Apex Legends
How to start the Game
โดย Attisander
How to start the Game

This is my guide how you can start your game..
i know its really difficult and i even had problems with it.
But now i know how to start the game and because i now know it
my family came back and now dont hate me :)

What you need to start the game:

  1. Steam
  2. High-end Gaming pc with RGB (if you dont have RGB it does not work!!!)
  3. stop touching grass (really important)

How do you start the game:

Now, if you have all the important things to start the game, you go on the game page and download the game if its not downloaded yet.
if your download is done you press "Start" on the game page.

Well done! you learned how to start a game!

if you read this, stop touching grass!