Murderous Muses

Murderous Muses

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A Guide to Murderous Muses
By Xotu
A guide to everything in Murderous Muses!
This is my first guide so feedback is very appreciated. With this guide I hope I can help some of you through the game! I'm thinking of adding a "How to Play" section but I'm not sure how needed that is for people.

During each night there is a puzzle within the active part of the museum and even one secret puzzle can be unlocked during the playthrough. They unlock phone call clips, painting videos, eyes of Mordechai, a teleport to the start, urns and gives you a higher scores at the end.

Remember the Pattern
Recognizable by the ticket booth as seen in the picture below.

This is a minigame that requires you to remember the disks that turn around when you click the button below, and as soon as they reset you must click the pattern of disks that you saw before. You can easily complete this puzzle by taking a screenshot of the solution. But in most cases, they are not to hard to remember.

Simon says
Recognizable by the red phone booth as seen on the picture below.

This is a Simon says minigame with in total 6 numbers to remember. To make this one easier on yourself if you are struggling, write down the numbers as they appear so you can look back at the solution when you forget.

Recognizable by the wall with symbols on it as seen on the picture below.

This is a game of Mastermind where we need to guess the code within 5 tries. Symbols can appear more then once! On the right of the board you can see how close you are to guessing the code. a red line means that the symbol is not in the code, a red square means that the symbol is in the code but in the wrong place. and a yellow square means the symbol is in the code and in the correct place.

Recognizable by the table with cards on it as seen on the picture below.

This is your classic game of memory. combine two of the same muse. the only catch is that you have a maximum of 5 mistakes you can make.

Secret puzzle
To unlock the secret puzzle you must place the paintings at the correct spot in the museum before starting each night. If done correctly, when you start the third night, you'll have a penguin statue stand on the counter.

Pick up the penguin and go to the gallery part of the museum. The place where you have been putting up the paintings so far. You will see that the hexagon room has changed into the following.

Walk down the stairs at the back of the room and you will see a pedestal. DO NOT place the penguin on the pedestal yet! When you place the penguin on the pedestal the Eye back at the hexagon room will roll down the stairs, hit you and ruin the possibility to get the reward. To dodge the Eye, hide behind the stack of boxes to the side of the pedestal as soon as you place the penguin on it.

Hide here and you will be safe. the Eye will destroy the wall behind the pedestal and you have completed the puzzle!

Puzzle rewards
Every puzzle has the same rewards. To get your reward you will need to use the key you get from the puzzle on the closed door within the exhibit. (for the secret puzzle the door is opened for you) In this room you can find the following.

A phone call from Sasha

A place where you can place a painting. This one does not cost any Eyes of Mordechai so watch them all!

A pedestal with one of two things. A urn if you do not have all of them yet and an Eye of Mordechai when you already have all urns.

And lastly a demonic chair which when clicked teleport you back to the reception room.
Achievements Part 1
Art Block

You made it out of the tutorial puzzle

Complete the tutorial

Art History
Hung your first painting to see into the past

After the tutorial, take one of the paintings out of the wooden boxes and place it on the museum wall where it belongs.

J.A.M.I.E. and the Magic Tour

Listened to your first J.A.M.I.E. lore painting narration

Before you start your night. Click on one of the speaker buttons in the museum.

Art Critic

Listened to your first Higgins lore painting narration

During the night. Click on one of the speaker buttons in the museum.

Art Admirar

You sat down 10 times

Just relax 10 times by sitting on benches across the museum.


You clicked the TVs 50 times

You can never watch to much Crime TV. Click on the TV's 50 times.

My favorite crime TV channel

Crate Expectations

You opened 19 crates

Before starting the night open the crates around the museum. 19 of them please. You can only find 5 or 6 crates each time.

Lost and Found

You found a painting you'd left in the store room

Leave one of your paintings in your inventory or place it in the wrong place when starting the night. The next day go to the storage room and grab your "lost" painting out of one of these crates!

Hard Facts

You watched a police interview

During the night you can unlock police interviews by placing the paintings on the wall at specific words in a specific order, which can be found under the paintings somewhere in the level at night.

Left is an unlocked police interview and right a locked interview

Unlock the interview and click on the red button as seen on the picture.

