Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash

52 avaliações
How to NOT Rage at Geometry Dash (Actually Real, fr)
Por Mooshey Mooshey
This guide will give you simple precautions to use when you become angry from this platforming cube game.
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Nos Favoritos
It's a wonderful day, you're happy, the internet is working flawlessly, and you are playing your favorite video game. Geometry Dash! It's such a great game and you are having so much fun! Clicking, letting your little cube jump on blocks (that sometimes don't even look like blocks) and flying through hoards of spikes and saw blades. Everything was perfect!

Until your right hand's index finger missed the left mouse button (LMB) entirely. You descend rapidly into your impending doom. The spike that sits beneath you at exactly 93%. The terrifying sight of your ship flying at tremendous speeds into your certain death leaves you wimpering in fear until you finally hit the spike. The anger develops from your amygdala and is sent into your nerves and courses throughout your brain. Your anger is so substantial that you cannot hold it back. You're unable to control yourself, and out of sheer anger, you smash your keyboard, mouse, monitor, and computer.

The $2,000 USD you spent to buy your amateur gaming setup was destroyed. Life savings, gone.

But you can prevent this from happening, if you just follow these simple steps.
Info You Should Know
If you have anger issues, these steps will not help. You need to uninstall this game and never touch, look, hear, or conceive of the game ever again. This will only make you far more angry than you should be, even with anger issues. Get your memory wiped of Geometry Dash if required.
Step 1: Take Action
Before your anger reaches critical state, you must take a deep breath, and remind yourself of what you are about to do to your gaming computer, remember everything you worked for in your steam account, your "Pleasure" folder. Remember these key items and you will regret that you ever thought to swing your fist at the computer.
Step 2: Take a Break
You may not want to end your play session quite yet, but continuing to play could cause in even more serious anger. You need to step away from the computer and go touch grass.

If touching grass is not an option for you, you must:
- Watch television
- Sleep
- Meditate
If these methods do not work, see a psychologist immediately.
Step 3: Return to Geometry Dash, Refreshed
Now you are having fun playing Geometry Dash again!

Until you need to repeat these steps for the second time.
Confront the Truth
There is no true way to stop raging at Geometry Dash, even as the superior being I often get upset with this video game. The only true way to stop raging at Geometry Dash, is to not play it, or obtain supernatural powers of some sort. But of course, that is impossible.
69 comentários
YourRandomPerson 5 de jan. às 19:43 
*Tries this like 5 times*
Still me after the 5 times I decided to just take a break:

I am going to break my computer if I keep dying at this one spike that is by itself because my mouse is jammed

Yup, maybe it might not work-
Mooshey Mooshey  [autor] 9 jul. 2023 às 13:53 
I thank you all for how far this guide has come, I assume it is dead now.
Mooshey Mooshey  [autor] 4 jun. 2023 às 12:33 
That works too.
d.fulton2325 4 jun. 2023 às 10:19 
you no you can just get a terapist
azortics 2 jun. 2023 às 19:28 
No problem
Mooshey Mooshey  [autor] 2 jun. 2023 às 19:09 
@azortics| Thank you
azortics 2 jun. 2023 às 18:57 
ThePickleBoy's link is a rickroll

djkahuana's link is a Nyan Cat video
azortics 2 jun. 2023 às 18:56 
I'll do it for you
Mooshey Mooshey  [autor] 2 jun. 2023 às 13:56 
I refuse to click on the links.