Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Beautiful GFX : Red World
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918.290 MB
18. Apr. 2023 um 8:35
5. Aug. um 6:11
6 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)
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Beautiful GFX : Red World

An overhaul and expansion of icons and sprites

"Beautiful GFX: Red World" is a mod for Hearts of Iron IV that aims to enhance the visual experience of the popular Red World mod while staying true to its alternative history setting.

This mod focuses on creating a more coherent and immersive atmosphere. It features new, high-quality graphics that are aesthetically pleasing and accurate.

- Trains, Tanks Icons, Plane Icons, Ship Icons, Tech, and Docrtine Trees backgrounds, and many others have been changed to enhance the experience for the owner of the DLCs

- This mod adds new 3D models for tanks and planes for a more immersive experience!

MTG, NSB, and BBA seriously needed some more accurate designer and tech gfx, so I decided to make them a little more modern-looking

Feel free to report bugs and suggestions
21 Kommentare
Amine Alkaline  [Autor] 26. Sep. um 14:04 
ill try me bro!
UncleMike2000 26. Sep. um 10:33 
You cool man! Thanks for tanks and plains models. Will be any new navy models?
Amine Alkaline  [Autor] 10. Juli um 23:21 
Gomuła 10. Juli um 15:38 
Is it compatible with Red Worldux?
Amine Alkaline  [Autor] 7. Juli um 2:42 
Updated : Adds new 3d models for planes and tanks
Amine Alkaline  [Autor] 7. Nov. 2023 um 1:31 
Still works
Amine Alkaline  [Autor] 7. Nov. 2023 um 1:23 
for now it doesnt need to
Austin 6. Nov. 2023 um 21:06 
Will you update this mod?
Amine Alkaline  [Autor] 1. Juli 2023 um 1:38 
Red world has already icons if youndont have the dlcs
Amine Alkaline  [Autor] 1. Juli 2023 um 1:38 
Tank and plane icons are made for nsb and bba