Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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"Somewhere in the center of Mexico, on the border with a dense tropical forest, there were ancient Aztec rocks. This local corner was known for its fortress and danger: locals believed that these rocks were the home of mighty gods, and no one ventured to the peaks to test this theory. But one day at the beginning of the 21st century, someone who turned out to be initially unknown decided to take a chance.

This secret was not kept for a long time, because the unknown turned out to be an American soldier, a woman who spent her entire service in places where no one else wanted to go. Her name was Joan. Joan was a stocky woman, strong as an ox, with lips that were always half-smiling. She spoke only as if she was constantly ready to go on the road, and she had the courage that would have made the ancient Aztecs weep bitterly.

Like all soldiers, Joyne was trained in many military skills, which included framing, firing weapons, setting up communications, identifying nodal points, carrying out surveillance and much more. But what set her apart from thousands of other soldiers was that her task was to get into the rocks and understand what had been hiding from people for so long.

The first few months were difficult, given the mysterious nature of the earth, but over time she found her way and began expeditions deep into the mountains. She had to face low tunnels, rats and dark, damp caves. But she kept moving deeper, because she knew that there were answers to many questions.

And then one day she saw something that no one had seen before. She climbed to the top of the cliff, which is higher than all the others, and saw that at the top there was a platform on which there was a bed, a table and a stool. Undoubtedly, this is a place where no one lived, and Joan cautiously began to explore.

Her hands trembled with suspicion as she began to examine various kinds of artifacts. It was clear that someone had lived here recently. Her heart beat faster when she discovered sophisticated electronic devices that had strange markings from local cartouches. But the coolest thing turned out to be that there was a newspaper on the table, and the date on it pointed to 10 years ago!

Joan was startled. Someone lived on top of this cliff, and she couldn't figure out how they got there. But her curiosity did not fade, and she continued her research. She studied every carefully every curve of the passages and every sinister notch. Eventually, she realized she wasn't alone. Next to her, behind her, was another person.

It was a middle-aged man. He was dressed in a strange black suit and held in his hand a long red object that looked like an axe. He was baffled and delighted by the view that opened up before him. But most of all he was amazed when he saw Joan. He was sure that there was no one in this dark and damp cave except himself.

Joan, in turn, cautiously approached the stranger, and pointed her gun at him. But when she approached him, she noticed that he could not move. He was chained to the wall with metal chains.

Joan couldn't believe her eyes. She began to inspect the place where the man was chained, and suddenly discovered a black suit. It belonged to a Party, a corporation that worked in Mexico for military purposes. Those who worked on the sidelines were known as ex-soldiers who were renowned for their stealth and efficiency.

But even after many years of working in secret for military purposes in Mexico, Joan could not imagine that she would encounter a corporation in such an unusual place, and she could not understand why she was sent there alone. However, she knew that she needed to get out of here and tell the right people as soon as possible.

She took some photos and loaded them into her backpack. She opened her broadcast and reported everything to her headquarters. She knew she couldn't stay long, so she went downstairs. It was harder to get down, but at that moment she no longer cared about it."
2 kommentarer
sizentuba  [skaper] 13. mai 2023 kl. 18.38 
Эта тайна не была сохранена в течение долгого времени, потому что неизвестный оказался американским солдатом, женщиной, которая провела всю свою службу в тех местах, куда никто другой не хотел идти. Ее имя было Джоан. Джоан была коренастой женщиной, сильной как бык, с губами, которые всегда были на полуулыбке. Она говорила только так, как будто постоянно готова была отправиться в путь, и у нее была та отвага, которая заставила бы древних ацтеков рыдать горечью.
sizentuba  [skaper] 13. mai 2023 kl. 18.38 
Ce secret n'a pas été gardé longtemps, car l'inconnu s'est avéré être un soldat américain, une femme qui a passé tout son service dans des endroits où personne d'autre ne voulait aller. Son nom était Joan. Joan était une femme trapue, forte comme un Taureau, avec des lèvres qui étaient toujours à mi-sourire. Elle ne parlait que comme si elle était constamment prête à partir, et elle avait le courage de faire pleurer les anciens Aztèques avec amertume.