Victoria 3
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Great Western Railway (GWR)
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4 giu 2023, ore 9:35
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Great Western Railway (GWR)

Replaces vanilla game Steam trains with Great Western Railway (GWR) locomotives.

Additional Fixes:
- Trains are Longer depending on freight (up to double).
- 30% faster.
- Will travel both longer and shorter distances.
- Slightly more trains can be on the screen at the same time.
11 commenti
Aerial_Morello 6 ott 2023, ore 23:22 
Based, any chance of GWR coaches as well?
TC01  [autore] 24 lug 2023, ore 14:37 
@Froozigiusz I did look into that. No. Someone way smarter than me can probably find a way to do it. Right now trains are not linked to a country but are simply a random aesthetic like planes in HoI.
Froozigiusz 24 lug 2023, ore 11:53 
I know it is a very, very wishful thinking, but is it possible to have this model of a beauty limited to a specific region like architectural styles? This possibility would b e beg if true.
lil spoon 18 giu 2023, ore 16:00 
i love trains
GoatMutt 9 giu 2023, ore 19:54 
You rig the model yourself?
Electricfox 8 giu 2023, ore 20:20 
Gods Wonderful Railway
Tyogenes 6 giu 2023, ore 19:01 
the exact mod ive been looking for
Max200012 6 giu 2023, ore 2:12 
it's a copypasta lmao chill
Jerry Fishnu 5 giu 2023, ore 10:09 
That's weird, dude

Leave them be
mattheradartech 5 giu 2023, ore 10:01 
bruh what is that comment, what a weird thing to say on a mod page just leave her be