Galactic Civilizations IV

Galactic Civilizations IV

Early Access Player Guide
由 Sycloness 發表
This is how I play and crush the galaxy. I thought others might like to try my play style. This is also filled with information on how to play the game.
Race Creation
I use a custom race of humans: StarGate Command. There are lots of ways to play. This is just how I like to play. Play how you like you enjoy and I hope some of this information is useful.
NOTE: All the pics for StarGate Command I did myself and the ship set is not on supernova as of yet on early release.
Biology Tab:

Biology: Carbon Based

Cultural Affinity: Individualism @ Liberty

Independence -15% decay feeder colonies give more stats to core worlds
Inviting - 3 random citizens of any race
Adaptable - +2 tiles to every world you own or will own
Enticing - Flip all planets and starbases in your influence

Self-Governace - 8% approval on all core worlds except for Homeworld and free leader
Mobility Rights - +2 starbase range
Private Owenership - no maintinace on starbases
Open Communication - 50% increase influence generation on all planets

Star System: Sol (hands down best starting system) Lots of dead worlds to spore and asteroids to mine.

Abilities Tab

I select all the new abilities to have all the technologies. I take hits in all the diplomacy ones. My Diplomacy is submit to my way of life or die...

Civilization Abilities:

Humans (I need to learn to update these so I can have all my Stargate people with me)

Commander Ships:
World Supporting Ships will grant you 2 more Flag Ships for getting more anomalies.

Fleet Tab

You can select the fleet of ships your race will use. I was lucky enough to talk Halicide into making all the Tau'ri ships from StarGate. Now I just have to bribe him into doing all the other Stargate races...
Game Start
Turn 1

Planet Build Order
Do not really focus on tile bonus. Place your improvements to boost adjacency bonuses. If the tiles line up and you get more of a bonus nice. I just do not change up my hubs to make use of them.

What to build first
  1. Industrial Center
  2. Capital MainFrame

Spore Venus
When you spore a dead world the stats are completely random as well as if you get a resource. Luck of the dice here. This is one of the best rolls I have seen.

Send starting colony ship to colonize Venus.

Spawn a Colony Ship
Use executive orders and select draft colonists.Now use this colony ship to colonize Mars. When you get the option on the event screen for Mars select free leader.

With the picks I have and the free leader I got from Mars. I am going to keep Adrian to use for my 1st core world. I am going to hire Vicki for Minister of Technology and Valerie for Minister of Exploration. I want the extra selection for research and I want the extra movement point for ships. Also the leaders are at a nice price. On turn one I try not to spend more than 500 credits for leaders, unless the are super useful.

Civilization Overview
I set my taxes to low to boost approval and my core world stats. I use treasure hunters you can build via shipyards to earn credits to keep my income high. Based on my feed back I am sure this is going to get balanced soon. But until then spam them for endless credits...


Always pick this technology first to work with your asteroid exploitation policy to boost your starting manufacturing on your homeworld.

Now send out your probe to scount nearby worlds to look for a good core colony and resource nodes. I go for Purple, Red, and Yellow at first. Then send your Survey ship out to find anomalies. I try and focus on artifacts over the rest to get them before the AI does. But when you first start out you have limited viewing space so do not be too picky.

Select a colony ship to send to Saturn. Spore that world once the colony ship is built. Then build some scouts to hunt for more worlds, resources, and anomalies.

End Turn 1
Look at Earth Now with everything that was done on turn one.
First Few Turns
Keep scouting until you either get your colony ship built or research asteroid mining.

Got lucky again and got harmony crystals. These can be use for improvements and increase leader loyalty by 10 points every 30 turns I think.

Planet Build Order

My technology order is based on the need to unlock Minister of Finance so I can buy Promethion and Durantium to build wonders before the AI does. This has changed my normal technolony order cause some one wants resource nodes to be more rare and force us to fight the AI for them. BUT the AI just buys them all off the Galatic Bazaar. So I do not really see the need for the reduction in resource nodes. I would rather see removal of bazaar and force the player and AI to trade and or goto war for the resources. I used to focus on starbases very very early to get them to the nodes I need and harvest the resources to build the wonders. But, now the AI just beats me to them with I am guessing bazaar. So now I have to be line for bazaar to buy the resources to beat the AI to building the wonders first. I have yet to get Eyes of the Universe or Kazar's Mainframe on my homeworld before the AI gets one first. After I get my wonders built then I will use the new half off selections.

The Goal is to get all of these and place them around your Industrial Center and your Capital Mainframe to boost the adjacency bonus as high as you can get to boosted core world stats. Also to get the stats on your homeworld vs the AI getting them.
These are the core Wonders I go for early game:

Culture Trees
I go for Self-Governace 1st for the free leader. I go for mobility rights after I get adaptable below and then work toward private ownership for no maintenance on starbases. I play with a ton of them.
Then I work towards Inviting for 3 citizens I can use for colony worlds or starbases. I use Humans for planets I am going to core. Aliens for colonies and starbases if Ihave any. I try and pick up Adaptable early to for +2 tiles on all worlds I own or will own.

Look for a new Core World
You should have enough scouts out to find a new cluster of planets and pick one to core and the rest feeder colonies. If you find a system with more than one core world it is best to only core one and use the other as a feeder so you do not split the other feeder worlds between the two core worlds. It is better to have one great core world than two crappy ones.

