Minion Masters

Minion Masters

25 ratings
A Beginner's Guide for Minion Masters by BadAsAFish80
By BadAsAFish80 and 1 collaborators
Join me, BadAsAFish80 as I take you through the basics of one of the best free games out there - Minion Masters. This guide will be great for new players but is also something that experienced players can learn from. We'll cover things like the User Interface, basics of gameplay, learning about the masters and much, much more!
Hi. I'm BadAsAFish80 and welcome to my Minion Masters guide where I aim to provide a load of useful information for new and experienced players alike.

What is Minion Masters?
An addictive fast-paced hybrid of Card games & Tower-Defense. Play 1v1 - or bring a friend for 2v2 - and engage in epic online multiplayer battles full of innovative strategy and awesome plays! Collect 200+ cards with unique mechanics, all free!

What puts me in a great position to teach new players and why should you trust my guide?
  • I am a long standing Minion Masters Partner.
  • I have over 9000 hours playing Minion Masters.
  • I have over 750,000 watch hours playing Minion Masters on Twitch.
  • I have constantly reached the highest of ranks season after season.
  • #1 Elo of all players in all modes combined [2023-3-14]

Find me

Learn The Basics
As a new player to any game you can become overwhelmed by the various options, modes and gameplay basics. This guide aims to walk new masters through the basics of the game, navigating the menus and understanding how bridge control, XP gain and master perks are vital to success.

Meet the Masters
Join me as we meet all 13 of Masters from Minion Masters. We'll look at what makes a master and what distinguishes them from each other. Covering their auto-attack and all three of their perks we'll learn how best to play and deck build with each master currently available.

Milloween Rework
The latest Minion Masters update (v1.48) featured a huge rework to the master Milloween so I thought it would be useful to go through the changes, check out a deck made with the rework in mind and then put it into action with a ladder match.

Join me as I go through Deckbuilding in Minion Masters, including choosing a starting point, considerations to be made, threats to be aware of as well as deck types and win-conditions. This video should give you a good starting point in your deck building journey, providing example decks to illustrate deck types and to give you a starting point if you wish to use them. A huge thanks to DeathShoot and Memfisto for helping me put this together.

Latest Patch Notes - Commander's Blade (v2.2)
Patch Notes

Make sure you are up-to-date with the latest changes to Minion Masters in the most recent patch, including Balance Changes, Bug Fixes and New Cards!

New Cards
This patch introduced High Marshall Rystar and Crossbow Club Hourse.

Previous Patch Notes
Crystal Wilds (v2.1)

Mountain Song (v2.0)

Mid-season Balance Patch (v1.51.1)

Hail to the King (v1.51)

Make sure you are up-to-date with the latest changes to Minion Masters in the most recent patch, including Balance Changes, Bug Fixes and New Cards!

New Cards
This patch introduced Denver, The Fallen King and the Woggosaur Pup.

Highland Hijinks (v 1.50)
Make sure you are up-to-date with the latest changes to Minion Masters in the most recent patch, including Balance Changes, Bug Fixes and New Cards!

New Cards
This patch introduced Frostberry Bearer and Highland Huntress.

Vanguard (v 1.49)
Make sure you are up-to-date with the latest changes to Minion Masters in the most recent patch, including Balance Changes, Bug Fixes and New Cards!

New Cards
This patch introduced Prime Sergeant Raddick and Rapid Response Reserves.

Shroom Season (v 1.48)

New Cards
This patch introduced Shroomama Shumi and Shroomer.

Into The Void (v 1.47)
Make sure you are up-to-date with the latest changes to Minion Masters in the most recent patch, including Balance Changes, Bug Fixes and New Cards!

New Cards
This patch introduced Jez'Ra, The Voidmother and Morgrul's Mark.

Read the Patch Notes[]

Hotfix (23rd May 2023)

Arise!(v 1.46)

Read the patch notes on the BetaDwarf website[]

Hotfix (3rd May 2023)

New Cards
This patch introduced Rendrath the Deathless and Ghast

Arcane Anomalies (v 1.46)

Read the patch notes on the BetaDwarf website[]

Hotfixes (9th and 10th March 2023)

New Cards
This patch introduced Mana Chaser and Spelldancer

Meta Review
Find out about the latest Meta including what Masters, cards and strategies are currently powerful.

Elo & Rank Explained
Ever wondered why you get a low ranked teammate or why you get so many or so few ranking points? Well the answer is Elo. In today's video we'll look at how Elo is implemented in Minions and the effect it has. After a brief look at the formulae involved we'll checkout a tool I made to better explain them.

Elo Websites
Guild Conquest
What is Guild Conquest?

