War Thunder

War Thunder

118 ratings
How To See the Real Review Score of War Thunder (And every other game on Steam)
By Fivox
Tired of Steam and companies like Gaijin telling you what reviews you should be able to see? Here is a guide for that!
Hiding Reviews
A little while ago, companies were sick and tired of having their bad games getting hate from the players, so they complained to Valve and Valve came up with this ingenious way to make them all disappear.

Introducing "Off-Topic" Reviews!

This was Valve's way of censoring large portions of people who actively did not recommend a game based on their experience (Including games like this one!)

Remember when Kirill Yudinstsev said "...Also, review bombing will not cause modifying or nullifying in-game prices..."? That's because he was already aware that Steam was in the process of nullifying your voices!

But do not fret, there is a way to fix it!
Revealing The Truth
If you see the * next to the reviews, that means that they have been modified by Valve's Off Topic system. And if you haven't already changed your preferences, it will change and remove any reviews that it deems as "Off-Topic" including many VERY MUCH on topic reviews.

The easy fix is to scroll down to just above the reviews:

Above their fancy little graph you will see "Edit Preferences" on the upper right hand side. Give that a click and then you'll see this:

Once you click on the outlined option, the page will automatically refresh and instead of seeing what Valve and Gaijin want you to see:

You will now see the ugly truth:
How Game Devs Benefit from this System
Well, you only need to look no further than Gaijin's very own post about it!

Originally posted by Kirill Yudintsev:
Of course, a review on Steam is also a platform for expression. However, the majority of new players just look at the score evaluation, and do not read the text of reviews and do not go into what they were left for. So review bombing does damage to the game in that new players simply won't try it, while it doesn't raise their awareness of the problems you've noticed. If your goal is not to hurt the game, please use other, less destructive ways. For example, leave feedback in our forum, and suggestions specifically about the economy we are inviting in the feedback form. Also, review bombing will not cause modifying or nullifying in-game prices - if the game is shut down, no one wins.

Of my opinion means: "Plz stop, review bombs hurt!"

And rather than owning up to the mistakes, they tried to explain them away and hide behind Valve's system to shield them from criticism.

They HAVE taken action and there is a glimmer of hope that more changes will be made, but the fact still remains:

Bad developers who make poor decisions should not be shielded by Valve.
Now YOU have the power to decide what is off topic!
Just like it should have always been :)
Serano E'Stabant 3 Jun, 2023 @ 12:45pm 
@Doomer Ralsei:
If a game can be updated by the devs, then people leaving reviews should also be able to write or edit a specific review based on their current observations.

Valve can shove their censorship where the Sun doesn't shine. They are the ones to blame for introducing of this misleading, deplorable and truth-bending "off-topic review activity."

Who the F are you to tell me on what exact topic am I to write my review, Valve?
My review is my personal opinion based on topics that I am interested in, related to the game.
No one is obliged to write full and detailed explanations why they do not like something specific in a game, or the game as a whole.
Thus, even a review consisting of even one word, e.g. 'bad', is a valid review.

All of this censorship must be abolished immediately.

And don't forget: the only reason crap like this goes forward is because of people now willing to stand their ground.
Doomer Ralsei 1 Jun, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
To be fair a large majority of them are off-topic and dont actually give any insight to the game or its problems... and this is not just relegated to War Thunder.
In fact many games even have biased positive reviews despite the game being fundamentally and objectively bad compared to an outsider who isnt in whatever fandom its pandering too (99% of furry games)
76561198285398721 1 Jun, 2023 @ 6:35am 
WookieS 31 May, 2023 @ 5:51pm 
I actually did not know this but thanks I figured it out after I saw so many negative reviews in the pic. It only showed 16k for me
PureRushXevus 31 May, 2023 @ 8:38am 
good guide, fuck steam for doing this
AcidRatBag 30 May, 2023 @ 3:27am 
In Soviet Russia, Game Shuts You Down!
5th Tier 28 May, 2023 @ 5:21pm 
I think you're a bit harsh on that dev post on the topic.
They're saying that review bombing causes new players to simply not play the game instead of actually reading what the issues are. This is a valid point!
However, they're responding by invalidating player expression and opinion so they don't exactly deserve to be defended. :steamthumbsdown:
Fiona 27 May, 2023 @ 10:18pm 
Ah yes valve making it annoying just to see a damn review score. Seems like misplaced effort to me.
Coe⁧⁧✔️[Quality Control] 27 May, 2023 @ 5:13pm 


This is just one of their many ways to try and promote sales regardless of how many dead babies they have to hide under the rug.
45 27 May, 2023 @ 12:20pm 
i love how they call em off topic when it directly refers to how a dev is screwing over their playerbase every time.