Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

167 평점
AuzrLane-Eagle Union Civilization
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2023년 4월 23일 오전 12시 53분
2024년 3월 9일 오전 1시 29분
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AuzrLane-Eagle Union Civilization

HSbF6HSO3F님의 2 모음집
HSbF6HSO3F's AzurLane Mod
아이템 9개
Azur Lane: Wedding Plan
아이템 13개
Most of the English text of this mod is machine translation, and errors cannot be avoided. If there is any error, please correct it.
Added a civilization based on the white eagle in the game work "Azur Lane" - the Eagle Union civilization, which has strong industrial and technological strength. There are currently five leaders of the civilization: Essex, New Jersey, Georgia, Helena and Allen M. Sumner.
Unique Ability
The Brilliance of Technology and Industry
All Improvements +1 Production and +1 Science, and then +1 Production after researching the Industrialization technology. The number of Great Scientist and Great Engineer points earned per turn is increased by 100%, and the Great Scientist and Great Engineer have an additional charge. For every great person earned, +2% of Science and Culture (capped at 30%).
Unique District
Santa Clara Valley
Eagle Union unique district, replacing Industrial Zone district, unlock earlier, cost less, and have no population demand (Therefore, it is not a specialty district). Gain an additional standard Production adjacency bonus from adjacent districts. Production Adjacent Bonus also provides Science and Gold. Awards 1 randomly-chosen free technologies when completed.All Improvements in this city +1 Science and +1 Production, and then +1 Production after researching the Apprenticeship technology.Get a +2 Production bonus from each adjacent Harbor, Campus, and Santa Clara Valley. Each adjacent Harbor provides a +2 Gold bonus and each Campus gives a +2 Science bonus.
Unique Building
Newport News Shipbuilding
A building unique to Eagle Union. All naval units trained in this city +50% combat experience, starting with a free promotion and +5 Combat Strength. Bonus Production equal to the adjacency bonus of the Harbor district. +2 Production on all Coast and Lake tiles for this city. In this city, Fleet and Armada training costs reduced 25%, and receive a second naval unit each time you train a naval unit.
Unique Unit
Enterprise-class aircraft carriers
Eagle Union unique Atomic era naval unit with powerful melee attack power and air unit transport capabilities. +4 Influence points per turn.
Leader's Ability: The Fightin'est Ship in the Fleet
+7 Combat Strength for all naval units, all naval units +1 Combat Strength for all units. +1 Movement for all units, +1 Sight. Reduce the time required to produce military units by 50%. When producing a Naval Combat unit, obtain Culture equivalent to 40% of the unit's cost Gain the Essex-class aircraft carrier and F2H Banshee unique unit respectively when the Combustion technology and the Laser technology are researched.
Unique Unit
Essex-class aircraft carrier:
Essex's unique Modern era naval unit that replaces the Aircraft Carrier, unlocked earlier. Mobility is higher than aircraft carriers, melee attack power is higher, air defense and more initial aircraft capacity are possessed.
F2H Banshee:
Essex's unique Information era air units that replaced the Jet Fighters. Stronger than the Jet Fighters, with longer range and movement.

Leader's Ability: Heavy Barrel Blaster
Plantation +3 Culture, +1 Trade Route capacity and unleash Culture Bomb on surrounding territory. Each Specialty District in the Destination city of the Trade Route offers +2 Culture, or +4 Culture in the case of an International Trade Route. +7 Combat Strength for all units when attacking naval units and district defenses, and all naval units and ranged units can do full damage against cities. Gain the Iowa-class battleship prototype scheme IV unique unit when the Advanced Ballistics technology is researched.
Unique Unit
Iowa-class battleship prototype scheme IV
Georgia's unique Atomic era naval unit that replaces the Missile Cruiser, unlocked earlier. Expensive to build, but with a powerful range and strong long-range combat effectiveness.

