Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

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Spawning things with console injector
Da Pinsplash
Work in progress. This guide will show you how to spawn objects. Using these commands, you can quickly bypass most of the game's requirements or just have fun spawning random stuff.
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How 2 Spawn
First, if you don't have console injector, see this guide.

Type summon, followed by a string from below, and then hit Enter. The desired object should now appear in front of you. If you were looking too far down, it may have spawned below the ground.

Example: summon BP_S2_Gem_Magenta_C will spawn a pink gem (worth 25).

You can also use | to send multiple console commands at once.

Example: summon BP_S2_Gem_Magenta_C|summon BP_S2_Gem_Magenta_C|summon BP_S2_Gem_Magenta_C|summon BP_S2_Gem_Magenta_C will spawn four pink gems at once.

You can also replace summon with destroyall to delete all objects of the specified type, including ones you didn't place yourself. Note that all objects that derive from the specified object type will also be deleted, so destroyall BP_Base_Enemy_C would remove all enemies from the level. By looking at an object and using the command destroytarget, you can delete it. You can use this to skip some collection requirements.

It appears that most things are only spawnable in the levels they appear in. You can spawn an object from one level in another if you simply visit that level first.

If you use toggledebugcamera, you can spawn the object somewhere more precisely.
These objects can be spawned in any level.

Sparx Projectiles - Sparx_Projectile_Child_Normal_C, Sparx_Projectile_Child_Three_Shot_C, Sparx_Projectile_Child_Sweeper_C, Sparx_Projectile_Child_Sea_Mine_C, or Sparx_Projectile_Child_Homing_C - All seem to behave the same. They don't move, disappear shortly after spawning, and count as a flame attack that can only hit enemy NPCs.
Speedway Rocket - BP_Speedway_Spit_Rocket_C - A spittable rocket usually seen in Year of the Dragon flight levels. Seems unable to do anything of interest other than making a firework effect if it's shot straight into something. Only spawnable in flight levels.
Chest Rocket - Rocket_C - A rocket that's meant to break a chest after having its fuse lit. Spawned ones will just fly forward a little before exploding.

All chests are only spawnable in maps that have a chest of that type.
Basket - BP_S2_TreasureChest_Basket_C
1-UP jar - BP_S2_TreasureChest_ButterflyJar_C
Metal Vase - BP_S2_TreasureChest_MetalVase_C
Underwater Vase - BP_S2_TreasureChest_UnderwaterVase_C - Can be flamed!
Strong Chest - BP_S2_TreasureChest_Strong_C
Explosive Vase - BP_S2_TreasureChest_ExplosiveVase_C

Collectibles From Spyro 1:
Life Orb - BP_S1_LifeOrb_C - Orb dropped by enemies if they've been defeated before.
1-UP Dragon - BP_S1_1-Up_C - Metallic dragon that gives an extra life.

Collectibles From Spyro 2:
Spirit - BP_S2_SpiritParticle_C - These are the spirit things that come from defeated enemies. Spawning this counts toward activating any powerups in the level.
Orb - BP_S2_Orb_Placed_C - Only in levels where orbs sit out in the open.

There are talisman objects but they don't seem to work.

Friendly NPCs:
Moneybags - CNS2130_Moneybags_C - Only in levels where Moneybags appears.
Save Fairy - SaveFairy_C - The fairy in the red dress that appears on dragon podiums. Going near her may or may not cause the game to be saved. She can't be talked to.
Other Save Fairy? - SaveFairy_DragonSpawn_C - A save fairy that always saves the game after spawning.
Zoe - SaveFairy_SelectorAppear_C - Seems to be the same as above but with Zoe's model.
Other Zoe - CNS2161_Zoe_C - A Zoe that disappears, reappears, and then sinks into the floor.

Red - BP_S1_Gem_Red_C or BP_S2_Gem_Red_C - Worth 1. Both versions seem to be the same.
Green - BP_S2_Gem_Green_C - Worth 2.
Blue - BP_S1_Gem_Blue_C - Worth 5.
Purple - BP_S2_Gem_Purple_C - Worth 5.
Yellow - BP_S1_Gem_Yellow_C or BP_S2_Gem_Yellow_C - Worth 10. The first one is more round, and the other is more square.
Purple (other) - BP_S1_Gem_Purple_C - Worth 25.
Magenta - BP_S2_Gem_Magenta_C - Worth 25.