Please note that Guild Conquest was removed in version 2.0 and we are awaiting something to replace it.
Guild Conquest is completed together by a guild, trying to maximise their combined score to unlock rewards as well as place highly in the guild leaderboard. A guild has its own battlepass like progression system that guild members can contribute to and earn rewards from. Each season has a Guild Conquest and this is broken down into cycles that last for 3 days, and during that cycle guild members can enable Guild Conquest and play regular ladder games until they get 6 wins or 3 losses, whichever comes first, earning points for the guild from their wins. Each cycle takes into account the top 15 scores for the guild and adds this to their total and comes with a set of Conquest Cards which are unique to each guild. Playing a conquest cards gives you additional glory towards your overall score.

How is your score calculated?

Here's a little infographic I made a while ago to explain how your Guild Conquest Score is calculated. As you can see it takes into account the Glory value of your deck, the bonus glory for each conquest card used and then applies a rank bonus. Therefore to maximise your score you want to ideally use a max glory deck (4000) consisting entirely of conquest cards (additional 4000 glory) and then get your wins at the highest rank you can.

Mayhem is a game mode where there is a specific rule set that is different to regular ladder play, for example getting a bonus for running a single faction deck or getting your cheapest 2 cards for free. Once you've build the deck you will play in 2v2 Mayhem matches (either random or premade) and try to get 12 wins without losing 3 times. The more wins you get the better the rewards.

Here are some example Mayhems and some winning strategies:

Faction Wars
You gain +20% faster Mana if your entire deck is of the same Faction when starting the match.

Masters of Misadventure
Draft an "Adventure" Master at the start of the Mayhem.

Every time a spell is played, spawn a random minion of the same cost.

Every 5 seconds, a random Minion on both teams get a random Jinx: Gor'rakk Sacrifice, Spawn of Fury, Ardent Aegis or Lycanthropy.

Relics of Old
Draft 2 "Adventure" Relics at the start of the Mayhem that gives you powerful bonuses.

Mechanics Explained
In this section you'll find videos explaining how various mechanics in the game work and find some decks that utilise that mechanic.

Summoning Sickness

Accursed Ascension
Find out how to empower your Accursed deck with the Ascension mechanic:

Outlander Tech
Find out how to earn and how to spend Outlander Tech to empower your Outlander decks!

Frozen, Revelry & Defrost
This Rimargaal Freeze deck allows me to introduce and explain the Frozen, Revelry and Defrost mechanics and share a fun, if not great deck.

Growthburst Shroom
This Zen-Chi Ravager deck provides an illustration of how Growthburst Shrooms work and which cards can be empowered by them.

Invoke: "Replace a Voidborne card in your hand with a random Voidborne card that costs 1 more Mana until played (keeps its current cost)."

Voidborne Wound

Slitherbind and Sacrifice
Please note that the Slitherbind mechanic was called Call Slitherbound at the time this video was made. Whilst the name and some of the cards have changed the explanation of the mechanics is still valid and useful.

Here you will find some serious and some fun decks that you can try out. The decks are also often used as a tool to explain some in-game mechanics.

Doomcleaverless Doomcleaver Deck
A global chat discussion got me thinking about a fun deck concept - a Mordar + Doomcleaver deck but with ZERO Doomcleavers in the original deck. How can we achieve this? Well thanks to the power of INVOKE it is possible. Join me as I explain how this deck works and try it out in a 2v2 Randoms ladder match.

Commons Only Deck
I thought it would be fun to put together a Minion Masters deck comprising only common cards. These cards should be easily accessible to even the newest of players since they are super cheap to craft.

Rares Only Deck
Yesterday we looked at a Minion Masters deck consisting of only Common cards, today we are building one with just rare cards. Still pretty easy to obtain and craft so should be a lot of fun.

Supremes Only Deck
Continuing on our rarity journey today we are going to look at a deck made only of Supreme cards. I chose to play Diona since she is my favourite master and we get to look at the cool new Slitheress skin that is available in the current Season Pass.

Legendary Only Deck
Today we are going to look at a deck built entirely out of Legendary cards! Since we have a few ranged units I thought it would make sense to give Stormbringer a run out, a master that I don't play too often.

Diona Contender Deck
Join me as I go through a deck that I have had a lot of success with this season in Minion Masters. It is great at dealing with Mana Chasers and got me to Contender in 2v2 Premades as well as Grand Master in Solos and 2v2 Randoms.

Sniper Mordar
Join me as I introduce one of my favourite Minion Masters deck - Sniper Mordar. We'll check out the deck, look at the key cards and see it in action against a top level player on the solo leaderboard. Can it beat Apep + Avea?

King Puff + Azali
I've been playing a lot of King Puff in recent seasons and having just hit Grand Master and rank #4 in Random Duos I thought I would share the deck and some top level game play. In this match I face off against the current world #1 hngol.

Minion Masters has a community curated Wiki that is a great source of information regarding all aspects of the game. If you wanted to check on some card details outside of the game or check the history of changes that a card has experienced then the wiki is the place for you!

Minion Masters Wiki[]

folt 20 May, 2023 @ 8:08am 
any chance of explaining that little, purple sniper guy?
Mernix 20 May, 2023 @ 7:53am 
Came across this guide by chance. Good work! Keep it up, Fish.