Talk to Strangers

Talk to Strangers

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Perfect Run + Suitcase + Complete Choice Guide [No Achievements]
By Lacy
This guide contains spoilers and with 1 small exception, this guide is complete. I've linked my Main Guide as well, which has a complete guide for every location. As a note, some choices give different amounts of products~
Info & Main Guide
As I find google docs a bit easier to deal with these days, I used that to make my main guide, so I apologize for any inconvenience! So, if you want the entire guide, it's linked.

Talk To Strangers Main Guide[]

If you have any questions, see any mistakes or noticed that I missed anything, please let me know.
Video Guide for a Perfect Run + Suitcase
For those that find a video guide better, here is my guide step-by-step from monday all the way until the suitcase!

Text Guide - Step-by-Step #1 - Day 1 - 2

Go in order and follow these steps exactly and you'll be a pro salesperson, too!

*This is best done on at least a 2nd or 3rd run as you'll want as many locations unlocked as possible.


-Midday -> Trashy House

1. (despite the risk of injury or death, ring the doorbell)
2. (knock on door)
3. hey, just open the door a bit so we can talk face to face!
4. you think i'm a pig? ♥♥♥♥ this, i'm not selling to you.
5. nope. i don't even wanna sell to you anymore.
6. ... maybe if you ask very politely.
7. see, that's some proper manners.

-Afternoon -> Regular House

1. any
2. are you hesitating, why?
3. that's right! come on! i sell, you buy!
4. i still have my products, you still have your money...
5. wait a second! rehearsing all day?
6. you must be one of the supervisors doing my review!
7. yeah! you shone so bright during that conference three years ago...
8. you should keep on shining, i bet you would feel more confident about yourself!
9. release it! it's gonna be fine!
10. fantastic! you doing great. maybe this new god can afford a purchase, hey?

-Night -> Nice House

1. (ring doorbell)
2. hello mrs! you have a beautiful house!
3. they are very cheap. if you buy two, you get a third one for free!
4. if you buy them now you will thank me by the morning!
5. i think it's late and i'm tired. please help me out!
6. yeah... i just wanna go to bed...
7. no more dangerous than being jobless.


1. buy End Daylight Savings for 9$
2. suggested buy Sunny Capacitor - not necessary but it helps just in case you make a mistake and trigger an ending (don't worry about wasting $$ if you don't use it)
3. set alarm - you'll want the morning location
4. go to sleep
5. eat morning breakfast for 9$
6. use End Daylight Savings - get an extra night location (it will replace the Afternoon slot, but night is more important anyway)


-Morning -> Enviable House

1. hello there! is anyone home?
2. just passing by to show that i'm doing my best here!
3. what are you doing in this town?
4. i was thinking. have you ever thought about making an on-line store?
5. i just want more success for us!
6. and do you use our products? do you believe in our brand?
7. actually boss, i don't know if i trust our products.
8. man... this one kinda look bad... do we really sell this crap?!
9. it's still looks like trash!

-Midday -> Broken House

1. hey! somebody home?
2. any
3. well, whatever. i'm selling this. want one?
4. (wait)
5. mr? are you ok?
6. dude! that's worse than before!
7. mr. please drop the wires on the floor and call an electrician.
8. oh and there he goes again.
9. sir! you are on fire.
10. ♥♥♥♥ it. i'll take check or credit.

-Night -> Poor House

1. (knock)
2. i want to improve your life!
3. just look at these prices!
4. you clearly are having a bad day.
5. i know the feeling. it just... it wasn't supposed to be like this, right?
6. i'm not your pal, friend.

-Night -> Loud House

1. (knock)
2. ehr, are your mother or dad home?
3. great! i have some useless crap to sell!
4. are you sure you should be fighting in front of her?
5. this products are sturdier than your parent's relationship.
6. sorry, that was way out of line.
7. alright, alright, alright. how many do you want?
8. ok, mom, how many?


1. keep alarm on - you'll want the extra location
2. go to sleep
3. eat morning breakfast for 9$
Text Guide - Step-by-Step #2 - Day 3 - 5

-Morning -> Creepy House

1. any
2. any
3. we have everything you can possibly want!
4. (this dude is freaking me out, maybe i should bail out?)
5. (oh crap, i didn't answer him. what should i do now?)
6. (become more and more awkward every second)
7. (have a full breakdown, release some of your demons)

-Midday -> Mansion

1. (knock)
2. wanna buy some stuff?
3. well screw you then!
4. i said screw you.
5. hey, you can't talk to me like that!
6. i don't actually.
7. i believe in the god of sales.
8. got your attention now, did i?
9. ok ok, here's a flyer!
10. yup. drew it myself. bet that's something even you didn't have!