Generic objects lack settings/functionality that make their normal versions work correctly.
Spittable - BP_SpitItemPlacement_Base_C - A white orb Spyro can put in his mouth. When spat, it becomes a big gray ball, but with a small hitbox. It also has no gravity.
Sparx Projectile - Sparx_Projectile_C - It just sits there and disappears shortly after spawning.
Powerup Butterfly - Powerup_Butterfly_C - A butterfly that uses a placeholder model and can't be consumed.
Chest - BP_TreasureChest_BASE_C - A cube with a picture of a chest on it. Can only be broken with strong attacks.
Friendly - BP_Base_Friendly_C - An untextured, uninteractive NPC.
Rescue-able Dragon - Collectable_Dragon_C - A buggy frozen dragon. It is always the dragon from Toasty, and it will probably always end up teleporting you out of bounds.
Gem - BP_Loot_BASE_C - A red gem that gives nothing when collected.
NPC - BP_Base_NPC_C or BP_Base_Enemy_C - Some kind of broken bull NPC.
Fodder - BP_Base_Fodder_C - Uses bull model.
Vortex - WhirlwindTransporter_C - Seems to be an invisible vortex. Standing on it saves the game.
Hole to Boss Battle - BossTransporter_C - The entrance to a hole that leads to a boss battle. Touching it puts you in a falling animation and softlocks the game.
Homeworld Portal - HubWhirlwind_C - Invisible version of the homeworld portals that take you to other homeworlds. If you stand on it, it will suck you in and you'll become stuck.
Return Portal - PortalTransporter_S2_C - Invisible "Return Home" portal. Touching it puts you in a flying animation and then takes you nowhere.
Other Return Portal - PortalTransporter_C - Same as above but with no fade to black. It's not clear why this version exists as it doesn't seem to be used.
Portal - BasePortal_C - Invisible portal that goes nowhere. Touching it just saves the game.
Whirlwind - BP_Whirlwind_C - Invisible.
Water - BP_SwimTriggerVolume_C - A little bit of invisible water. You won't be able to dive under. This is the same water that exists in all levels with water, you just can't control its size when spawning from the console.
Water surface - BP_FluidSurface_C - A water surface. It just makes ripples when stuff touches it, nothing more. This is not the water surface Spyro can swim on, just the visual portion of it.
Ability Gate - AbilityGate_Base_C - A generic gate that gives Spyro an ability. This one gives Spyro the superfly power. Only spawnable in levels that have an ability gate of any kind.
Banner - Banner_C - Banner seen near the beginning or end of a Ripto's Rage level. It will always be the Scorch design. Only spawnable in levels with a banner.
Global part 2
List continued due to character limit.

Level features:
Superfly Ability Gate - AbilityGate_Superfly_C - Superfly powerup. Only spawnable in levels with a superfly ability gate.
Superjump Ability Gate - AbilityGate_Superjump_C - Superjump powerup. Only spawnable in levels with a superjump ability gate.
Supercharge Ability Gate - AbilityGate_Supercharge_C - Supercharge powerup. Only spawnable in levels with a supercharge ability gate.
Superflame Ability Gate - AbilityGate_Superflame_C - Superflame powerup. Only spawnable in levels with a superflame ability gate.
Portal Arch - Spyro2_PortalArch_C
Death Pit - BP_FallToDeath_C - A small area where the player can fall to their death. Only spawnable in levels with death pits.
Climbable Ladder - BP_ClimbTriggerVolume_C - Spawned ones seem to do nothing. Only spawnable in levels with ladders.
Harmful Terrain - BP_HarmfulTerrain_C - A surface that would hurt/kill to touch. Spawned ones seem to do nothing. Only spawnable in levels with things like lava or instant-drown water.
Green Speedway Ring - BP_SpeedwayRing_G - A green ring from a flight level. Does not disappear when flied through. Only spawnable in flight levels.
Speedway Boost Star - BP_SpeedwayStar_Blue_C - A speed boost star, usually seen in Year of the Dragon flight levels. Only spawnable in flight levels.

