The Last Starship

The Last Starship

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Guide to IRONMAN
Por mokum
This is a simple guide how to play IRONMAN

-First- dont use rewind save's
-Second- dont die
-Bones- have fun

As the game mechanics are still a work in progres i think its fair to load a autosave after dropping in a overpowerd hostille fleet.
By this i mean if u dident escape the first time. This is still hard because if you jump in, the auto save is always the same
Now to be sure you dont jump in the middle of the hosiles i noticed that the position u leave is also the position u arive.
Make sure before u jump to hostiles you position your fleet back at the first start position u begin your first game to be clear

Note, travelings sector's can be tricky, if u unlucky and dont reposition, you can jump strait into a armada of hostile ships, no new reload here aswell!
IRONMAN no rewind, just a one way trip
IRONMAN dont die, or fall behind
IRONMAN have fun, dont rush Let it Grow