Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

478 คะแนน
Civ IV Leader Traits in Civ V
20.740 KB
9 ส.ค. 2014 @ 5: 18am
1 ก.ย. 2014 @ 6: 05pm
9 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

Civ IV Leader Traits in Civ V

Tweaks to make weaker Civs more powerful.

Requires Brave New World (runs without it, but half the traits don't work right.)

UPDATE 2: Added new Seafaring promotion. Reduced Aggressive Unit Maintenance to -33%. Mercantile now increases gold yield from markets, bands and stock exchanges by roughly 50%. Removed free tech from Inventive, added 25% of production added to science. Imperialistic general bonus now applies to admirals. Spiritual bonus doubles after Theology.

UPDATE 1: Added compatibility for 42 custom civs (The works of JFD, Tomatekh and Tpangolin. See change notes for details.) Steam deleted my description when I updated so there may be some inaccuracies in this description. Happy modding!

This mod adds leader traits into Civ V similar to those found in Civ IV. My theory is that since so many civs have weak or boring UAs, I will unilaterally improve them by making them all more powerful. A rising tide lifts all boats.

So far I have selected these 14 Leader Traits:

Aggressive: -33% Military upkeep costs. All melee and Gun units start with free Drill 1 and Shock 1 Promotions.
Charismatic: +1 Happiness in every city. +1 Happiness from Monuments, Broadcast Towers and Happiness buildings. Units gain experiencew 50% faster.
Creative: +2 Culture per city. +2 Culture per 5 Population in a city.
Diplomatic: +2 Influence from trade routes with City States. +3 Influence if you can demand tribute. City State Allies gain a boost to defense, Growth, Production, Science and Gold.
Expansive: +3 Food per city. +1 Population when founding a new city.
Financial: Cities connected to the capital gain +10% Production and Food. Internal Trade Routes generate +50% Food or Production. City connections generate 50% more gold.
Industrious: +50% Production when building wonders. +1 Production from Specialists.
Imperialistic: +100% Great General and Admiral rate. +4 Happiness per general and Admiral and +2 Happiness from Courthouses.
Inventive: +2 Science per city. +1 Science per Specialist. 25% of base production added to science.
Mercantile: +1 gold per luxury resource worked by a city. Bonus increases to +2 after researching Economics. Markets, Banks and Stock Exchanges give more gold.
Philosophical: +100% generation of Great People. +1 Culture and +50% Tourism from great Works.
Protective: +50% City range attack strength. +15% Strength to units in friendly lands.
Seafaring: Free Workboats when a Lighthouse is built. Free Cargo Ship when a Harbor is built in the capital. All military naval units get Seafaring* Promotion.
Spiritual: +1 Faith per city. +1 Faith per 5 citizens in a city. Bonus doubles after discovering Theology.

*Seafaring Promotion: First it has +1 movement, then in Classical it gets +1 sight, in Medieval it gets +10% attack, then in Renaissance it gives +10% defense. For the next 4 eras it repeats until it is +2/+2/+20%/+20%.

Additionally, Civ IV traits give +100% Production when building certain buildings.

Aggressive: Barracks and Armories.
Charismatic: Colosseums and Circuses.
Creative: Monuments and Ampitheatres.
Diplomatic: Caravansaries and Harbors.
Expansive: Granaries and Forges.
Financial: Aquaducts and Stables.
Imperialistic: Courthouses and 25% Production bonus for military land units.
Industrious: Workshops and Stone Works.
Inventive: Libraries and Watermills.
Mercantile: Markets and Mints.
Philosophical: Universities and gardens.
Protective: Walls and Castles.
Seafaring: Lighthouses and 25% Production when building naval units.
Spiritual: Shrines and Temples.

Every leader gets 2 traits and no two leaders have the same combination of bonuses.

This mod doesn't change Unique Abilities. Not one bit. I wanted to create something that is compatible with whatever other changes people make to the civs, and so the whole system involves slipping a pair of invisible dummy policies into each civ. This way, if you think America's 'cheap tile costs' trait sucks and replace it with something else, it does not invalidate this mod.

Also, the traits are slipped into UI by being attached to the leader, not the civilization. So Everywhere it says 'America' is unchanged, but everywhere it says 'Washington' now says 'Washington' with 2 symbols denoting his traits. This way, you see the traits at civ selection, and you also see the traits when you look at your Diplomacy panel. Knowing what each other civ is good at will help you strategize how best to take them on.