Fairy Save Game Sparkle - SaveFairy_ZapBullet_C - The blue sparkle effect that fairies hit Spyro with when the game is saved. Does not save the game.
Talisman Reward Visual Effects - BP_Loot_RewardTalisman_Short1_C
Orb Reward Visual Effects - BP_Loot_Reward_Orb_test_C
Zoe Sparkle - Zoe_GlowFX_C - Effect that shows where Zoe is from far away. Spawnable in almost all levels, except ones where Zoe is never seen from far away, like Sunny Beach.
Bouncing Number - bouncing_number_C - A bouncing golden 0.
Loading Screen - LoadingScreen_C - A black sphere.
Sky - BP_Falcon_Sky_Sphere_C - A sky.

Regular Butterfly - BP_ButterflyHealth_C
Spyro - BP_Base_Playable_C - Spyro and Sparx. They don't react to anything and enemies don't care about them.
Hurtable Spyro - BP_CPS1999_Playable_C - Although enemies don't try to hurt this version of Spyro, they can unintentionally, and the level will start over from the last checkpoint if he dies. This version of Spyro will also appear however the original Spyro does at the moment of summoning (for example, he will have sunglasses or a big head due to cheat codes if the original Spyro had them).
Camera - BP_DebugCameraPawn_C - Freezes the camera in place forever.
Playable Sparx - Sparx_Top_Down_C - Sparx like how he is in his Year of the Dragon levels. The game may crash immediately upon trying to spawn this.
Red Rectangle - Mission_Item_Base_StateMachine_C - Disappears when flamed. Seems to be spawnable in any level that has missions in it. (Probably all Spyro 2 and 3 levels except boss arenas?)
??? - BP_GameMode_Spyro1_C - Partially resets save file progress. Stuff can get weird with this.
Summer Forest
Summer Forest
These objects can be spawned in Summer Forest homeworld.

Headbash-able Rock - BP_S2_TreasureChest_HeadbashRock_C

Frog - BP_CFS1157_Frog_C
Sheep - BP_CFS1166_Sheep_C

Friendly NPCs:
Elora - CNS2092_Elora_C
Hunter - CNS2111_Hunter_C

Level features:
Button - BP_201_Button_C
Door - BP_201_Door_C - Door that would normally open or close when a button is hit.

Fish - BP_LS201_AmbientFish_C - Giant fish that immediately falls through water and the ground.
Wall Piece - BP_LS201_WallConnect_Spline_C - A small piece of a wall.

These objects can be spawned in Glimmer.

Spittable Rock - BP_SpitItem_202_C - Spittable rock given by Bounsa the Gemcutter.
Broken Spittable Rock - BP_BounsaRock_C - A large version of the spittable rock. Cannot be touched or interacted with.

Indigo Lizard - BP_CES2006_IndigoLizard_C
Brown Lizard - BP_CES2007_BrownLizard_C
Scarlet Lizard - BP_CES2008_ScarletLizard_C - Just stands still until Spyro dies or the level is re-entered. Can only be hurt with a spat rock.

Ladybug - BP_CFS2162_Ladybug_C

Friendly NPCs:
Bounsa the Gemcutter - CNS2079_BounsaTheGemcutter_C - Orange hat. Constantly throws a (harmless) rock ahead of himself.
Kanga the Gemcutter - CNS2116_KangaTheGemcutter_C - Green hat.
Pogo the Gemcutter - CNS2134_PogoTheGemcutter_C - Yellow hat.
Roo the Gemcutter - CNS2139_RooTheGemcutter_C - White hat.
Twitchy the Gemcutter - CNS2156_TwitchyTheGemcutter_C - Blue hat.
Whiskers the Gemcutter - CNS2158_WhiskersTheGemcutter_C - Red hat.

Level features:
Gem Lamp - Lantern_C - Small gem lamp. Lighting it doesn't count toward mission progress. Always orange.
Big Gem - BP_202_LampCrystal_C - Despite what the name suggests, this is one of those big gems. It can be walked through.
Hanging Lantern - BP_HangingLantern_C - Large version of the fire pits seen near the end of the level. No fire appears but it does emit light. It can be walked through.
Torch - BP_SM_SH_LS202Torch_C - Emits light.

Lizard Hide Spot - BP_LizardHideSpot_C - A white square platform.
Invisible Wall - BP_PlayerCollision_C - A small invisible wall.