New Jersey
Leader's Ability: Firepower for Freedom
Can declare a War of Liberation after gaining the Defensive Tactics Civic. +5 Combat Strength, +2 Movement, +100% Production within 10 turns after the War of Liberation, Reconquest and Defense of the City-State. +5 Combat Strength for all units when at war. EachTrade Route sent to a City-State awards 2 Envoy there. +1 Food, +1 Culture, +3 Gold for all Farms, Ranches, Camps and Plantation improvements. Gain the Iowa-class battleship unique unit when the Advanced Ballistics technology is researched.
Unique Unit
Iowa-class battleship
New Jersey's unique Atomic era naval unit that replaces the Missile Cruiser, unlock earlier. Stronger than Missile Cruiser.
Unique Improvement
Floutish Garden
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Floutish Garden, unique to New Jersey. +1 Production, +1 Culture, +1 Housing. +1 Food and Culture for each adjacent Farms, Pastures, Camps or Plantations. +3 Gold for each adjacent to Floutish Gardens. +1 Production and Gold for each adjacent Districts after studying Industrialization. It can only be built on Grassland, Grassland Hills, Plains and Plains Hills.

Leader's Ability: The Wonder of Kula Gulf
Has 3 level of Diplomatic Visibility greater than normal with every civilization that she's met. Enemy Spy level reduced by 4 in her lands. Her Spy level is increased by 3 for offensive operations. Plots adjacent to the Coast and Lake provide +1 Culture and +1 Production. The Coast and Lake +2 Faith and provides standard adjacent bonuses and +1 Culture for adjacent Campus, Industrial Zone, and Harbor, and a substantial adjacent bonus for adjacent Theater Square. +2 sight for all units, which the sight is not obstructed by Terrains and Features and give their adjacent enemy units -4 Combat Strength. Gain the St. Louis-class Light Cruiser unique unit when the Combustion technology is researched.
Unique Unit
St. Louis-class Light Cruiser
Helena unique Modern era naval unit with a high field of view and powerful air defense, it can perform long-range attacks with a range of 2 and expose the position of naval raiders in line of sight. Can be upgraded to the Missile Cruiser.

Allen M. Sumner
Leader's Ability: Shooting Gun-Star
All Districts +2 Culture from each adjacent Districts. After Flight is researched, all districts receive [ICON_Tourism] Tourism equal to the Culture output. +100% [ICON_Tourism] Tourism pressure from the city with Theater Square towards other civilizations when the game enters the Modern era. Gain the Allen M. Sumner-class Destroyer unique unit when the Combined Arms technology is researched.
Unique Unit
Allen M. Sumner-class Destroyer
Allen M. Sumner's unique Atomic era naval unit that replaces the Destroyer. Stronger than the Destroyer, and has strong anti-air power, can carry out a range of 1 long range attack. +7 Combat Strength when fighting a naval Raider, shows the naval raider in sight.

Adaptation for Golden Age can be found in Eagle Union-Golden Age Fit
See more leaders at: Eagle Union-Leaders Expansion I
댓글 37
Kira♥ 2024년 7월 5일 오전 6시 46분 
Sora_Xi 2024년 5월 8일 오전 9시 33분 
HSbF6HSO3F  [작성자] 2024년 3월 9일 오전 3시 30분 
@Tough_WereWolf Sorry, I changed the LeaderType of Essex. That's why the game crashed
Tough_WereWolf 2024년 3월 9일 오전 3시 24분 
Boss, the file is broken after today’s update. After loading Essex, the AI ​​player died on the spot and the city was razed to the ground. Then the leader interface turns black and changes to the Egyptian voice. Moreover, the Heroes, Great Men, and Religion interfaces cannot be opened. Returning to the main interface will also report an error, 0X13f9cf8f. The leader of the White Eagle Federation also turned into a bunch of gibberish, and the leader's color also changed.
scrrit 2024년 3월 4일 오전 2시 56분 
Yuriko 2024년 1월 30일 오전 6시 48분 
warfare expanded模组跟白鹰一起开的话,很多单位无法升级到下一时代的对应单位,但是WE跟自由鸢尾是可以正常一起开的。。。
星野アイ 2024년 1월 12일 오후 9시 09분 
poiet 2023년 12월 28일 오전 4시 24분 
ああああ 2023년 12월 21일 오전 10시 25분 
2072955682 2023년 12월 6일 오전 3시 59분 