Tower and Sword of Succubus
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Tower and Sword of Succubus

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Rebinding keys / Fixing keys on Non-QWERTY keyboards
De către Akhlys
Rebinding the keys or fixing the keys for any non-QWERTY keyboard layouts so you don't get hand cramps while playing.
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This game has hardcoded keys, using Z and X for main and secondary attack (and arrow keys to move)
This is fine and dandy if you got a normal english QWERTY keyboard (the first 6 keys of the first row are usually used to designate keyboard layouts), but if you haven't and Z/X lay somewhere else on the keyboard instead of right next to each other, this is very cumbersome.
Or perhaps you simply don't want those two keys but rather other ones.
Installing AutoHotkey
To remedy this problem, we're using a tool called AutoHotkey. It's free and open source.
You can download it here:

After installing, it will open it's main menu:
Creating the AutoHotkey-Script
AutoHotkey works by so called AutoHotkey-scripts.

Basically, one line for each key, simply the key, two colons, and the key you want it to become.
a::b makes it so that if you type a, the computer (or the game) gets b instead.

We simply have to tell the sccripts that the key we want to use for primary attack is a Z and the key we want to use for secondary attack is an X.

In the AutoHotkey-Window, click "New Script". Save it somewhere where you find it again, name it like the game. "Empty" or "Minimal" doesn't matter. Then hit "Edit". It may ask you what to edit it with, just choose the plain old windows editor, should be the first one in the list.
An empty editor window will open.

Paste the following into the editor, depending on your keyboard layout. This will switch the two keys next to shift with the Z/X keys the game expects.
If you do not want to use those keys but other ones or you have a keyboard layout not listed, refer to the fourth example.

y::z z::y
(x already in the right place)

w::z z::w
(x already in the right place)

;::z z::; q::x x::q

ANY / free keys
{the key you want for normal attack}::z z::{the key you want for normal attack} {the key you want for secondary attack}::x x::{the key you want for secondary attack}
The second/fourth line are not really needed, but say you want to attack with G, this makes it so not only does G type Z, Z types G as well, so you can still write a G.
As you'll turn of AutoHotkey as soon as you're done with the game, this is not really needed but nice to have.

Now simply save the file.
Using it
Now before you start the game, just double click on the script you just saved

It will look like nothing happened, but if you type the keys you choose for attack/secondary (if you used the pre-prepared ones, the first letters next to shift), they should now type z and x.

Play the game.

Afterwards, look in the tray, the area on the bottom right of your screen. You should have a green H there. If it's missing, you may hit the arrow to find it.

Simply right click it, hit Exit, and your keyboard is back to normal.