The in game help menu for what each trait does can be accessed from the Additional Information button next to the Diplomacy window.

For more details refer to :

JFD for Lua help and advice
Machiavelli24 for 'Policies grant Buildings' and access to Reform and Rule files.
Tomatekh for access to 'Mali Unique Ability' Lua.
Whoward69 for UI tutorials
Nutty for compatibilty help

List of Current Leader Trait Assignments:

Ahmad al-Mansur - Diplomatic, Financial
Alexander - Aggressive, Charismatic
Ashurbanipal - Imperialistic, Mercantile
Askia - Aggressive, Protective
Attila - Aggressive, Expansive
Augustus - Imperialistic, Industrious
Bismark - Aggressive, Philosophical
Boudicca - Protective, Spiritual
Casimir - Charismatic, Imperialistic
Catherine - Creative, Imperialistic
Darius -- Financial, Inventive
Dido -- Seafaring, Charismatic
Elizabeth - Mercantile, Seafaring
Enrico - Diplomatic, Protective
Gajah Mada - Expansive, Seafaring
Ghandi - Philosophical, Protective
Genghis -- Aggressive, Imperialistic
Gustav -- Diplomatic, Philosophical
Halie Selassie -- Charismatic, Philosophical
Harald Bluetooth -- Financial, Seafaring
Harun al-Rashid -- Inventive, Spiritual
Hiawatha -- Diplomatic, Spiritual
Isabella -- Expansive, Spiritual
Kamehameha -- Seafaring, Creative
Maria -- Mercantile, Financial
Maria Theresa -- Diplomatic, Inventive
Montezuma -- Aggressive, Spiritual
Napoleon -- Charismatic, Creative
Nebuchadnezzar -- Protective, Inventive
Oda Nobunaga -- Aggressive, Inventive
Pacal -- Industrious, Financial
Pachacuti -- Creative, Industrious
Pedro II -- Creative, Expansive
Pocatello -- Financial, Philosophical
Ramesses -- Industrious, Mercantile
Ramkhamhaeng -- Diplomatic, Mercantile
Sejong -- Industrious, Philosophical
Shaka -- Expansive, Protective
Suleiman -- Seafaring, Imperialistic
Theodora -- Creative, Spiritual
Washington -- Charismatic, Expansive
William -- Inventive, Mercantile
Wu Zetian -- Protective, Industrious
331 ความเห็น
Gerishnakov 5 มี.ค. 2022 @ 7: 28am 
Damn, I've just realised that the Aggressive trait renders moot the military bonus from Alhambra.
Amadeus 5 ต.ค. 2020 @ 6: 22pm 
Some of the JFD civilizations have updated and are now incompatible with this mod. In my current game Mussolini, Stalin, and FDR are without traits where in the past they had some.
Полинкаж (Polinkazh) 17 ก.ย. 2020 @ 11: 36pm 
how do I add compatibility to custom modded civs myself?
Galgus 24 ก.ค. 2020 @ 10: 27pm 
I use a long and tangled list of mods, but for some reason when I add this one to it the Liberty opener gives every city free Floating Garden buildings in all cities.

Since it has an ID of 0 in the buildings table, it's what gets loaded when the game tries to add an invalid building to a city.

Do you have any idea what may be causing that?
twentyonelol 16 พ.ย. 2019 @ 9: 35am 
found an incompatibility with the Nazca civilization mod, any suggestions?
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 29 ต.ค. 2019 @ 8: 59am 
Does this mod work with the Community Patch?
Caracal 22 ก.ย. 2019 @ 11: 55am 
Found and issue when combined with the Plus Three Unique Components Mod ( . Playing as Carthage and the Unique Components mod changes the Harbor (to a Cothon) and Lighthouse (to Breakwater). The issue is when a Cothon is popped at city creation, the Cargo Ship does not show up. Same for the workboat (with Breakwater). In addition the Breakwater is full price. Otherwise everything is working great. I tested with another Civ building Lighthouse and Harbor and both units appear just fine, it's only Carthage with it's changed buildings.
Phrasing?! 24 ก.ค. 2019 @ 6: 03pm 
Works very well when I found non-conflicting mods to go with it, really boosts the success rate for annoyingly weak civs. Open new play-through opportunities, would reccomend.
Kung Fu PANDA 28 ก.ย. 2018 @ 9: 19am 
Are you awake the aggresive unit promotions only apply to trained units?
Kung Fu PANDA 18 ก.ย. 2018 @ 7: 25pm 
Could I find a way to randomize leader assignments?