These objects can be spawned in Colossus.

Goat - BP_CES2014_Goat_C
Yak - BP_CES2015_Yak_C
Yeti - BP_CES2017_ColossusYeti_C - Just stands there.
Evil Spirit - BP_CNS2016_EvilSpirit_C - Oscillates back and forth forever.

Penguin - BP_CFS2166_RockHopperPenguins_C

Friendly NPCs:
Hockey Player - BP_CNS2193_HockeyPlayer_C - Skates in place, even when on ice. May chose to follow Spyro in order to shove him.
Hockey Goalkeeper - CNS2018_ColossusGoalkeeper_C - Sits in place, shoving Spyro away if possible. He has a red cube in/around him.
Brother Arnie - CNS2081_BrotherArnie_C - White robe.
Brother Clive - CNS2082_BrotherClive_C - Blue robe.
Brother Curtis - CNS2083_BrotherCurtis_C - White robe with other differences.
Brother Harry - CNS2084_BrotherHarry_C - Violet robe.
Brother Kipp - CNS2085_BrotherKipp_C - Teal robe.
Brother Ned - CNS2086_BrotherNed_C - White robe with other differences.
Professor - CNS2155_TheProfessor_C

Level features:
Yeti's Statue - 204_HeadDropStatue_C - The stone statue dropped on the yeti's head. It has some kind of text lodged inside it.
Hockey Audience - 204_HockeyAudience_C - Four monks standing in a row.
Hockey Door - HockeyDoor_Blueprint_C - Door that hockey players come out from.
Monk Statue - L204_Statue_C
Monk Door 1 - SM_LS204_HeadDoorA_Blueprint_C - The first door thing moved by a monk.
Monk Door 2 - SM_LS204_HeadDoorB_Blueprint_C - The second door thing moved by a monk. If spawned through summon, it will use a completely different design.
Monk Pillar - 204_HeadDropStatue_C - The pillar moved by a monk.
Yeti Building Window - SM_LS204_YetiBuilding_Window_TFB_Blueprint_C - One of the windows near the yeti that is destroyed upon the statue falling.
Hockey Goal - Goal_Blueprint_C - Spawned ones don't seem to do anything. If destroyed, it becomes impossible to score.

Hockey Puck - Puck_C - Nothing appears.
Invisible Puck? - BP_SpitItem_204_C - Creates a wireframe sphere that puts something in Spyro's mouth when he walks into it. Nothing appears when spat.

Idol Springs
These objects can be spawned in Idol Springs.

Short Idol - BP_CES2009_ShortIdol_C
Tall Idol - BP_CES2010_TallIdol_C
Tall, Skinny Idol - BP_CES2011_TallIdolSkinny_C - The foreman being held will disappear upon defeating the idol.
Umbrella Idol - BP_CNS2012_UmbrellaIdol_C
Large Hungry Idol - BP_CES2013_LargeHungryIdol_C - The big idol who eats fish. Does nothing when spawned.

Junebug - BP_CFS2165_Junebugs_C

Friendly NPCs:
Foreman Bud - CNS2099_ForemanBud_C - Invisible.
Foreman Bob - CNS2100_FormanBob_C - Beard.
Foreman Max - CNS2100_FormanMax_C - Glasses.
Hula Girl - CNS2110_HulaGirl_C
Hula Girl Stella - CNS2110_HulaGirl_Stella_C
Generic Foreman - CNS2192_GreenColosi_C
Generic Fish - Fish_Base_C - A white fish. All fish do nothing when spawned.
Blue Fish - Fish_Blue_C
Red Fish - Fish_Red_C
Yellow Fish - Fish_Yellow_C

Level features:
Puzzle 1 Stone - BP_New8Block_C - A stone from Foreman Bud's first puzzle. Does nothing when stepped on.
Left Door - SM_LS203_Door_L_C
Right Door - SM_LS203_Door_R_C
Door 2 - SM_LS203_Door2_C
Hanging Lantern - BP_HangingLantern_C - Large version of the fire pits seen near the end of the level. No fire appears but it does emit light. It can be walked through.
Invisible Puddle - BP_PuddleTriggerVolume_C - Makes a splash when moved around in.
Idol Head Trigger - BP_SkillPoint_203_C - Invisible object. When walked into, it gives the skill point for landing on the idol head.
Waterfall Trigger - BP_SwimPushOffVolume_C - Invisible object. When walked into, Spyro is pushed in the direction the camera was facing when spawned. Despite the name, this happens on land too.
Hula Girl Stand - HulaGirlStand_C - Thing the hula girls stand on.
Chain - LS203_RockChain_BP_C - One of the chains that keeps Stella trapped.

