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Lore-based Unit Mod - Version 25
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2023 年 3 月 18 日 上午 8:33
8 月 26 日 上午 3:16
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Lore-based Unit Mod - Version 25

Welcome to the Lore-based Unit Mod - Version 25!

In this update I have added one new unit to the High Elves, one new unit to the Wood Elves, and two new units to the Greenskins.

This mod adds 95 units to various factions in TWW3. All are derived from various types of Warhammer lore, including army books, novels, artwork ,and miniatures. They can be recruited by all related factions, are affected by the associated technology trees, have new unit cards, and are not available as garrisons because the existing garrisons for various factions have been balanced alongside one another, and I do not wish to disrupt that. Their statistics are also developed for the vanilla game. The units are as follows:

Empire Knights - Swords and Shields (Empire Army Book 7th Edition)
Empire Knights - Greatswords (Empire Army Book 7th Edition
Empire Dwarf Warriors (Empire Army Book 4th Edition)
Empire Dwarf Quarrellers (Empire Army Book 4th Edition)
Flagellants - Swords (Forces of Fantasy - The Old World)
Flagellants - Warhammers (Forces of Fantasy - The Old World)

High Elves
Lothern Sea Guard - Fully Armoured in Ithilmar (High Elves Army Book 5th Edition)
High Elf Warriors (High Elves Army Book 4th Edition)
Shadow Warriors - Shields (High Elves Army Book 5th Edition)
Tiranoc Chariot - Shields (High Elves Army Book 5th Edition)

Wood Elves
Eternal Guard - Swords and Shields (Wood Elves Army Book 4th Edition)
Eternal Guard - Swords (Wood Elves Army Book 4th Edition)
Glade Guard - Glaives (Ravening Hordes 2nd Edition)
Hawk Riders - Shields (Wood Elves Army Book 4th Edition)

Dark Elves
Noble Halberdiers (Ravening Hordes 2nd Edition)
Cold One Knights - Swords and Shields (Dark Elves Army Book 4th Edition)
Witch Elves - Adequately Armoured in Plate (Dark Elves Army Book 4th Edition)

Dwarf Warriors – Halberds (Ravening Hordes 2nd Edition)
Slayers – Dual Swords (Forces of Fantasy - The Old Word)
Thunderers - Warhammers (Dwarf Army Book 8th Edition)
Dwarf Miners - Axes and Blasting Charges (Forces of Fantasy - The Old World)
Dwarf Miners - Axes (Forces of Fantasy - The Old World)

Knights of the Realms – Swords and Shields (Bretonnia Army Book 6th Edition )
Pegasus Knights – Swords and Shields (Bretonnia Army Book 6th Edition)
Men-at-Arms – Fully Armoured in Mail (Bretonnia Army Book 5th Edition )
Peasant Bowman - Adequately Armoured in Mail (Bretonnia Army Book 5th Edition)
Mounted Yeoman Archers – Shields (Bretonnia Army Book 6th Edition)

Skink Cohort – Swords and Javelins (Lizardmen Army Book 8th Edition)
Skink Cohort – Swords and Shields (Lizardmen Army Book 8th Edition)
Terradon Riders - Swords (Lizardmen Army Book 8th Edition)
Saurus Warriors – Warhammers and Shields Lizardmen Army Book 8th Edition)
Blessed Saurus Warriors – Warhammers and Shields (Lizardmen Army Book 8th Edition)
Saurus Warriors – Warhammers (Lizardmen Army Book 8th Edition)

Gryphon Legion - Swords and Shields (Kislev 6th Edition)
Winged Lancers – Maces and Shields (Kislev 6th Edition)
Tzar Guard - Halberds (The Ambassador)
Kossars – Axes and Shields (Ursun’s Teeth)

Warriors of Chaos - Available through warband upgrades
Marauders – Long Spears (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)
Marauder Horsemasters - Axes (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
Marauder Archers (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)

Marauders – Spears and Shields (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)
Marauders - Adequately Armoured in Metal (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)
Marauder Chariots – Great Axes (Realm of Chaos 5th Edition)
Norscan Trolls – Axes (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)

Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns - Axes (Orcs and Goblins 8th Edition)
Orc Boyz – Great Axes (Orcs and Goblins 4th Edition)
Black Orcs - Dual Choppas (Orcs and Goblins 8th Edition)
Savage Orcs – Axes and Shields (Orcs and Goblins 4th Edition)
Savage Orcs – Maces and Shields (Orcs and Goblins Army Book 7th Edition)
Savage Orcs - Big Stabbas (Ravening Hordes - The Old World)
Savage Orcs – Maces (Warhammer (Orcs and Goblins Army Book 7th Edition)
Goblins – Amply Armored in Mail (Citadel Miniatures 5432 Goblin Range)
Goblin Archers - Shields (Orcs and Goblins 4th Edition)
Goblin Wolf Chariots - Shields (Orcs and Goblins 4th Edition)
Night Goblins - Great Axes (Orcs and Goblins 4th Edition)
Night Goblin Fanatics - Great Axes (Orcs and Goblins 4th Edition)