You Urned It

You watched a Kira video

To unlock your first video, you first need to get an urn and place it on the correct pedestal at the end of the staff room during the night.

NOTE: this is an example urn, all 17 possible urns look different

To get your first urn you need to complete one of the puzzles. On how puzzles work you can check the "Puzzles" section of the guide.
How the puzzles look like

When you've completed a puzzle it gives you a key which can be used to unlock the closed door within the level. When unlocked, in this room you can find a urn on a pedestal. Take it.

Go back to the staff room. and walk to the end of the hallway through two door and up the stairs. You can see 16 pedestals in one big room with 1 pedestal in a separate section at the end of the room.

NOTE: here all the urns are already in place, this is empty when you start

To figure out on which pedestal an urn belongs to you have to inspect the urn in your inventory and turn it to look at the bottom. Here you can see the roman numeral that connects the urn to a specific pedestal.

As you can see the number of this urn is XII and links to the pedestal with the same numeral

When the urn is in the correct place the video on the wall parallel to the pedestal will unlock. Click on the button below the painting to watch the video and get the achievement.

Recycle Recycle Recycle

You recycled 6 Eyes of Mordechai
Pay To Win

You paid the tips hotline

As learned in the tutorial as soon as the first night begins and you have all the paintings you can start recycling! Within the museum there appear tables(sometimes they don't appear but you can always use the one within the tutorial level) to recycle and socket Eyes of Mordechai as seen on the picture below.

You can recycle leftover Eyes of Mordechai when you are done with the night and unlock the achievement. But to be more efficient you can combine it with the Pay To Win achievement. That achievement requires 6 Eyes of Mordechai. So get 2 Eyes of Mordechai from 3 paintings (which unlocks the first achievement) and walk over the the tips hotline.

The tips hotline can be found in the staff room during the night.
First go to the staff room and walk toward the stairs below the room with all the urn pedestals through two door.

On the left of the stairs there is a small hallway to a room with all the phone calls. in the center of that there is a room with the tips hotline.

Put in your Eyes of Mordechai in the sockets at the top and click on the phone.
Achievements Part 2
Eye Surgery

You socketed 6 Eyes of Mordechai

The easiest way to get this achievement is to start a new playthrough and immediately at night 1 recycle 6 Eyes of Mordechai at the table and socket them back into paintings.


You caught the killer

Choose the right person as the killer. At the end of the 3 nights you can use one of the muses as the killer. This can be determent based on the police interviews you unlocked. Read the "How to Catch the Killer" section for a more in depth explanation on how to choose the right person.

Double Indemnity

You tried to solve the murder again

Choose a killer for the second time. Start and finish your second playthrough.

Mind Games

You solved all 3 puzzles first attempt

Solve every puzzle (except for the secret puzzle) all in the first try within 1 playthrough. To learn more about the different puzzles and how to complete them first try, read the "Puzzles" section.

Employee of the Month

You hung all the paintings correctly for Sasha

Before starting every night, make sure to collect all the paintings and hang them on the wall at the right spot in the museum. You can make sure you placed it on the right spot if the speaker button appears. As seen on the picture below. you will get a popup when all paintings have been placed correctly. Doing this for every night also unlocks the secret puzzle!

This button only appears when a correct painting is place above it.

Choices Matter

You unlocked a branching painting

Sometimes when entering one of the exhibits there is a display cabinet with a book in it.

There is a possibility that the book displays "?" indicates there is no branching path available.

This book displays a word within the current exhibit. Using the correct painting at that word a chime can be heard and two new spots to hang your painting appear within the exhibit.

In this case when you place Otto at "Evil" you get a question asked within the video that plays. Answer the question by choosing one of the answers. When a choice has been made the other option disappears.

The Big Picture

You unlocked a character lore painting

This might require multiple playthroughs to unlock. In the staff room during the night there are 6 rooms with a picture of one of the muses on it.

NOTE: I have already unlocked all paintings so I cannot show screenshots.

