The Technomancer

The Technomancer

34 ratings
How to run The Technomancer/Child of Light with higher than supported multicore CPUs
By UNA, GRANDE Y LIBRE and 1 collaborators
For watherver reason (coded manage of multicore threads?) game will not go ahead the Spider intro video after launching, staying forever with a blue screen and an arrow pointing down.

This comes to be due to having more than 8 computing threads or processing cores. This happens with no hyperthreading or hyperthreading or hybrid cores.

To bypass this, you can set the cores up to 8 from BIOS and then use only those 8 for all system or do the same from operating system, and having to start OS, change core count, then restart... just to play a 6 y. o. game (2023). Setting core affinity after launching game does not work...

Or better, use this guide.

This guide comes from this one for Child of Light. It is just an explanation for dummies of that one. All credits go to jpribilski and Ashes.


Por algún motivo (quizá esté codificado para un máximo de hilos de procesamiento) el juego no pasará tras arrancarlo y pasar a pantalla completa tras el breve vídeo de la araña del desarrollador de una pantalla azul con una flecha apuntando abajo.

Esto sucede cuando se tiene más de 8 hilos de procesamiento en la CPU. Sucede ya sean con hyperthreading, núcleos monohilo, o híbridos (como los Intel de 12ª generación en adelante).

Para poder jugar, se han de capar el resto de hilos antes de arrancar el sistema en BIOS o en el sistema operativo y reiniciar. De esta manera todo el sistema está limitado a usar sólo esos 8 hilos, perdiendo rendimiento. No funciona eligiendo la "afinidad" de hilos en el proceso tras ser ejecutado el juego. Esto para un juego de hace 6 años (en 2023).

Eso, o usar esta guía.

Esta guía no es más que la explicación para tontos de la descrita en ] esta de Child of Light. Todo el mérito es de jpribilski y Ashes.
1. DOWNLOAD MICROSOFT Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK)
1.1. Go to

1.2. Download from top right yellow links the program for your Microsoft operating system.
Only ADK-install, not the PE toolkit (top choice from download page). Use 32b option.
2. INSTALL MICROSOFT Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK)
2.1. Double click on downloaded file "adksetup.exe".

2.2. Next, select only the "application compatibility toolkit".
3.1. Open the recently installed program, here by default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Application Compatibility Toolkit\Compatibility Administrator (32-bit)\Compatadmin.exe"

3.2. Go to "Custom Databases" and right-click the "New Database(1)" and rename to something different (example: "Game compatibility fixes")

3.3. Left click renamed "Game compatibility fixes" database and then on top menu, click "Fix".

3.4. In the following window that will pop up, fill the game name and vendor (its just information, just to help you find it later if needed) and browse to the exe file of the game (by default: ..\steamapps\common\The Technomancer\TheTechnomancer.exe; where ".." mean your Steam or Steam library installation folder).

(NOTE, if you don't know where the exe file can be found, you can check for example:)

3.5. Next, next (twice) (do not change anything yet).

3.6. In "compatibility fixes" scroll down to reach "ProcessorCountLie", select it and left click on it; then click "parameters", then in sidewindow input 8 in "Command line".
If you have an Intel 12th Generation i7 or above, repeat from in-screen steps 1 to 4 starting from 5 "ProcessorCountLieForHybridCPU".
Then click next (in-screen step 6).

3.7. Click "Auto-Generate"

3.8. Go top menu SAVE DATABASE and give it a name.

3.9. Go to the saved database and right click it, select INSTALL.

-Go play game as usual (no need to do anything else ever more to play).

NOTE: For Child of Light you can set in (3.6.) the "ProcessorCountLie"/"ProcessorCountLieForHybridCPU" up to 16. Do it if you have them.

**NOTE: Do not set "ProcessorCountLieForHybridCPU". Try the game. If it works, good for you. If not, try setting this afterwards. Some people have slowdowns and stuttering when setting this. And this is for the E-cores (efficent ones, no hyperthreading, slow ones).

Due to the change of the game's executable file via registry modification, you should set the game's exe file as read only after applying the above fix to avoid these 2 scenarios:

1-Verifying game (or changing installation partition).
2-Game update (it is hardly expected an update of a game that has a critical "bug" in modern systems that has not been addressed for years by developers).

Anyway, in case Steam should be redownloading previous unmodded exe, you can simply repeat the process or just simply reapply the saved database fix.

The Nothing Man  [author] 28 Jan @ 5:01pm 
you are all awesome
i will try to update this
also please if you can
does this work on win 11?
I refuse to run that os

so post if this works on win11 or your os
win 10 win 8 etc

Corswain 28 Jan @ 12:28pm 
Thank you, it's working, you're a boss
The Nothing Man  [author] 20 Dec, 2024 @ 10:02am 
Kmega405 19 Dec, 2024 @ 4:20am 
Mar044 20 Sep, 2024 @ 8:57am 
You are a master bud, thank you so much, I didn't want to go limit cores on computer itself. You rock! gave you superstar award.
The Nothing Man  [author] 22 Jul, 2024 @ 1:03pm 
2gggg 22 Jul, 2024 @ 12:47pm 
Thank you so much
Soul 23 Jun, 2024 @ 3:22pm 
Thank you very much for this guide. I'm now able to play this game! :steamthumbsup:
The Nothing Man  [author] 21 Jun, 2024 @ 11:47am 
dont use the hybrid line
it only is needed for about 4 cpus
this doesnt mean new cpus
and never use win 11
UNA, GRANDE Y LIBRE  [author] 21 Jun, 2024 @ 6:11am 
For the endo of the year, we will be preparing book on "how it was made", expect no less than 1000 pages...