Puzzle 3 Stone - BP_5-ColorBlock_01_C - A generic version of the stones Spyro jumps on in Foreman Bud's third puzzle.
Fake Block - BP_FakeBlock_C - A generic version of the middle stone in Foreman Bud's third puzzle.
Chest Lid - BP_BrownChest_Lid_C - The lid to the chest next to Foreman Bud.
White Orb - BP_8BlockController_C - Judging by the name, this is supposed to be invisible and untouchable. It's meant to handle the logic in Foreman Bud's first puzzle. There are other "controller" objects like this for other things, but this one is unique in that spawning it actually has an apparent effect.
Summer Forest part 2
List continued due to character limit.

These objects can be spawned in Hurricos.

Lightning Stone - BP_205_SpitItem_C

Gear Grinder - BP_CES2022_GearGrinder_C
Robot - BP_CES2023_GearGrinderRobot_C
Gear Grinder Thief - BP_CES2024_GearGrinderThief_C - Invisible and does nothing, but can be killed.

Rat - BP_CFS1165_Rats_C

Friendly NPCs:
Amper the Electroll - CNS2073_AmperTheElectroll_C - Blue.
Brainy the Electroll - CNS2080_BrainyTheElectroll_C - Cyan.
Kosmo the Electroll - CNS2120_KosmoTheElectroll_C - Indigo.
Spike the Electroll - CNS2152_SpikeTheElectroll_C - Blue, but a little shiny?
Watt the Electroll - CNS2157_WattTheElectroll_C - Blue.
Zapp the Electroll - CNS2160_ZappTheElectroll_C - Cyan.

Level Features:
Moving Wall - BP_205_MovingPlatform_C
Lightning Stone Target - BP_205_OrbTargets_C - An invisible thing that a lightning stone can be put into.
Large Windmill - BP_205_WindmillLarge_C
Small Windmill - BP_205_WindmillSmall_C
Diode Gate - BP_DiodeGate_C - Does nothing.
Diode - BP_Diode_Collectable_C - Picking it up counts as collecting a diode, though the HUD counter won't update in response.
Border - BP_LS205_Border_C - The functional part of a diode gate. Pushes Spyro away upon touching.

Windmill Pieces - BP_LS205_WindmillDebris_C - Parts of a destroyed small windmill.
Rain? - BP_LS205_Rain_C - Doesn't seem to do anything.

Sunny Beach
These objects can be spawned in Sunny Beach.

Water Worker - BP_CES2019_WaterWorker_C - A blue headed guy with a shock stick. Won't attack Spyro.
Snorkler - BP_CES2020_Snorkler_C - Purple swimming guy. If spawned on land, he will swim on land. Won't attack Spyro.
Duck - BP_CES2021_Duck_C - Pink duck with a duckie floatie. Will attack Spyro.

Starfish - BP_CFS2167_Starfish_C

Friendly NPCs:
Advisor Gromit - 2068_AdvisorGromit_C - Looks weird.
Advisor Moppet - 2069_AdvisorMoppet_C - Untextured.
Smaller Turtle - BP_BoxTurtle_Spawned_C - Just stands there and is kinda small.
Regular Turtle - CES2225_BoxTurtle_C - Cannot be used to activate pressure plates.
Broken Turtle? - CES2225_BoxTurtle_NoPlate_C - A turtle who is incapable of moving.
Master Chef - CNS2005_MasterChef_C
King Fromit - CNS2118_KingFromit_C - Looks weird.
Prince Tortiss - CNS2135_PrinceTortiss_C - Normal except for the fact he's in a reference pose.
Baby Turtle - CNS2194_BabyTurtleBiped_C - A green baby turtle that Spyro escorts through the level. Cannot move.
Box Baby Turtle - CNS2195_BabyTurtleQuadruped_C - Baby turtles that are freed from boxes.

