The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

My GWENT Opponent Self-Sabotaged And Lost The Game.
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"I am losing braincells with this game.

#thewitcher3 #Wiedzmin #GWENT"
4 kommentarer
JapaniKatti 15. maj 2023 kl. 14:41 
I lose braincells when playing the separate gwent game that is online play xD .. some players and their choices, d'oh
6yearsofgrief 12. maj 2023 kl. 20:26 
Prince Vegeta 12. maj 2023 kl. 14:42 
:shipenergy: :Likes: :shipenergy:
Karma 12. maj 2023 kl. 11:32 