Second Protectorate Academy - (my build showcase)
77 ความเห็น
Randal 10 ต.ค. @ 8: 00am 
the google file share from june seems to be missing...

is there a newer version available ?
Randal 10 ต.ค. @ 7: 50am 
is it possible to add a location marker on the galaxy map as a place of interest, a place to visit.?

or do i just have to go via co ordinates.

it would be great if there was tab on the galaxy map or a search feature for creations such as these
Randal 10 ต.ค. @ 7: 44am 
love that its possible to add others awesome creations into my own world
make exploring worth while
Sky Maker 26 ส.ค. @ 1: 02pm 
I want that to be the regular intro
cmotes 25 ส.ค. @ 11: 38am 
omg i love it
Zy Jerasca 11 ส.ค. @ 1: 53pm 
This is incredible, I need to look up how this sort of thing is possible. I havent picked the game up since Alpha a long time ago and it has come such a long way. This really is an incredible build.
Spectreblitz 9 ก.ค. @ 6: 08am 
ok nvm the thing I was doing is no where near as massive XD WOOOOOOW
Spectreblitz 9 ก.ค. @ 6: 05am 
Its amazing and great to see people still posting and uploading. Love this, was doing a similair thing on my own world but this by far takes the cake. Looks great dude.
Void⠀37  [ผู้สร้าง] 28 มิ.ย. @ 4: 56pm 
Weird, try checking out this tread, other here didn't seem to have such a problem:
long010202 28 มิ.ย. @ 6: 35am 
i cant find it in my world