Level Features:
Door 1 - BP_206_Door1_C
Door 2 - BP_206_DoorB_R_C
Pressure Plate - BP_PressurePlate_C - A pressure plate which can be stood on by Spyro or a turtle. The middle part can be fallen through.
Turtle Cauldron - BP_TurtleCauldron_C - The pot turtles try to jump into. Spyro can easily get stuck when touching spawned ones.
Turtle Box - TEMP_ReptileChest_C

Alternate Zoe? - SaveFairy_Zoe_C - A different version of Zoe specific to this level? Spawned ones don't appear until Spyro moves away first. Zoe will not glow in the distance.
Small Fish - BP_VFX_SmallFishFollow_20_Blue_C - A school of small blue fish swimming around aimlessly.
Arena Collision - BP_206_ArenaCollision_C - Invisible thing. Unsure what it's for.
Baby Turtle Controller - BP_BabyTurtleController_C - Similar to the white orb from Idol Springs, but with the text "Baby Turtle Controller" put above the orb.

Ocean Speedway
These objects can be spawned in Ocean Speedway.

Driving Capybara - BP_CES2027_Capybara_C - A capybara in a car.
Boating Capybara - BP_CES2218_CapybaraBoat_C - A capybara in a boat.

Friendly NPCs:
Queen Finny - CNS2137_QueenFinny_C
Fish Spectator - CNS2198_FishSpectator_C
Fish Spectator (with a soda hat) - CNS2231_FishSoda_C
Fish Spectator (with a big plastic finger) - CNS2232_FishFinger_C
Dolphin Spectator - CNS2199_DolphinSpectator_C
Dolphin Spectator (with a hat) - CNS2229_DolphinHat_C
Dolphin Spectator (with hair) - CNS2230_DolphinHair_C

Level Features:
Arch - 209_Arch_C - Spawned ones say "return home".
Ring - 209_Ring_C - Spawned ones say "return home".

Boat - 2218_BoatProp_C - A boat ridden in by a capybara. Spawned ones cannot be destroyed.
Car - CES2027B_CapybaraCar_C - A car ridden in by a capybara. Spawned ones cannot be destroyed.
Hunter Ring - 209_Ring_Hunter_C - Nothing appears.
Hunter with Wings - BP_CNS2207_HunterWithWings_C - Nothing appears.

Aquaria Towers
These objects can be spawned in Aquaria Towers.

Goon - BP_CES1009_Goon_C - A goon gnorc from Artisans homeworld.
Water Worker - BP_CES2019_WaterWorker_C - A blue headed guy with a shock stick. Won't attack Spyro.
Water Worker B - BP_CES2019_WaterWorker_B_C - A water worker with a helmet thing on. Does attack Spyro.
Crab - BP_CES2025_Crab_C
Metal Shark - BP_CES2026_RoboticShark_C - Does not attack Spyro.
Umbrella Idol - BP_CNS2012_UmbrellaIdol_C - From Idol Springs.

Underwater Sheep - BP_CFS2169_AquaSheep_C - Will always act like it's not in water.

Friendly NPCs:
Hunter with Diving Gear - BP_CNS2197_HunterDiver_C
Hunter's Manta Ray - BP_HuntersMantaRay_C - Just floats there.
Yellow Fish - BP_LS207_Fish_C
Hoppo the Seahorse - CNS2109_HoppoTheSeahorse_C
Hula Girl - CNS2110_HulaGirl_C - From Idol Springs.
King Flippy - CNS2117_KingFlippy_C
Ripple the Seahorse - CNS2138_RippleTheSeahorse_Dry_C
Other Ripple - CNS2138_RippleTheSeahorse_C - Invisible.

Level Features:
Button - BP_207_Button_C - Locks Spyro in place when hit.
Electricity Things - BP_207_DamageGrate2_C, BP_207_DamageGrate3_C, BP_207_DamageGrate4_C, BP_207_DamageGrate5_C - Gone forever once it turns off.
Door - BP_207_Door_C - A door to a tower.
Tower Ring - BP_207_TowerRing_C
Hatch - BP_Hatch_C - A hatch that water comes out of.
Seaweed - BP_LS207_DestructibleSeaweed_C - Destroying it does not count towards progress for the skill point.
Hula Girl Stand - HulaGirlStand_C - From Idol Springs.
Submarine - SharkSub1_C - Cannot be ridden.

