Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Dynamic Towns - Vox Populi
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21 Απρ 2023, 19:00
16 Νοε 2023, 9:53
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Dynamic Towns - Vox Populi

Dynamic Towns Compatibility
6 αντικείμενα
Makes Dynamic Towns compatible with Vox Populi. Fully compatible as of Vox Populi 4.2.7.

Requires Brave New World, Vox Populi[], and Dynamic Towns.

This is a public beta. Please report any issues you experience!

All balance feedback and suggestions are welcome!

  • Trade Hub -- renamed Great Merchant improvement
  • Village -- +2 Gold, no Culture -- can be adjacent -- road or trade route: +1 Gold
  • Town -- +2 Gold, +1 Production, +1 Culture -- road or trade route: +1 Gold & Production -- railroad or Industrial trade route: +2 Gold & Production
  • Large Town -- +4 Gold, +2 Production, +2 Culture -- road or trade route: +2 Gold & Production -- railroad or Industrial trade route: +3 Gold & Production

  • Trade -- Build a Village
  • Currency -- Villages can begin growing into Towns
  • Guilds -- Town: +1 Gold -- Towns can begin growing into Large Towns
  • Banking -- Trade Hub: +3 Gold
  • Railroad -- Town: +1 Culture -- Large Town: +2 Culture -- Trade Hub: +3 Food
  • Refrigeration -- Large Town: +1 Gold -- Trade Hub: +3 Gold

  • Tradition -- Finisher -- Suburbs (a Large Town can grow adjacent to a City for every 14 Citizens it has)
  • Progress -- Finisher -- Burgs (Large Towns can grow closer to Cities, but not adjacent)
  • Industry -- Entrepreneurship -- Town: +1 Gold, +2 Production -- Large Town: +3 Gold, +2 Production
  • Industry -- Finisher -- Town: +1 Culture -- Large Town: +1 Culture and Production
  • Imperialism -- Finisher -- Villas
  • Rationalism -- Rights of Man -- Town & Large Town: +2 Gold, +2 Production
  • Rationalism -- Finisher -- Town: +1 Science -- Large Town: +2 Science

Unique Improvements
  • Netherlands -- Polder -- desirable -- +1 Gold from adjacent Towns, Large Towns, and Trade Hubs
  • Morocco -- Kasbah -- historic -- suburbs can develop next to a Kasbah
  • China -- Siheyuan -- convenient -- suburbs can develop next to a Siheyuan which is next to a City
  • Brazil -- Brazilwood Camp -- important
  • Portugal -- Feitoria -- important
  • France -- Chateau -- historic
  • Maya -- Kuna -- historic
  • Polynesia -- Moai -- historic
  • Shoshone -- Encampment -- convenient
  • Spain -- Hacienda -- convenient
  • Inca -- Pata-Pata -- bountiful
  • Huns -- Eki -- nothing

  • Stock Exchange -- Town: +2 Gold -- Large Town: +2 Gold -- Trade Hub: +2 Gold
  • Venice -- Murano Glassworks -- Town: +2 Food and +2 Tourism -- Large Town: +2 Food and +4 Tourism

  • Desirable -- Amber, Coffee, Coral, Lapis Lazuli, Jade, Olives, Perfume, Tea, Tobacco, all base Luxuries
  • Bountiful -- Maize, Rice, all base Bonus Resources
Δημοφιλείς συζητήσεις ΠΡΟΒΟΛΗ ΟΛΩΝ (1)
16 Νοε 2023, 21:04
46 σχόλια
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 15 Ιουν, 14:22 
Oh yea, I forgot about this, but they have also added a new kind of City Connection which may be of interest to you.

Industrial City Connections (ICCs)
- New type of City Connection
- ICCs require a FULL rail connection to the capital, a Seaport, or a full rail connection to a city with a Seaport
- ICCs have a special icon, made by gwennog
- Benefits:
Provides Production in the city, equal to the amount of Gold given by a City Connection
Machu Picchu & Colosseum also increase Production given by ICCs
Gives +1 Production and Gold to Villages under them (+2 if a Trade Route passes through them)
This bonus only works for a full connection - no more patchwork road/railroad systems
Unlocks Train Station, which has been renamed to Coaling Station
See Train / Coaling Station and Seaport entry under Buildings for other balance changes

^^ Ripped straight from the Vox Populi 4.8 Changelog.
Azaquor  [Δημιουργός] 14 Ιουν, 13:19 
Thanks for the heads up Lucius! That's a good idea! Things are quite hectic right now, but I'll make this change when I get a chance.
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 14 Ιουν, 7:40 
Hello there Azaquor, I wanted to inform you that sometime in the future Rome in Vox Populi will be gaining the Villa as a unique improvement. Might I suggest renaming the Villa in Dynamic Towns to Port perhaps?
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 17 Νοε 2023, 4:42 
Just realized I didn't include an example.

The University Event has you pick between
Focus on the Hard Sciences: +2 Science
Focus on Liberal Arts: +1 Culture
Religious Education is most important +1 Faith from Universities.
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 17 Νοε 2023, 4:39 
By the way, since I am here suggesting ideas, it would be nice if there were some Events for Towns & Large Towns.

Like instead of just growing into a Large Town, what if you could choose certain specialties?

VP has similar events when you build your first University, and there are also ones that trigger for Markets & Monuments at different thresholds.
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 17 Νοε 2023, 4:35 
Since the idea I suggested previously seems not be that easy to implement, I thought of a new (and better idea).

What if Villages adjacent to Forts and Citadels could grow into Military Bases (Authority Finisher)?
(aka like how Suburbs can grow adjacent to Kasbahs).

Military Bases would have less yields than other Large Towns, but would compensate for that by granting +40% Defensive Strength (higher than a typical large town, but lower than a Fort) to Units and dealing 5 Damage to units enemy units adjacent. (like a weaker version of a Citadel)

For yields, it could probably give +2 Production & Border Growth Points. (like how Forts in VP give Border Growth but giving Production instead of Science since it is a town)
-PS (yields doubled on City-Connections & Trade Routes to keep them useful after a War when the front has moved)

Though it would probably need some additional balancing
Chinag 17 Νοε 2023, 3:46 
Oh you should definitely open a thread on the Civ forums for this - the peeps there have way more knowledge about balance and coding limits than we do.

I still think Authority should have some town bonus, considering the other trees got it basically for free.

I know atleast that giving fortified units XP based on their tile is possible as it's already done by a custom civ on the forums. Look up "Macedonian Empire for VP" thread on the forums, it's on their unique improvement.
Azaquor  [Δημιουργός] 16 Νοε 2023, 21:26 
And version 4 is out, adding full compatibility for Vox Populi 4.2.7. Thanks to Lucius for calling my attention to the Rationalism changes!
Azaquor  [Δημιουργός] 16 Νοε 2023, 21:25 
Lucius and Chinag, these are good ideas. Though some would be easier to implement than others. For example, I'm pretty sure in regular BNW it's simply impossible to adjust improvement defensive strength based on adjacent tiles or even policies or techs. Which is a shame since that would open up a lot of great design space. Maybe it's possible in VP though?

I'm also slightly wary of giving Authority too much of a boost to their civil infrastructure, since the general idea is "Authority gets to take over rich cities."

Let's keep brainstorming! I also intend to start a balance discussion over on the VP forums sometime soon, if I can get around to it.
Lucius, the Heavenly Dragon 16 Νοε 2023, 11:36 
Also, thanks for the quick update Azaquor!