Keep and turn into a core world cause techapod hives are key to upgrading starbases.
Use as a feeder colony to boost the other core world.
Now over time colonize all the other worlds around this system and any near by ones. Note remember you can use your spore ability to colonize dead worlds!!
Goals During Game
You goal should build Earth up like this. As you unlock more influence wonders remove a culture district to make room for the wonder.

Get starbases mining
  1. Promethion tech improvements, ship engines
  2. Durantium manufacturing improvements, other improvements, and ship modules
  3. Antimatter improvements, ship modules
  4. Thulium ship modules
  5. Elerium ship modules

Planet Recources:
Get Hydroponics for organic planet resources and Orbital Mining for metals.
Here are a list of the ones I value most:
  1. Techapod Hive - Starbase upgrades
  2. Harmony Crystals - Use to improve leader loyalty by +10 every 30 turns
  3. Armor Spice - Used to build wonders
  4. Hyper Silicates - Starbase upgrades

Core Worlds

Look for clusters of worlds and find one to core and then colonize all the rest as feeder worlds. I try to have at least 3 good core world hubs by turn 100. Each of them with a shipyard and 150-200 production.

Look for a large world with other worlds and other systems with worlds to colony nearby. Also asteroids are great to boost production. My goal is 5-10 feeder colonies and remember you can spore dead worlds.

Wealth improvements are a complete waste at this time. Do not use up a tile for them. If your lucky you might get 1-3 credits per turn. Yet you can build a treasure hunter in your shipyard and get 50-300 credits per turn. I only build ships with shipyards with 150+ manufacturing and any under that make hunters and modules. I normally have 1000s of credits on hand.

Turn 175 in one of my game with how I build my core worlds and feeder colonies:
Influence Flipping
How to flip a Planet with Influence

I see many new players really hung up on this. There are so many ways to counter flipping that I just do not even really try too. I do work a on influence generation and if I happen to flip a planet great. But I do not stare at the planet tool tip every round wanting to know why it has not flipped yet.

What I do to build influence:
  1. Culture improvements and districts on homeworld
  2. Culture techs for more improvements and higher numbers for culture
  3. Culture starbases. Place on the edge of your influence and near the AI to push your culture
  4. Culure perks, Tradition Tree Scared History +1000 homeworld influence and can build influence on core worlds if you have nothing to build
  5. Culure perks, Tradition Tree Dogma flip all planets and starbases in your influence. (note this is a one time action use it only when you get max benefit)
  6. Culure perks, Benevolence Tree has a few culture perks and ones that give planet improvements
Key Technologies

Entire colony line for terraforming.
Entire engineering line for logistics.
Entire line in combat for shipbuilding.
Culture and diplomacy lines will help keep the AI friendly so you can build and tech up longer.
Place mining stations around resource nodes on the map to mine that resource.
Place an economy station around a core world hub to boost the stats of that core world.
Note: Economy bases stack so you can place as many as you can around your main Core hubs. Only limit is size and 3 hex width apart from each other.
Place these around the edge of your influence area to extend your culture.
Note: Same thing want to flip a spot. Place a few com bases all 3 hexes apart and stack influence.
Place these around all systems with planets (core/colony) to prevent attacks. The station has to be destroyed to attack the planets it protects.
Note: This was removed and no this station has no reason for being in the game any more. I do hope they revert back to protection so leaving this in the guide for now.

can increase range with technologies, race traits, and culture perks.
Tech: Starbase Modules +1
Culture: Mobility Rights (Liberty) +2
Race trait: Vigilant +2
Starbase upgrade: Support Field Stabilization +2 (For some reason this is not on Mining bases)

Report area shows how the base effects colonies or resource nodes.

Any available modules will appear here if you wish to add them to the station.
Unlock more with technologies upgrades.
15 則留言
WinCom7 2023 年 10 月 20 日 下午 4:44 
Now that v2 has been published, do plan an update for this guide? You should now be safe from SD's nerfing tendencies... maybe... :-)
Sycloness  [作者] 2023 年 9 月 23 日 下午 11:04 
SOOO many changes kind of was waiting for it to come out of EA to update...
Sycloness  [作者] 2023 年 9 月 23 日 下午 11:04 
I need to update guide, Stardock changed the culture trees... and I have a new build order for them will work on that soon.
Sycloness  [作者] 2023 年 9 月 23 日 下午 11:03 
New build click on workshop and click in search window for Stargate
neilwilkes 2023 年 9 月 6 日 上午 3:20 
Where do I find the Custom Civ of 'Stargate Command' please?
As a long time fan of the Stargate franchise, that would be a 'must get' for where can I find it?
All info greatly appreciated
Dave 2023 年 8 月 31 日 下午 3:04 
How do you get that much production on your worlds? I can barely get to 50!
jshutich 2023 年 7 月 12 日 上午 9:18 
I just got this today and wondered how you where getting
Cultural Affinity: Individualism @ Liberty

I can only select Individualism . Maybe they have changed the code to not give you two choices now?
nealklein 2023 年 6 月 9 日 上午 3:27 
I really don't love GC4 at all, but this guide had some pointers I hadn't considered. Thank you.
Sycloness  [作者] 2023 年 5 月 22 日 上午 9:30 
Ya I hate that change....
mark_holden274 2023 年 5 月 21 日 上午 7:19 
Note. Military star bases no longer need to be destroyed to take a core world. Defend core worlds with fleets...
This is an awesome players guide.