Within these rooms there are lists of words. When a word is currently available in one of the exhibits a roman numeral will be seen in front of the word. So "Evil" is displayed as "III. Evil", this then indicates it can be found in exhibit 3 (night 3). Place that muse his/her painting at that word and it will be crossed of the list. When all words on a list have been found a lore painting will be unlocked. This progress is carried over from playthrough to playthrough.

The Importance of Being Urnest

You collected all the urns

This has to be done in multiple playthroughs because the maximum amount of urns you can unlock each playthrough is 4 (this includes the secret puzzle) and there are a total of 17 urns. After completing a puzzle an urn is rewarded to you, this is always one you haven't gotten before. Place the urn on the correct spot at then end of the staff room and when all urns are placed the achievement is yours!

Private Eye

You solved the murder with over 20 eyes left

Read the "How to Catch the Killer" section where I also explain how to get this achievement. Here is an overview of the amount of eyes possible over all the nights. Just keep in mind there is some RNG involved but if you have all the urns there should be no problem getting enough eyes.

Amount of Eyes of Mordechai
Recycling paintings
18 - 21
Found in the museum
1 - 5
Puzzles (including secret puzzle)
How to Catch the Killer
NOTE: For this section I also take into account the "Private Eye" achievement! If you want this achievement ideally you want to have all urns unlocked to get extra Eyes. If you don't there is a possibility (if no Eyes can be found in the museum and you do not have all urns) that you cannot get the achievement. So I would recommend to try to get this achievement when you have all urns, else there is a chance you end up with 18 Eyes.
I also take into account you know how the gameplay works.

First I would recommend you to create a spreadsheet like this:

Night 1
Night 2
Night 3

We are going to use this spreadsheet to keep track of who might be the killer and who we can confirm are innocent. For each night there is a random subject assigned that we can unlock police interviews for. the ones I've seen so far:
  1. Trick or Treat
  2. Caller ID
  3. Key
  4. Butterflies
  5. Ketamine
  6. Calky Rope
  7. Japanese
  8. Weapon
  9. Rituals

Each muse has an "innocent" and "guilty" video for each subject. Which one you are viewing becomes so much easier to determine when you played multiple times already, but can be determined if the muse had the possibility of committing the crime discussed in the current subject. This also means that some innocent muses can show twice a "guilty" video but at night 3 an "innocent" one. The killer has every night a "guilty" video as police interview. This is what we are going to use our spreadsheet for.(If you want to know which video is guilty or not go into the game files Murderous Muses\Murderous Muses_Data\StreamingAssets\Videos and look at the videos labeled based on the subject)

For the "Private Eye" achievement
For the "Private Eye" achievement you want to complete the police interviews in the least amount of Eyes of Mordechai uses. When you unlocked all the police interviews necessary you want to recycle all left over Eyes of Mordechai. If done correctly you'll have at least 18 Eyes of Mordechai. Keep in mind in random places there can be eyes laying around somewhere. I've seen some on benches and under the recycling table. Also you need two Eyes left in the painting to create one. So when you have an odd number left in a painting you could still use that painting to switch words where ever needed without losing out on an Eye of Mordechai. Before you start the night hang all the paintings.

Extra Eyes
There is a possibility that you get extra Eyes during the night, but this is RNG dependent. Some police interviews can be unlocked by placing the painting at the same word twice or even three times.

Here the word "Means" is needed twice

Which means that normally you would end up with 3 Eyes left in the painting. But in this case you might end with 4 Eyes left. This would create an extra Eye. This RNG has given me 3 extra Eyes in one playthrough.

Night One
You want to start by unlock all the police interviews in the least amount of steps. Watch the police interviews and determine if you are watching an "innocent" or "guilty" video. put this into the spreadsheet. There are only one or two muses who show a innocent video this night.

Night 1
Night 2
Night 3
For this example only Dominique shows up innocent

The least amount of Eyes of Mordechai you'll have at this point is 6. 7 Eyes if you have done all the puzzles so far with all the urns unlocked. Again during the day place all the paintings in the museum.

We can now determine that Dominique is not the killer. Sasha is going to ask us now to send her one of the paintings. This means that we cannot use the painting in any way the next night and will not be able to watch their police interview. No worries to play it safe you can always choose one of the muses who is for sure not a killer based on the spreadsheet. But we are going to play it smart. Choose on of the guilty muses (for our example run we will say we send Lilith). This gives us 2 less muses to unlock the police interview for so more Eyes of Mordechai!

