Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Nincs elegendő értékelés
Ashwood Asylum: Collectibles
Készítő: Vic=HKC=
A large map, skulls to destroy well disseminated (rarely two or three in the same area)... here's the guide!
This map is one I've rarely played, as it was released during my KF2 hiatus due to an old computer. It's a fine map and the events like ghosts, TV flickering or even laughing residues are really clever!

Money Mania
Between rocks near the ramp entrance

On wooden logs, next to the trader

Under a ladder next to the truck used to get upstairs
On the elevated platform on the left of the stairs

Next to the entrance to the courtyard

In the toilet behind the stairs, with the door slighty open

Upstairs, in the right office
Truck passage
Next to the stairs
On the roof, in the hanging bodies on a tree part

On the roof, near the control building

On the roof of the balcony

On a platform (only visible from the passageway connecting the mess area to the cells building)

On the roof, in the back of the courtyard, near the mess entrance

At the bottom of the horse statue

Behind the rocks, next to the stair
Cells Building
On the left above a locker

On the ground, above the hole in the upper floor in the trader area

In the hallway, on the right side, with the TV flickering
Control Building
On the upper floor, next to a corpse and a control panel
On wine barrels
Operating Room
Behind a red pipe (can be shot from the stairs)

Behind the blocked stairs, from upstairs

Just on the right of the previous collectible
In a body drawer
Destroyed Lab Area
In the hole of the ceiling

On the panel at the bottom of the stairs

Under a desk
Mess Area
In the lift upstairs

In the bocked hallway downstairs

On a pipe in the mess
Author: Vinciane Amorini
Date: 27th May 2023
1 megjegyzés
unreal 2023. szept. 6., 16:56