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Outland - Toxic Forest
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5 giu 2023, ore 13:35
15 feb, ore 15:14
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Outland - Toxic Forest

In 2 collezioni di Neronix17
Outpost 21 Mods
50 elementi
Outland Series
14 elementi
Standalone module for Outland, adding the Toxic Forest biome, a deadly place with a very low chance of surviving if you don't go prepared. The biome is a completely unique ecosystem of thriving toxic flora inhabited by several animals that have adapted to live comfortably in the biome.

Yes, this is very clearly inspired by "Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind" by Studio Ghibli, but it's not intended to be a perfect RimWorld recreation by any means.

Beyond the biome itself there's some additional content included that'll make life a little easier in toxic biomes. There's some crops that produce food items that can be used to create meals that absorb toxic buildup, and some animals that are fully immune to toxic environments and capable of filling typical roles as mounts or pack animals.

If you use Outland - Core you'll also have a scenario, some tox resistant apparel and a low tech slow firing rifle available to you.

First of all I recommend checking out the collection linked at the top of the description for the listing of Outland modules currently available, no point in me listing them all here and having to update the description every time one comes out (which I would absolutely forget to do).

This is of intended to be played with Outland - Terrain for the visuals it was designed around, and Outland - Core being available also enables a scenario and some new equipment for surviving toxic environments.

I also heavily recommend getting at least ReGrowth: Core as Helixien's biome work is top quality even in the core mod of his series.

Aside from Combat Extended which isn't supported by me for any of my mods even if they patch it on their end, I am not aware of any potential incompatibilities.


  • So I don't need Outland - Core or Outland - Terrain for the biome?
    Nope! Both are optional, it's meant to be played with those but you can totally play without them. Biotech includes methods for tox environment protection so it's totally survivable with that.

  • Why is there two different visuals in the preview??
    Answered in the first screenshot! One side shows how it looks with vanilla only, and the other shows what it looks like with Outland - Terrain, the latter being the intended look of the biome.

  • Can I add this to an existing save?
    Biomes are only generated when the world is at the start of the game, so no this won't really work well if you do.

- Neronix17 - XML & C# plus some of the art.
- Erin - Majority of the amazing art, check out her Workshop and Patreon![www.patreon.com]
- The creators of the used frameworks for those.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]
