Arma 3
353 人が評価
Data Type: Mod
2.620 GB
2023年3月21日 11時48分
6月6日 10時14分
50 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


Version: v1.0beta5
First release: Apr 28, 2024 (0.99beta)
Current release: Jun 6, 2024 (v1.0beta5)

Republic of Yulakia
author の投稿を引用:
Where Sea Embraces Mountains, Sunflowers Bloom in Unity.

Island terrain 12.8km x 12.8km. Project has been created in 2 years with more than 2,500 hours invested.

Yulakia is a fictional project aka “mod” created by IceBreakr ( for the game Arma 3 by Bohemia Interactive a.s. It is not allowed to use this addon/mod on monetized servers without express permission. It is not allowed to use this addon/mod or any part of it outside of game Arma 3. All rights reserved (c) Copyright by IceBreakr.

(also available as PDF[])

Nestled in the heart of Eastern Europe, the Republic of Yulakia spans approximately 164 square kilometers of diverse terrain. Its landscape is characterized by sprawling plains, dense forests, and rugged mountains, offering both strategic advantages and challenges to its inhabitants and visitors.

The population of the Republic of Yulakia stands at an estimated 95,000 people, comprising a rich tapestry of ethnicities, cultures, and traditions. The majority of the population resides in urban centers, with the capital city, Mazemovo, serving as the political, economic, and cultural hub of the nation of West Yulakia. Eastern Yulakia capital city is Yurievgrad.


The Republic of West Yulakia operates under a democratic system of governance, with President Vissim I. Dokolenko at the helm. Known for his astute leadership and unwavering dedication to the welfare of his people, President Dokolenko has steered the nation through tumultuous times with grace and resilience. Alongside him stands his fiancée, Arianna Nakolenka, whose intellect and charisma have earned her widespread admiration among the populace.

The Yulakian Armed Forces comprise a formidable presence within the region, with a total personnel strength of 4,750 troops. Strategically positioned military installations dot the landscape, ranging from fortified border outposts to state-of-the-art training facilities. In addition to its ground forces, the nation boasts a capable air force and navy, equipped with modern aircraft and naval vessels to safeguard its sovereignty. Eastern Yulakia is upgrading its military strength with the help of Russia and seperatist appetites for control of Capital City of Mazemovo and its surrounding cities are becoming substantial. Not a week goes by that a new Russian transport ship arrives at docks on Eastern Coast or a big transport plane lands at Shakal Military Base.

Historical Conflict
The Republic of Yulakia bears the scars of a bitter decade-long conflict that ravaged the nation in the 1990s. Fueled by political unrest and ethnic tensions, the war tore through the fabric of Yulakian society, leaving a legacy of division and distrust in its wake. The conflict culminated in the division of the nation along the winding course of the Mazovka River, with the eastern territories falling under the influence of Russia, while the western regions aligned with the Western Nations.

Despite the lingering effects of conflict, the economy of the Republic of Yulakia has experienced steady growth in recent years, driven by robust sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology. The nation's natural resources, including fertile farmland and mineral deposits, serve as pillars of its economic prosperity, while investments in infrastructure and innovation continue to fuel its development. Recent oil findings in Northeast Yulakia under seperatists control fuelled more appetites to expore the land and maybe provoke a new conflict with newly gathered appetites. Eastern Yulakia is currently also receiving income for tourist visits to Victorin - the biggest cave system in the region. A border river runs right through the cave with Eastern entrance way more accessible due to the natural structural design of the cave.

What is included?
- Terrain (12.8x12.8 km) with river acting as a border between West and East regions
- Yulakian Army and Police factions
- "mysterious creatures of the deep"
- R-400 Spice cruise missiles and static launcher
- president and his fiancee
- Many easter eggs to discover


Bug reporting
Please use Discord channel #yulakia-bugreport available here:

CUP & Mondkalb: usage of CUP objects
Sierra: placement
Venom: placement, village templates
Roman: Bunker, fortifications, outpost compositions
Sahbazz: object assistance, credits statue, support
bjrul: placement, templates
-FM-: placement, templates
EO: wildboars
Dim Rutagan: various buildings
CytechTeam: custom rock formations
poolpunk: wooden desks for the docks
Moonie: bunker object
Sahbazz: bunker object, hayhanger object
Dame2010: priest objects, primal objects
N3crowolf, STAVR.88, Roman, Miledino: object compositions
Vilas: objects
Bromine: red barns and silos
DeanosBeanO_DBO, Grahame: finanly functional cows but Zeus will go crazy because of the constant mooing ;)
Facel: mask for Lartanians


Special thanks: SBP Team & Clan CAP

Like my work? I've dedicated 12+ years in creating new battleground and sightseeing places for your enjoyment. Please support me via following:

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3. Steam Digital Gift Card
- add me as a friend first and gift one of these cards
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
5月24日 0時01分
Missions made for this terrain
SBP team
4月30日 14時32分
Terrain areas that can be also found in the real life ;)
136 件のコメント
Max ORyan 16 時間前 
Hey, the map seems to mess with Livonian buildings slightly and makes them incompatible with ZEI , not sure why
Ayso 6月6日 19時27分 
female prison is just agriculture??? i assume this was a mistake
nibbiobruno 6月6日 10時06分 
map looks awesome!
cant wait for full release <3
IceBreakr  [作成者] 6月6日 9時32分 
Yes, for beta is the same.
Apache 6月6日 7時33分 
Keys is still same yes?
IceBreakr  [作成者] 6月6日 7時12分 
- added details to Mazemovo and Martopol
- added details to the island in the corner of NW
- replaced several closed up houses with new enterable versions
- added nine pillars monument in Mazemovo, parliament improvements
- added dome radar above Mazemovo, road leading to it (tnx galevsky!)
- added missile crashsite NE of Mazemovo
- added two characters: president and his fiancee (tnx Jove Chiere!)
- several bugs fixed (reported by excellent Kerry, so grateful!)
Wulfe 6月5日 20時02分 
My thanks to you for your dedication to this work :NATO: :CSAT: :AAF:
IceBreakr  [作成者] 6月5日 16時47分 
Wulfe: Facel made the mask for Lartanians - correct, added to Credits for beta5. Not sure how it slipped out. We worked on SGD project together. He's a very cool guy.

Urun: Impossible, must be something with the mission you are running. We tested the map with 140+ players and it worked without any issues.
Urun 6月4日 13時11分 
Love the map but it brings serious lag to the dedicated server, everyone just freeze, after removing it everything is back to normal
Wulfe 6月4日 8時31分 
I like the look of things!
A Question however : The "Creatures of the Deep" have some neat headwear, although somewhat familiar in shape,
Were the ArmA of 3 Ballistic Masks used as a base for the 3D Modeling of those? The eye-wells shape and depth seem to suggest this...

If so, can I please ask that Facel be credited with the base layer 3D modelling of that? He's done a lot of work for the Arma community (including mods I've commissioned him to make, and his work on the SOG Prairie Fire CDLC) and deserves the recognition (I don't require crediting, all I did was pay for his hard work)