-Afternoon -> Rich House

1. any
2. are you interested in sunny morning products?
3. i can't say anything about the company. they have eyes everywhere!
4. it's nothing like it seems. but i won't give away the details for free!
5. have you ever heard of the god of sales?
6. no need for words, i have a flyer!

-Night -> Cabin in the Woods

1. hello there! is anyone home?
2. you... you're a spider? who can talk?
3. can i at least show my products?
4. do you live with your family or something?
5. you know, i make a living on talking. i could work something out with your roommates.
6. yeah. i can help you. for a price.
7. listen to this. what if i infiltrate your group?
8. i mean it! i can stay in you place. no one would notice.
9. you know, now that i'm thinking about it. this doesn't seem like a good plan.
10. you know, if buy enough stuff maybe they will kick you out for not handling money well?


1. keep alarm on - you'll want the extra location
2. go to sleep
3. eat morning breakfast for 9$
4. buy Nicotine Patches for 22$
5. buy Wine for 22$
6. use Nicotine Patches and Wine


-Morning -> The Sewer

1. any
2. hey! is anybody down there?
3. you seem to have a good life, but with my help, we can improve it a lot.
4. come on guys! there must be something i can offer you!
5. are you suggesting that life down there is really better than life up here?
6. the thing is, you know what i love the most about living on the surface?
7. it's not like this! my life isn't so bad you know!
8. you know what, you can go play badminton or video games or whatever you do in the ♥♥♥♥!
9. well, i am pretty good at being bad, ehr, i mean at badminton!
10. well, that was a nice chat, but i gotta go sell some stuff...
11. really, you're actually interested in me?
12. nope. not for me. i simply can't.

-Midday -> Public Toilet

1. any
2. any
3. what's the thing with your outfit?
4. what?
5. you're time traveling in a public toilet?
6. and in the future are there still some of these beautiful products?

-Afternoon -> High Tech Residence

1. any
2. (wait)
3. but is everything ok? it's not dangerous, is it?
4. well, i have a great offer for you.
5. hell, i'll get you two for the price of one!

-Night -> The Crypt

1. i got all you need for body and soul!
2. have you ever wondered how lucky we are to live in this day and age?
3. if you only knew how it is to go form house to house to work...
4. oh ♥♥♥♥! you're... you're death!
5. then...are you going to kill me now?
6. is there any way to help me?
7. can you at least enjoy the rest of my days with me?
8. ok! let's play hide and seek!
9. ... 98, 99, 100! here i go!
10. he... hey. where did she go?
11. it's over! you're behind the door!
12. okay, you can count!
13. i'm going to hide behind my insecurities!


1. turn off alarm - this is unnecessary now and you'll want bonus for sleeping in
2. go to sleep
3. buy Niotine Patches for 22$
4. buy buy "Legal" Drugs for 20$
5. use "Legal" Drugs and Niotine Patches


-Midday -> Big Hole

1. hello?
2. you know what, i don't even care anymore.
3. do you even have any money?
4. then show me.
5. come on! show me the money!
6. i'm talking to an abyss. i think i can fall a lot more.
7. what was that?
8. dude, pretending something didn't happen is not a healthy way to deal with things.
9. everyone is tired. that's what being an adult is like.
10. nah dude, i won't leave. you gotta talk about this.
11. really? are we going back to the shouting tactics?
12. no need to apologize. tell me, what's been bugging you?
13. i hate it too and you don't see me complaining. no, actually you do. you do a lot.
14. what about sales?
15. i am actually. it's not that hard.
16. all you need is proper training. hey. i can train you.
17. well, first you gotta truly understand the sales process. here, buy something.
18. yeah! that's the spirit! so, money or credit?
19. well, yeah.
20. yeah, yeah. are we making this sale or not? i gotta fill the order, you know?
Text Guide - Step-by-Step #3 - Suitcase
1. any
2. any
3. i don't need to open you. i've opened you all week!
4. i guess i never really took a look at what i was selling.
5. no... i... i know what you are doing!
6. you are just a voice inside my head!
7. ... what?
8. nah, you were doing fine. just keep at it! i was almost taking a little peek!
9. any - they all give you the same ending
n00rmal 11 Jun, 2023 @ 9:24pm 
You are a lifesaver. Thank you so much for this guide! That google doc/sheet that you have linked is also super impressive :D

Something to add: you do not need the public restroom (midday) on thursday to get the ending! Just spending time in the park will do it, or at least, that's what happened in my case.