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Nationalist Structures - Mort's Ideologies
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12 апр. 2023 г. в 22:41
22 мар в 23:32
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Nationalist Structures - Mort's Ideologies

В 1 коллекции, созданной Mort Strudel
Mort's Ideologies
Предметов: 7
Play as an ideology themed around national identity! Adds 6 new structures based on different nations, real and fiction.


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Instead of gods, Nationalists 'worship' a nation - be it an ancient nation from old Earth or a new national identity that has only recently cropped up. The moral structure of a Nationalist ideoligion is based around the idea of a shared heritage, language, ethnicity, history, geography, or state. This ideoligion is for roleplaying societies that are more focused on a national identity than a religious or philosophical identity.

In addition to a generic Nationalism structure, where their nation of origin is randomly generated, this mod features five structures based on specific nations of origin, not unlike the variant religious structures included in the vanilla Ideology DLC. These are: American origin, Soviet origin, French origin, Taiwanese origin, and Sophian origin.


This mod also integrates with several other ideology mods to add styles to each of these five 'Origin' structures. None of these mods are required for the Nationalist mod to function, but they do provide a lot of high-quality textures to make the Origin structures feel more unique. Check these mods out!

Integrating mods:

Rimsenal Style Pack - Murica by 삼치구이/CeroForGrill
Adds a style to the American Origin structure

Rimsenal Style Pack - French by 삼치구이/CeroForGrill
Adds a style to the French Origin structure

Rimsenal Style Pack - Sophian 삼치구이/CeroForGrill
Adds a style to the Sophian Origin structure

Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures by Oskar Potocki
Adds the 'Authoritarian' style to the Soviet Origin structure
Adds the 'Shintaoism' style to the Japanese Origin structure

Q: Why would anyone feel a nationalistic connection to a society that hasn't existed for thousands of years?
A: Look at how people obsess over ancient Rome today and it'll seem a lot more plausible. Whose to say that some cult won't be modeling their society after the French or something in a few thousand years? There's no telling what people will latch onto.

Q: Why isn't MY favorite nation represented here?
A: There's nearly 200 countries in the world, and countless smaller groups of people that could be considered 'nations' within them. I can't hope to provide any kind of decent cover of that, and if I somehow did it would just bloat up your Structures screen. Instead, I mostly just chose a few nations that I could find good style mods on the workshop that represented them. If you want me to add your preferred nation to this mod, your best chance of me adding it is if you can link me to a really good style mod that represents your nation.

Q: Okay but still, Taiwan? That's a pretty small nation to dedicate an entire structure to.
A: Taiwan #1!

Q: Why does the 'American' icon look like the Liberian flag?
A: Do you have any idea how hard it is to make those tiny little stars look good in the Rimworld art style?
Комментариев: 33
poloncanintospce 1 июн в 12:46 
cyprus, do i need to say another word?
Mort Strudel  [создатель] 19 мая в 22:46 
@Petra lol, lmao even
D3K43 2 мая в 11:04 
Is this mod compatible with Alpha Memes?
schmidtkaffee 12 апр в 1:53 
@Mort Strudel
fine,i have seen this.I respect you but i don't agree your opinion, just agree disagree.
Mort Strudel  [создатель] 11 апр в 22:55 
The icon is meant to represent the flag of the modern Republic of China, not any particular political party therein. I certainly don't know enough about internal Taiwanese politics to comment on any particular political party.

The comment about Taiwan retaking control of China was an absurd joke, but I'll grant that it was sending the wrong message.

My criteria for adding a nation to this mod was almost entirely based around whether I could find a good Style mod to integrate with it. The Combined Logistics Command mod fit the criteria so I decided to add some Taiwan representation. I have since removed this integration as comments from people with a better knowledge of the region suggested that the imagery wasn't really very fitting.

The Structure itself remains, as there's no harm in simply representing Taiwan here.

Of course, if you think Taiwan is not an independent country whose people should be allowed to govern themselves, then I suggest you take such posturing elsewhere.
schmidtkaffee 11 апр в 22:09 
dude,what the heck is the bloody "taiwanness orign"?You put KMT's symbol while this shameful party lost china mainland in 1949 and lost its domination of taiwan since 2016.
i am chinese and i live in china mainland,i once wrote a lot of words,but then a reviewed the comments and decided to give up telling you the chinese history and the wishes of most chinese people.Because i think it is a waste of time to convince a guy who believes taiwan rebels or KMT can retaken the control of chinese mainland.If you want to build a chinese nationalism ideology,a easier,more convincing and safer way is to use the Beiyang government's flag(which is also used by the interim government of ROC established by Mr sun,who is respected in china)
KemonoAmigo 9 янв в 4:54 
Time to make a Japanese origin imperialist expansionist colony made up only of anime races that thinks war crimes are merely part of the fun
blodi 27 ноя. 2023 г. в 5:36 
soviets being nationalists is beyond based
Bob Good 14 ноя. 2023 г. в 5:41 
San Marino >>>>>>>>>>> usa
Mort Strudel  [создатель] 24 июл. 2023 г. в 9:01 
[Auto-generated text]: Update on 7/24/2023 8:59:29 AM.

- Added Japanese Origin
- Removed integration with Combined Logistics Command