The Colonists

The Colonists

평점이 부족합니다.
The Northern Lake - Central Island
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태그: Map, Peaceful
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1.721 MB
2023년 4월 20일 오전 8시 31분
업데이트 노트 1개 (보기)

다운로드 위해 구독하기
The Northern Lake - Central Island

Size: 240x240, frozen biome

You are on an island in the middle of a lake. Needless to say that you would be playing with boats a lot.

A lot of resources-rich areas are frozen. Setting up a robust logistic system around the lake will be important for success. The Land is continous so trains would be a possible alternative to supplement your shipping.

Most of the map is covered in snow. Plan around the easily accessable fertile areas for advanced agriculture. It may even worth it to ship foods around. (note that you can plan trees on snow but not anything else)
댓글 1
kricetof 2023년 5월 2일 오전 9시 35분 
Superbe map, merci ^^