Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Simple Guide/Tips
By Livid
straight forward tips and something to think about as you play.
Simple Tips
Civilization VI is a complex game with a lot of depth. Here are some advanced tips to help you win more games:

Choose the right victory condition.
There are four victory conditions in Civilization VI: domination, science, culture, and religious. Each victory condition has its own strengths and weaknesses. Choose the victory condition that you think you have the best chance of achieving.
Plan your cities carefully. The location of your cities is one of the most important factors in your success in Civilization VI. Make sure to build your cities in strategic locations with access to resources. You'll also need to plan your city districts carefully so that they can work together efficiently.
Manage your resources wisely. Resources are essential to the growth and development of your empire. Make sure to manage your resources carefully so that you always have enough to meet your needs.
Research new technologies and civics. New technologies and civics unlock new buildings, units, and improvements. Make sure to research new technologies and civics as soon as possible so that you can stay ahead of the competition.
Build a strong military. A strong military is essential for defending your empire and conquering new territory. Make sure to build a strong military so that you can protect yourself from attack and expand your empire.
Make friends with other civilizations. Diplomacy is just as important as warfare in Civilization VI. Make friends with other civilizations so that you can trade resources, form alliances, and avoid conflict.
Be prepared for war. War is a part of life in Civilization VI. Be prepared for war by building a strong military and researching new military technologies.
Use spies effectively. Spies can be used to gather intelligence on other civilizations, sabotage their efforts, and even assassinate their leaders. Use spies effectively to give yourself an edge in the game.
Don't be afraid to experiment. There are many different ways to play Civilization VI. Experiment with different strategies and tactics to find what works best for you.
Don't give up. Civilization VI can be a challenging game, but it's also very rewarding. Don't give up if you lose a few games. Just keep learning and trying new things, and eventually you'll be victorious.
Have fun! Civilization VI is a great game to play with friends or family. Be sure to have fun and enjoy the experience.

Here are some additional advanced tips:

Use the Policy Cards system to your advantage. Policy Cards are a powerful tool that can be used to customize your civilization and give you an edge in the game. Experiment with different Policy Cards to find the ones that work best for your playstyle.
Manage your Great People wisely. Great People are powerful units and leaders that can be used to boost your civilization in a variety of ways. Make sure to manage your Great People wisely so that you can get the most out of them.
Use the World Congress to your advantage. The World Congress is a forum where civilizations can meet to discuss and vote on various resolutions. Use the World Congress to your advantage to gain influence over other civilizations and achieve your goals.
Be aware of the AI's agendas. The AI civilizations in Civilization VI have their own agendas, which dictate how they will interact with you. Be aware of the AI's agendas so that you can better predict their actions and respond accordingly.
Don't be afraid to restart a game. Sometimes, the best way to win a game of Civilization VI is to restart. If you're not happy with the way the game is going, don't be afraid to start over and try again.