Night Two
This night we are going to unlock the police interviews for everyone except the innocent muse(s) and the one we send away of course (in our example run this is Dominique confirmed innocent and Lillith because we send her away).

NOTE: To progress the night we have to use every available painting at least once. This means we can use Dominique our innocent painting at least once to help switch words when needed to not spend to much Eyes.

When you have unlocked all four of the police interviews watch them and fill in the spreadsheet again!

Night 1
Night 2
Night 3
For this example now we can say Myers is innocent as well 4 more to go!

The least amount of Eyes of Mordechai you'll have at this point is 12. 14 Eyes if you have done all the puzzles so far with all the urns unlocked. Place all the paintings in the museum!

Now that Myers is also confirmed innocent we can exclude Dominique and Myers from our police interviews. Sasha is going to ask us again to send her a painting. There is a possibility that she'll ask to give two paintings, just give the two innocent muses at this point and Sasha will just take one of them. For this example let's say we gave Dominique to Sasha.

Night Three
Now we will do the same thing as in night two where we unlock the police interviews for possible killers and ignore the innocent ones. Watch the interviews and fill in the spreadsheet.

Night 1
Night 2
Night 3

The least amount of Eyes of Mordechai you'll have at this point is 18. 22 Eyes if you have done all the puzzles(including the secret one) so far with all the urns unlocked.

We can now determine the killer based on who has 3 "guilty" verdicts. (in our example because there is no one with 3 guilty that means Lilith has to be our killer!)
Dugbo 2 Sep @ 12:50am 
Nice guide, I used this method for a little bit until I switched to just reusing 6 slips of paper each with 1 name on them. I was going through a lot of paper, heh
iClowned 17 Jul @ 2:11pm 
Thanks for the guide! There is one inaccuracy though: In the section "How to Catch the Killer" on paragraph "Night Two" it is noted that, in order to progress the night, you have to use every available painting at least once. This is not true: You don't have to to use an unimportant painting to change words on the plaques; you can simply recycle all eyes on the mentioned unimportant painting by using a recycling table. By doing so you can also progress the night and, if you've got the maximum amount of eyes on the painting (6), get more eyes out of it (3).
Witcheress 20 Nov, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Hey! Could you help me? I'm trying to unlock the branching painting for Otto. You're supposed to place his painting on "Greed" to get "Deceit" or "Addiction" but it's not working. I've done it on a different playthrough and it worked but now it's not. Any tips?
Robo Giffo 20 Jul, 2023 @ 3:54pm 
Great guide. I think when I first played, I tried to read way too much into things. The "innocent" and "guilty" stuff is a lot more straight forward than it might seem. Basically, the tv tells you before each night an aspect of what happened. These tie directly to the interviews you discover that night. "Innocent" Is simply someone who's police interview that contradicts what happens, like someone wasn't in a place or didn't know about something. Anyone who could have done what was described is thus "Guilty." That whole section works very much more like a logic puzzle than a mystery "who done it?"
Xotu  [author] 11 May, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
An "innocent" or "guilty" section would be helpful but a lot of work to get done. Would be best as a youtube video(s).

And I'm going to add the amount of eyes that can be found in the museum
-==Kinderstock==- 8 May, 2023 @ 3:12pm 
nice guide.
a section about which videos are "innocent" or "guilty" would be helpful...
SethAnthony 8 May, 2023 @ 10:22am 
The museum has 2 to 5 eyes in the new gallery space each night. I usually find at least 2 eyes, but once I found a room with 5 eyes. They are often located at the bottom of each floor, on benches, under tables like the book and restoration table. Sometimes they can be found midway up a wall where two walls meet. I often overlook the eyes in the middle of rugs but find them later when revisiting old spaces.

I'm trying to unlock all the videos, so I've played the game multiple times. There are certain spaces where you can expect to find eyes, and the game assigns them randomly at the beginning. Once you find an eye in one place, you'll know to check for it in future playthroughs. I'm confident I know most of the eye spawns now and usually collect more than 10 eyes each run.