Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

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Mole room in dead city on Ranger Hardcore trick, as well as final battle for chapter 2
By Hollowriller
An easy way to get past the room where you have to turn a wheel with molemen all around you.

The same trick can be used on chapter 2 final battle (Oil rig) where a Machinegunner spawns
How to:
Works on ranger hardcore, did it on my own run.

In the area just before this room with some supplies and 2 weapons there is also on the right side some molotovs (2 i think?)

Grab everything, either replace or scavenge weapons.

Run to the wheel and turn around, roughly 45 degrees to your left and right throw a molotov so it makes a barrier (need 2 for this to work), this will stop the molemen from getting close and you can turn the wheel in peace.

Molotov placement is key (close enough to scare them but not burn yourself) but should work on your first or second try and you can leave the room in less than 30 secs and go on your way.

Also works on the final battle on Oil Rig (Chapter 2 final battle)
The same trick can be done on Oil rig (chapter 2 final battle) where a Machinegunner spawns

Need at least 3 molotovs but more helps, any weapon you prefer with high dps. (used a fully kited bulldog)

When the machinegunner enters he often misses the first salvo if you hide behind the chair in the center of the room, while he shoots unload as much as you can on him and when he reloads throw a molotov at him, at this point you should soon be getting flanked so throw a molotov at the doors to both left and right side so they can't go that way -> you won't be flanked until the molotov wears off.

Keep hiding behind that chair and if machinegunner haven't died yet focus him down else just try to stay alive and whittle them down. you should be able to see most of the area in front so they don't run out and around your cover.

If Molotov wears off a shotgunner will likely come out of the left entrance and can oneshot you as soon as his line of sight is clear so pay attention on that side.

Still reliant on RNG but should help, died around 10 times before it worked as sometimes behind cover i got one shot out of nowhere.