Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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2023. máj. 19., 9:04
szept. 2., 10:30
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1 Artist of Seer készítette gyűjteményben
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All attempts to subdue the creature have ended in failure. If you ever encounter it for even a moment…
It is already too late

A voracious monster who defies all logic and reason beyond primal hunger, Qoedil is an aggressive mid ranged fighter who is equipped to move in and out of the opponent’s range and maul them to death once it gets the chance to push its offense. Sporting a powerful mix of large, disjointed pokes, a mix of tricky movement options to slip around the battlefield rapidly, and a powerful status effect that enables terrifying combos, it is built to tear opponents to pieces when given the opportunity. However, reckless play is very liable to get Qoedil snuffed out prematurely, as its attacks and movement options are highly committal and leave their extended limbs exposed to punishment after its attacks have completed. If you are willing to poke and prod until an opening presents itself, then let the primordial horror devour all in its wake

Gimmick: TERROR
Qoedil’s special moves inflict Terror, leaving the opponent with a festering omen that then bursts into crystalline spikes and dark globs after a second, damaging the opponent in their madness. This status deals moderate damage on its own, but if the opponent happens to be in hitstun when the status goes off, the proc deals double damage and stuns the opponent for a lengthy period of time, allowing for easy followups. The status can be reapplied repeatedly, though hitting or parrying Qoedil will cause the status to dissipate immediately
Special Moves
Nspecial– Swarm
Qoedil spits out a swarm of locusts in front of itself which slowly trails after the opponent, getting faster the closer it is to the opponent. If the swarm cloud contacts the opponent, it doesn’t stun them normally, but does inflict Terror, enabling stronger offense. However, if the opponent is in hitstun when the swarm cloud hits, it launches them up for a combo extension, which can lead to some interesting conversions if set up for. Nspecial also stalls your aerial momentum, making it useful for staying out of harm’s way on occasion or for extending combos in interesting ways. It’s a tool for Qoedil to force long lasting pressure and to set up for more powerful offense and to help them combat projectiles.
Fspecial– Hunt
Qoedil shifts backwards before rapidly rushing forward while slashing at the opponent, inflicting Terror while launching them into the air on hit. The initial backward shift has invincibility during its startup, allowing you to dodge through attacks before countering with a sudden strike. It is also immune to projectiles up until the move becomes active, allowing you to go through mid ranged projectile setups if timed properly. Hitting this move serves as a powerful combo starter, though the high startup and telegraphed animation can make it vulnerable to getting parried or stuffed out if used carelessly.
Uspecial– Insight
Qoedil opens its head, revealing a mouth full of eyes as it rushes upwards. If you hit with it, Qoedil cancels all of the moves endlag while inflicting Terror, making it a dangerous combo tool, though it leaves them in a huge amount of pratlag if you miss. Holding left or right during the startup allows you to angle it slightly. Holding the special button when the move hits will have Qoedil continue its normal trajectory instead of canceling the move early.
Dspecial– Hallucinate
Qoedil fakes one of his other actions before teleporting to a different location, acting as a tricky movement feint which is hard to spot. If done on the ground, Qoedil fakes dashing forward before teleporting back to where it started, with the only cue that it’s performing it before the teleport being the lack of dust clouds behind it as it runs. If done in the air, Qoedil fakes a Dair before teleporting up and forward a good distance, with the only cue for the fake out being the lack of a roar sound on startup. Holding the special button during the air version will cause Qoedil to reappear from the teleport facing in the opposite direction they were initially facing, enabling more tricky offensive jukes.
If Qoedil makes contact with the opponent during one of these feints, it will leap at the opponent in the shape of a massive spider before teleporting backwards a short distance, inflicting Terror on hit. While leaping at the opponent, Qoedil has full super armor, making the The detection hitbox on the Dspecial feints will stun opponents who are in hitstun, nigh guaranteeing the spider hit to connect for a deadly combo extension if you can set up into it. The spider hit is also jump cancelable on hit, enabling extremely strong confirms if you can land it, however actually doing so is admittedly quite tricky
Notable Normals
Jab: Qoedil bites forward and then shoots out an arching eyeball projectile which covers a decent mid screen distance and has a good amount of hitstun. Useful for mid ranged harassment and edgeguarding along side its other tools
Dtilt: Qoedil summons a swarm of leech like monsters to devour the opponent from afar, dragging opponents in before launching them up for combo extensions. Extremely good as a whiff punish tool due to its long range, though the hitbox on the move does have a deadzone on it at point blank range early into the move, and the hurtbox extends far forward before the move becomes active, making it vulnerable to getting clipped for throwing it out blindly.
Fstrong: Qoedil forms a massive werewolf from its flesh which thrusts its mangled hand forward to slice opponents out of the sky. A comically massive ranged Fstrong that hits pretty early up close, making it excellent as a somewhat quick punish tool and a long-ranged anti air. The catch, however, is that most of the attacks range completely whiffs on most standing opponents and the hurtbox gets extended extremely far during the endlag, making it risky to throw out aimlessly
Bair: Qoedil curls up and then extends its body into the shape of a massive wing, propelling themselves forward in the direction they are facing. Functioning similarly to Astra Bair, this move doubles as a powerful horizontal kill move and a strong forward moving burst option that starts combos on hit if you connect with the spikes that spawn in the direction they are traveling in.

Character Design, Moveset Concept, Animation, Implementation and Balance – ArtistOfSeer
Nspecial implementation – Robot
Victory Theme and additional SFX – Delta Parallax
Preview Image and Reapers Warning universe showrunner – Spider Boi
Victory Background – Batit

48 megjegyzés
soup máj. 21., 15:43 
I'd love for the visual for his status effect to be made smaller. I love the visual flair of the eye opening but the graphic is very large and entirely obscures the character it's applied to, sometimes even characters next to them with the extra teeth(?) graphics on the edges. Thanks for your hard work.
Artist of Seer  [készítő] ápr. 18., 17:26 
@pandrcrossan It's Luminance, a character I released on Halloween last year. Here's the link to them
pandrcrossan ápr. 14., 22:40 
What is that green-black traffic light thing in the last picture?
DaPoise febr. 2., 17:04 
just copy and paste this for the Contest!
DaPoise febr. 2., 17:02 
this is should Be In the Rivals 2 Contest!
this is Real Nice!
Frisk Aioi 2023. nov. 21., 13:14 
how do you pronounce qoedil
champagne.daniel 2023. nov. 14., 14:07 
I love how qoedil always wins (their goal is killing people) If they win they kill their opponent if they die they take down the poor person they are eating with
champagne.daniel 2023. nov. 14., 9:10 
I love this character so so much
champagne.daniel 2023. nov. 13., 13:31 
new dspecial is amazing
Spubbily01 2023. nov. 2., 17:18 
This character is basically if "Minor grammatical mistake, I win the argument." was a character.