay:
  • Stamina pool increased by 20%, stamina regen increased by 10%
  • New kits with added weaponry
  • All kits now have three bandages minimum and deployable sandbags
  • Medics can revive in four seconds, non-medics in eight
  • Medics have 12 bandages instead of 9
  • Revived players start with 35% health
  • Added a breacher kit with throwable satchel charges (think of it as a throwable IED on a 15 second fuze)
  • All weapons that lack a bipod can be braced against any object that a bipod can be deployed on, for a substantial reduction in recoil
  • Instadead and dead-dead mechanics
  • Added a Killfeed, so the admins can marvel at your exploits

Vehicle Gameplay:
  • Vehicle bloat reduced, teams now have enough assets for their team and no more
  • Added anti-vehicle and anti-personnel minefields, allowing FOBs to be more easily defended from surprise attacks and rushes
  • New more era appropriate M1151 variants added (pending full model rework, they do still have OOTF armor upgrades)
  • Added CAS helos (Mi-8 and UH-60 variants)

SL and Commander Gameplay:
  • Conventional artillery now eight-round barrage, ten minute cooldown
  • Conventional airstrikes have (on average) a ten minute cooldown
  • UAVs removed, pending replacement with a more era-appropriate option
  • Commanders no longer need to be near a HAB to request support, and can fight on the front lines with their team
  • All factions have smoke mortar barrages with a five minute cooldown
  • SL markers no longer show up in the first-person view of the player, only on the compass
  • SL markers no longer range to target
This list will continue to grow as development continues!

Special Thanks To
16 kommenttia
MichaelPenis 11.7. klo 19.28 
Please update, this is too cool to be left on the shelf
Mikimaus518 28.4. klo 23.31 
Bro, please fix this mod, when I try to install a bot, I get an error
marineveteranm4 23.4. klo 9.09 
is this a mod which change all of the skins of the main base game from 1989 cold war skins??
ivantheterrible 26.3. klo 13.56 
give us update or give us death
shoota 6.2. klo 17.09 
update plox so someone can host this as a server
Roo 14.1. klo 19.31 
Update when
marineveteranm4 29.11.2023 klo 14.26 
this will be the true arma reforger
Farmer Daniel 27.10.2023 klo 16.09 
Tuffs 17.9.2023 klo 5.51 
Anyone know if any servers use this mod?
Ze Jarmonique 4.7.2023 klo 18.05 
very sad how all mods are shut down