Stormvermin - Greatswords (Skaven Army Book 4th edition)
Clanrats - Maces and Shields (Warhammer Fantasy Battle 7th Edition)
Clanrats - Maces ( Warhammer Fantasy Battle 7th Edition)
Rat Ogres - Poison (Ravening Hordes 2nd Edition)

Bestigor Herd – Halberds (Realm of Chaos 5th Edition)
Gor Herd - Greatswords (Realm of Chaos 5th Edition)
Tuskgor Chariots – Shields (Realm of Chaos 5th Edition)
Chaos Trolls - Maces (Realm of Chaos 5th Edition)

Ogre Kingdoms
Maneaters - Fully Armoured in Plate (Ogre Army Book 8th Edition)
Maneaters - Fully Armoured in Plate and with Ogre Pistols (Ogre Army Book 8th Edition)
Gnoblars - Shields (Ogre Army Book 8th Edition)
Gnoblars - Dual Swords (Ogre Army Book 6th Edition)
Gnoblars – Axes (Warhammer Fantasy Battles 7th Edition)

Chaos Dwarfs
Chaos Dwarf Warriors – Spears and Shields (Citadel Journal Spring 86)
Infernal Ironsworn - Great Hammers (Warhammer Fantasy Battle - The Old World)
Hobgoblin Warriors - Maces and Shields (Chaos Dwarfs 5th Edition)
Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders - Bows and Shields (Chaos Dwarfs 5th Edition)
Orc Labourers – Spears (Chaos Dwarfs 5th Edition)
Goblin Labourers – Swords (Chaos Dwarfs 5th Edition)

Marauders of Khorne - Spears (Champions of the Chaos Wastes)
Chosen of Khorne - Great Axes (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
Marauders of Khorne - Javelins (Champions of the Chaos Wastes)

Knights of Tzeentch - Halberds (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
Chosen of Tzeentch - Dual Swords (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
Marauders of Tzeentch - Bows (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)

Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh - Greatswords (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh - Shields (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
Devoted Marauders of Slaanesh - Throwing Axes (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)

Chaos Warriors of Nurgle - Halberds and Shields (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
Marauders of Nurgle - Spears and Shields (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)
Marauders of Nurgle - Bows (Warriors of the Chaos Wastes)

Vampire Counts
Blood Knights - Swords and Shields (Vampire Counts Army Book 7th Edition)
Grave Guard - Spears and Shields (Vampire Counts Army Book 5th Edition)
Skeleton Warriors - Maces and Shields (Vampire Counts Army Book 5th Edition)
Crypt Ghouls - Axes (Vampire Counts Army Book 5th Edition)
Zombies - Shields (Undead Army Book 4th Edition)

Tomb Kings
Necropolis Knights - Swords and Shields (Ravening Hordes - The Old World)
Tomb Guard - Fully Armoured in Scale (Rise of Nagash)
Skeleton Chariots - Shields (Undead Army Book 4th Edition)

For those who would like units for Cathay, I have created a non-loreful mod here:

If you find any bugs, or have any feedback, please let me know.
104 則留言
Amriel 4 小時以前 
how... he's literally just filling out the roster for the AI as well so you're not steamrolling the already easy AI. There's a lot of mods that add units to several factions at once.
888Umer 11 小時以前 
Individual faction units would be greatly appreciated... instead of adding units to all factions at the same time.. kinda defeats the purpose.
Tyler Chaos 8 月 24 日 下午 12:49 
awesome time too turn this mod back on then
ByzantineBasileus  [作者] 8 月 24 日 下午 12:04 
Updated for patch 5.2
Tyler Chaos 8 月 22 日 上午 10:38 
much hype indeed
ByzantineBasileus  [作者] 8 月 20 日 上午 12:52 
Just a note, I should be updating this mod for the new patch over the weekend, but I have been busy at work so it is not guaranteed.
ByzantineBasileus  [作者] 7 月 17 日 上午 12:43 
LWH: Yes, definitely available for AI and do benefit.
LWH@sama 7 月 16 日 上午 6:39 
:steamthumbsup:great units but available for ai and benefit from technology ?
Nalier 7 月 11 日 上午 5:02 
That's perfectly fine ^^
ByzantineBasileus  [作者] 7 月 10 日 上午 3:37 
Nailer: Sorry, I would not know how to do that.