Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Ares At War Part 3 - IO
Type: Mod
538.102 MB
2023年4月16日 14時28分
2024年2月4日 13時45分
8 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Ares At War Part 3 - IO

For testing only. - Load ABOVE the main Ares At War mod, and ABOVE Industrial Overhaul.

Contains all blocks, items, etc. relating to the Ares At War Strategic Resources.
Also applies changes via modadjuster to the FSD Supercruise mod when loaded alongside it, to fit the FSD into intended progression.

This version integrates with Industrial Overhaul; do NOT use it without IO. Use the vanilla version instead.
5 件のコメント
Fagottini 2023年7月15日 7時47分 
I found a problem mod.

WCVanilla Replacement - Industrial Overhaul - Lock & Load
Fagottini 2023年7月15日 7時14分 
Update: only this error appears

MOD_CRITICAL_ERROR: Ares At War Part 3 - IO, in file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\2963406374\Data\Weapons.sbc
No weapon ammo data specified for projectile ammo (<ProjectileAmmoData> tag is missing in weapon definition)
Fagottini 2023年7月15日 6時56分 
MOD_CRITICAL_ERROR: Ares At War Part 3 - IO, in file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\2963406374\Data\Weapons.sbc
No weapon ammo data specified for projectile ammo (<ProjectileAmmoData> tag is missing in weapon definition)

MOD_CRITICAL_ERROR: Industrial Overhaul - Lock & Load, in file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\2616181591\Data\Weapons_L&L.sbc
No weapon ammo data specified for projectile ammo (<ProjectileAmmoData> tag is missing in weapon definition)

How i can fix this?

My mod load order:

(all IO compatibility mods and addons)
Ares At War Part 3 - IO
Industrial Overhaul
Ares at War Part 2/3
Ares at War Part 1/3
Bandet 2023年7月6日 8時22分 
In ares its not intended to REMOVE FSD. Both exist, jump drive is seen as tier 2, fsd is tier 1. that mod removes it.
Cak 2023年5月18日 19時15分 
In the final version might want to add this IO compatibility mod for FSD.