Seahorse - BP_207Seahorse_C - Nothing appears.
Jump-In Trigger - JumpInTrigger_C - Probably related to Spyro jumping into the submarine. All that appears is a wireframe capsule.
Jump-Out Trigger - JumpOutTrigger_C - Probably used to get Spyro out of the submarine. When touched, Spyro will jump to the side, potentially going out of bounds. Deletes itself after being touched.

Crush's Dungeon
These objects can be spawned in Crush's Dungeon.

Ripto - BP_208_CBS2003_Ripto_C
Crush - BP_CBS2001_Crush_C - Won't attack Spyro. Spawning one resets the health meter. Can be attacked once.

Sheep - BP_CFS1166_Sheep_C
Dropped Sheep - BP_CFS1166_Sheep_BOSS_C - A sheep that is meant to drop from the sky. It tumbles in the air and may bounce on the ground.

Small Fish - BP_VFX_LS121_SmallFishFollow_C - A school of small black fish swimming around aimlessly.
Falling Rock - FallingRocks_Blueprint_C
Autumn Plains
Autumn Plains
These objects can be spawned in Autumn Plains.

Headbash-able Rock - BP_S2_TreasureChest_HeadbashRock_C

Frog - BP_CFS1157_Frog_C

Friendly NPCs:
Elora - CNS2092_Elora_C
Moneybags - CNS2130_Moneybags_C
Professor - CNS2155_TheProfessor_C

Level Features:
Bridge - BP_LS210_Bridge_01_C - The bridge to Shady Oasis.
Breakable Wall - BP_LS210_BrokenWall_01_C - The breakable wall hiding the whirlwind to the top of the castle.
Breakable Wall 2 - BP_LS210_BrokenWall_02_C - The breakable wall hiding an orb.
Door - BP_LS210_Door_01_C - Door to Gulp's Overlook.
Door 2 - BP_LS210_Door_02_C - Professor's Door which requires 8 orbs.
Door 3 - BP_LS210_Door_03_R_C and BP_LS210_Door_03_L_C - Doors to Shady Oasis.
Border - LS210_Border_C - Invisible magic forcefield. Unclear why this is spawnable in Autumn Plains.

Dual Astral Sky - BP_Falcon_Sky_Sphere_DualAstral_C - Makes a cloudy looking sky. No idea why this exists.
Glide Stopper - BP_StopGlide_C - Forces Spyro to stop gliding throughout the entire level.

Crystal Glacier
These objects can be spawned in Crystal Glacier.

Ice Wizard - BP_CES2033_IceWizard_C
Ice Rabbit - BP_CES2034_HornedRabbit_C
Draclet - BP_CES2035_Draclet_C - Only respawns after reentering the level?

Snowball - BP_CFS2171_Snowballs_C

Friendly NPCs:
Iggy the Icebuilder - BP_CNS2113_IggyTheIcebuilder_C
Kludgie the Icebuilder - BP_CNS2119_KludgieTheIcebuilder_C
Mankie the Icebuilder - BP_CNS2128_MankieTheIcebuilder_C
Oggy the Icebuilder - BP_CNS2132_OggyTheIcebuilder_C
Widgie the Icebuilder - BP_CNS2159_WidgieTheIcebuilder_C
Generic Frozen Icebuilder - BP_211_Eskimo_BASE_C
Chief Shaman Tuk - BP_CNS2089_ChiefShamanTuk_C
Shaman Tik - BP_CNS2141_ShamanTik_C
Shaman Tok - BP_CNS2124_ShamanTok_C
George - BP_SnowLeopard_C

Level Features:
Bone Seesaw - BP_BoneSeeSaw_C
Crystal Tower Destruction - BP_CrystalTower_Fracture_C - Seems like the version of the crystal tower model that has a breaking animation. Inner parts are missing.
Snake Bridge - BP_LS211_SnakeBridge_Animated_C

Fish - BP_SnowLeopardFish_C - Apparently, a fish that George would eat. Just spawns a wireframe of a sphere and a cube.
Talisman Disappearing VFX - BP_Talisman_disappear_control_C - Visual effects that appear when a talisman disappears.
Web - BP_Web_C - A web thingy that a draclet may hang on.