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Better Bast
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2023년 5월 9일 오전 5시 29분
2023년 5월 9일 오전 5시 58분
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Better Bast

"I've heard of this place, a whole city wiped out in a single day by the Holy Nation. They roasted the head noble alive in the name of Okran and carted the youngsters off to Rebirth..."

*Record Scratch*

City? You mean that little village where drifters adopt a puppy?

Introducing my rendition of Bast, the location in vanilla was kind of pathetic for a former city of the Empire. So i reworked the place while keeping it in line with the general size of other UC towns while adding in my own thematic flavour. Surrounding the city are tents and ramshackle structures which help illustrate the class divide between the richer members of the city, who occupy the buildings and the peasants who work the farms alongside the slaves.

Additionally this mod affects the entire Region the smaller settlements of Endin and Drin have received a similar facelift. Endin is now a location run by the Trader's Guild where they produce hemp in a secure compound. Drin is now a Empire training camp with a smaller farming village attached.

All the smaller and former Ravaged Hamlets around Bast have also been decorated, giving them some makeshift walls and fences to define their boundary as well as more camps for more Peasant Serfs to mill about and make these otherwise forgotten locations feel a bit more alive. Some of the larger ones even have Bakery or farm shops you can buy from. They're guarded by a few conscripts which lazily guard the hamlet, no trouble for any seasoned warrior.

The Noble of the Region is Lord Kurusaga, living in the noble house on the hill overlooking Bast, the same Kurusaga mentioned in the "legend of Luquin" Lorebooks. The reason for this is that this is a extremely scuffed extraction of the region for a much larger mod I'm working on focusing on the Red Rebellion. There is bound to be bugs which I will fix on request but I'm looking for feedback on the region.

If Kurusaga dies then Bast and the surrounding villages and Endin will become ruined. Worldstates around Drin are in vanilla already and so I haven't touched them.

To be clear, I anticipate problems with this mod if you install it as it's meant to be part of a much larger overhaul. Nothing too major but it might cause problems so keep a backup of your save before you install it and take a look around.

For those interested in using this mod for your own devices. You have my blanket permission to use it or modify in any way you want. Just credit me is all I ask.
댓글 3
DrakeM 2023년 5월 9일 오후 12시 06분 
i did a test and there were always a huge war between the cannibals and uc outside/inside of the cities lol. havent testet vanila so idk if that is suppose to happen anyway.. btw nice work you have done tho, looks very good.
Chris  [작성자] 2023년 5월 9일 오전 11시 48분 
Honestly I couldn't tell you. Probably not and there definitely would be some weirdness given that there's a lot more buildings than the town has in vanilla so it's fair to assume that some things wouldn't work. Most the buildings have modified squads to make them spawn in certain buildings so you'll just have to see for yourself.
DrakeM 2023년 5월 9일 오전 8시 01분 
maybe stupid question, but is it compatible with Reactive World?