Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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SS-97 US Submarine WW2 (Broken)
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16 Thg03, 2023 @ 1:36pm
9 Thg08, 2023 @ 7:33pm
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SS-97 US Submarine WW2 (Broken)

Mô tả
Check Change Log for Update notes (July,17,2023)

Laid down on June 4th of 1917, and completed at Union Iron works of San Francisco California October 26th 1918, USS R-20, later known as SS-97, started her extensive service life as the last of the Group 1 US R-class submarines. Group 1 of two, Group one having R-1 to R-20 were kept after the infamous war to end all wars while Group 2, R-21 to R-27 were scrapped due to the many military doctrines set in place. After years of conflictless peacetime, the remaining R class submarines were mothballed in 1930, however upon the outbreak of WW2 USS R-1 to R-20 were hastily brought back into service in 1941. After extensive refitments and modifications USS R-20 had been made combat ready for service in WW2, these upgrades and refitments included new sonar, as well as hull modifications to allow a more streamlined vessel. These vessels were used for coastal defense in the early parts of the war, however toward the latter part of the war around 1943 they were taken from coastal defense to training. That is where these stricken vessels remained until their decommissioning in late 1945 and scrapping in 1946. All but two of these submarines “survives” today, but are inaccessible given their sunken status.

As some may recall, this is not my first rendition of 1943 R-20/SS-97. This is both due to the fact that this is an overhaul of all the systems in order to incorporate as much realism as possible, but also due to more hidden details that were originally overlooked, or were unable to be implemented into stormwors.

This representation of SS-97 is how it would have looked around 1943. It required hundreds of hours of research and analysis from both myself and wtfblake in order to get historically correct as well as look the part and function to the same extent as its real life counterpart. I hope you enjoy this nearly forgotten slice of history, and be sure to read how to work this as we have made the controls as true to life as possible without requiring a crew of 26 to operate.

- Fully realistic air system
- Fully 1:1 design, hull, controls and all
- Easy but realistic engine control
- Highly detailed interior and exterior
- Full ballast control
- Fully functional torpedo reloading
- Raisable mast and periscopes
- 1943 modifications
- Fully furnished and detailed interior and exterior
- Fully functioning breaker boxes and fuse panel


Operation starting at 26 min:

Quick Start guide: !WILL NOT WORK WITH INFINITE ELECTRIC ON! Step one, turn the engine on (manual page 1). Its not as complicated as it seems, but can be intimidating at first. Step two, pick both electric motor speeds in the control room next to the planes, then crank the clutch cranks to engage the drive motors. Steering can be done from the Rudder helm. To dive, deploy the dive plane, turn the diesel engine off, then flood For,d, main, and auxiliary tanks using the kingstons. !DO NOT FILL THE STERN!. Next, set your depth in the depth keypad, and allow depth set. Keep in mind your crush depth is about 260ft. To surface press Blow All on the air manifold. Once at the surface you may recharge your air and turn the diesel back on.
To use the torpedoes, you may be no faster than speed notch two, any faster and the torpedoes may malfunction. To fire a torpedo, open the torpedo door and flood the tube, once flooded you may fire. Wait 5 seconds before closing the tube and draining. Remember, it drains into the ford trim, and you may have to move water back and or out in order to drain. Reloading is explained in page 12 of the manual.
The periscope has simple controls, W/S up and down, it may require some left and right wiggling to get out with A/D as it sometimes sticks. You may zoom with Up/Down arrows.
The hydrophone is operated by allowing power to the system and cranking the handle until a target is found, the target's relative bearing can be read off to the pericope, then putting in that relative bearing and finding the target will show the target's true bearing.
Notes: All main ballast can be equalized using the keys found on the floor in the control room, torpedo room, and motor room.

Its a complex realistic submarine, especially your first time using it. Its relatively easy if you know what and how to use this submarine, however nobody is an instant expert and there are many other features and quirks that have not been covered. Again, please don't be afraid to ask!

Finally, a huge shout out to the many people who have helped create this amazing machine. First and foremost, wtfblake. Blake was the man who not only suggested the overhaul, but also found many ways to add more realistic controls and details that I would have never thought of. He is the sole designer of this ship's amazing air system, as well as finding previously overlooked details and things about these submarines. If it wasn't for him, a submarine of this detail wouldn't exist in stormworks. Id also like to shout out a few other people, Phishercat created the deck gun sight, the periscope sight, as well as some periscope tuning. Shoutout to Lenin and his amazing checker board found in the galley. Another shoutout goes to Vivideye for the deck guns mechanics and recoiling function, as well as creating a finely detailed machine shop for the motor room. A shoutout to my friend Not_A_Therapist for doing the render in the thumbnail, and Endoskull for critiquing my editing of the thumbnail. And finally, a shout out to everyone who helped test this submarine with me, and helped both me and blake critique it.

I hope everyone enjoys this submarine, whether you enjoy it for looks, functionality, or what we were shooting for, both. Have fun! -Gabe
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20 Thg06 @ 7:35pm
443 bình luận
Pretzelsticks 12 Thg02 @ 9:53am 
Brooke7125  [tác giả] 1 Thg12, 2023 @ 5:36am 
Im back from boot camp, itll be a few weeks till I can get to my computer, ill let yall know when im able to update things!
Bubblehead Blake  [tác giả] 10 Thg11, 2023 @ 6:50pm 
Ok new update just dropped for Space DLC compatibility. unfortunately Brook is in boot camp so we cant update this one. but here is the link to use it until he gets back and we can update this page.
gorpdog6 7 Thg11, 2023 @ 5:01pm 
Hey im having trouble getting pressure so theres no more "Low oil" this is my first time operating it anyone know what to do thanks!
EE41 6 Thg11, 2023 @ 5:16pm 
thank you so much. I absolutely love this submarine and am excited to have it back!
Bubblehead Blake  [tác giả] 5 Thg11, 2023 @ 7:21am 
Update on the update. I have redesigned the engines almost from scratch to make them work again without bursting into flames. they run hotter then i would like but they look much better and you will only overheat if you use 100% throttle prolonged. so set it at 95%. That being out of the way i was ready to release the update. unfortunately a hotfix broke my compressor for the ballast tanks. i was able to do an air charge to 4500 PSI before the hotfix. now i can get 880 PSI. its not enough to blow ballast. so stay tuned and if we get PSI back up this should be out then.
Bubblehead Blake  [tác giả] 5 Thg11, 2023 @ 7:15am 
next to every emergency light is a key to turn them off (Except control) current version wont surface correctly due to the ballast pumps no working after space dlc.
Yeetlazar 4 Thg11, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
Also, using Infinite Electric as a way to work around the no engines, the spotlight and emergency lights become constantly on, the breakers do not shut them off. is there a possible fix for that?
Yeetlazar 4 Thg11, 2023 @ 4:24pm 
Engines dont turn on, lack of oil it seems. Looking forward to the fix. Amazing creation though!
Bubblehead Blake  [tác giả] 29 Thg10, 2023 @ 5:04pm 
Yes Space DLC broke it. Yes im working on the update. I have added compressed air tanks, compressor, balast tank overhaul, Pump overhaul, staring air overhaul, proper escape trunks, gauges, oxygen tanks, atmosphere monitoring equipment, and more. The latest hotfix (10/29/2023) broke engine cooling and caused issues with the fuel pump. i dont think its going to be a problem for very long so im waiting for the devs to notice rather than try to find a work around. As soon as its running again ill post the update because its ready to rock other than the engines.