Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Otillräckligt med betyg
Australia-Hungary achievement
Av Elgroso8
Yeah this achievement is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and broken in newer DLCs but behold! you can get this achievement if you follow this guide by 1938!
The steps

1)Turn off Death or Dishonor(So Hungary won't be able to claim cores and Romania won't guarantee Yugoslavia)

2)Turn on historical focuses(So Italy stays fascist and France will stop guaranteeing Yugoslavia by the time you go to war with them,probably early 38)

3)Go for never another Gallipoli followed by abandon Westminster,build military factories on all the eastern provinces the entire game

a)don't use your political power,keep it for later,you'll need it
b)train your divisions to get xp and get to 5XP,then delete them
c)put 2 factories on artillery and 2 on infantry equipment,dockyards for convoys

4)Research trucks and radios,followed by industry,concentrated industry,ignore construction.

5)By the time you get to Abandon Westminster,go for the industry focuses(the first 2) and then stop doing focuses to hoard PP until you get to 551 Autonomy,go for the fascist tree.

6)Pick the Fascist demagogue and go for civil war,take civilian trains and then do convince the population 2 times(or something idunno) to get to less than 50% stability,IT HAS TO BE LESS THAN 50% NOT EQUAL.

a)by this time you need to research signal company,artillery upgrade and infantry equipment upgrades in that order,start using 1 factory on trucks.

7)Trigger the civil war and use that 5xp to make a 1 cavalry batallion(1 horse if you didn't know) and train 11 of them,deploy them as soon as possible to end the civil war as the AI will also try to do the same.
a)Justify on Yugoslavia when the civil war starts
b)do the first indonesian focus before you make those 11 divisions,you might need more equipment
c)hire the attack +0.20xp daily guy,he's cheap and we need the xp.

8)By this time you need to change your priorites to artillery>support equipment>trucks>infantry equipment.
a)We're gonna make 7 battalions of infantry,2 of artillery,engineer company and artillery support,we'll add signal company when the war with Yugoslavia is about to start.

9)Do the New Zealand Focus and then wait for Indonesia to get to +30% fascist,don't go for any focuses,you need to hoard PP.
a)By this time(or by early 1937) you need ot justify on Hungary,it will take 355 days but it is enough time.
b)improve relations with Italy once.
c)get military access from italy and send 8 infantry divisions to their main border(not Zara)

10)Do Indonesian uprising,you'll bypass some focuses and go straight for Our Own Empire
a)You might realise that the the justification for Yugoslavia will come before we can finish the focus,no worry,you can wait until the a certain date(could be November or december)to declare war.
b)you might be out of stockpile of support equipment,don't worry too much but don't waste your men,you don't have a lot of them or supply.

11)Declare war and invite Italy,you can't do it backwards because Italy won't join unless you're at war,get at least 50% warscore.
a)you might have to wait for France to lift it's guarantees

12)take all the provinces that border Hungary but primarily the provinces of Croatia and the ones north of Serbia.
a)Italy might want to take Croatia,don't let them.
b)we need those provinces so the hungarian AI will spread their divisions thin.

13)gather your 8 divisions south of the capital of Hungary,leave Croatia open.
a)you might want to train your divisions to lvl3 if you have the time,you can.

14)declare war on Hungary and take Pecs then Budapest.
a)the AI might try to pin you with their divisions,let them and then push them back.

Congrats you got the achievement
"Why not paradrop?"
Because the AI will guard rails and supply hubs.

"But i did it like that and it worked you just have to bait the AI!"
You already have the achievement,why are you here? and no,the AI will reinforce now.

"Bruh you can just do strategic bombing and be sure of it!"
Not always,Germany can beat the Soviets and Japan will be coming for you down south,by the time you go for Europe it'll be 1950(Trust me i've tried as Air Australia and Navy Australia) and even then you are not guaranteed to get all Hungarian cores or Hungary's new claims and be honest, do you really trust the AI?

"Why is your guide so ugly"
First time,kiss me bum.

3 kommentarer
paladinfriend 25 okt, 2023 @ 5:30 
this didnt work at all
john rode offiacial 4 jun, 2023 @ 20:35 
why anime:RastaBanana:
Ruggar 4 jun, 2023 @ 5:52 
least autistic hoi4 guide