Arma 3
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Structure, Terrain
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674.430 MB
16 mrt 2023 om 6:08
27 apr 2023 om 12:56
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After two and a half years of work, I present you the Šumava terrain for Arma 3.

  • Please report any issues to this workshop page comments, or preferably the Discord[].
  • You can also consider supporting my bad habits via Ko-Fi:
Šumava is a southwest border region of Czech Republic. This terrain realistically depicts area between the towns of Sušice and Horažďovice, while also borrowing parts from the more touristic parts of Šumava further south and few other places from around the rest of the country. Only few places on this terrain are fictional, the vast majority is recreated as close to reality as possible, while also retaining some hope this would one day get finished, released and be playable.

  • The terrain is 12288x12288 meters (151km2), which is comparable to Chernarus and Livonia
  • There’s 1 887k objects in total, of which 86k are hand placed.
  • There’s 37km of main roads, 185km of regular roads, 408km of dirt roads, 26km of trails and 241km of unmarked paths.
Known Issues:
  • AI planes don’t behave consistently on airfields 2 and 3 (the small ones). I’m unsure why, but it’s probably related to their small size.
  • Due to the dense road network, AI might not choose the most sensible roads to take. I suggest placing more waypoints for AI vehicles than you normally would. Pay special attention to AI should they use bridges.
  • Some parts of the map are quite narrow. Consider not using AI vehicles in those areas, or limiting it's vehicle's speed. AI driving mods could also remedy this issue.
  • There’s most likely a bunch of objects I forgot to delete laying around, terrain sticking through building floors and walls/fences with no holes to allow passage from compound to compound. It’s easy to fix, so please report it if you find any.
  • All the powerlines are underground and unmarked on map. Possibly related to me being bad at math and lazy to write a program to generate them. I wanted to, but with Reforger Tools there won’t be need for such a program in the future.
  • There are no traffic signs at the moment. While this makes the in-game terrain more appealing than it’s real world counterpart, it’s something I unfortunately plan to “fix”.
  • Some people using some server hosting services reported issues with the "Š" character in the name of this addon. If your server hosting service has the same issue, make sure you're using formatting, which supports more special characters, for any config files which should include name of this addon.
Future Development:
It’s pretty much finished. There will be inevitable fixes, adding some detail here and there, but no new major additions. I hope to further develop upon this in Arma Reforger.
Special Thanks to:
  • Adanteh, Snakeman, Jakerod, HorribleGoat, Ben, Ice, pennyworth, Atom_Monky and many others who helped me by answering my often silly questions and made tools or tutorials to make terrain making easier
  • Bohemia Interactive for making Arma and delaying this terrain 3 months by releasing Arma Reforger
  • All the communities and people I’ve played Arma with over the years.
Populaire discussies Alles weergeven (10)
13 mrt 2024 om 13:15
Leftover objects report
13 mrt 2024 om 13:14
Badly Placed Objects
29 apr 2023 om 20:11
alive index?
265 opmerkingen
Dimon UA 22 okt 2024 om 9:00 
This card would be a masterpiece in Dayz - it was made for Dayz. Consider porting to Dayz
nextgen 6 okt 2024 om 2:25 
bydlím v téhle oblasti aje strašně cool projíždět se tankem po náměstí v mým městě :steamhappy:
C.H.I.N.A. AI 2 sep 2024 om 9:48 
Genuinely one of the best maps I've played, every village has it own quirks and no place seems bland or low quality, the big city at the south west of the map, is great for urban combat.
Bref  [auteur] 31 aug 2024 om 3:50 
Oh, I didn't understand what you were trying to do. In this case, I was having issues with names on map not showing up properly. Letters such as š,č,ř,á... wouldn't be displayed. Sušice would be diplayed as Su ice, and so on. Someone on Arma discord told to me to try and change the config file formating and that worked. Not sure if that is the same issue you were facing though.
blarcy 30 aug 2024 om 15:54 
Got it worked out, was having trouble getting it to show as an equipment display name in the arsenal; had to set up a stringtable for it
Bref  [auteur] 30 aug 2024 om 12:32 
It shows up fine for me. If I had to, I'd guess it has something to do with fonts on your OS, but that's a very wild guess.
blarcy 30 aug 2024 om 11:15 
Hey, don't suppose you know any way to get the "Š" character to show properly ingame? Figured if anyone would know it's you lol
Jonathan 18 jul 2024 om 16:33 
Your map is a true masterpiece. Thank you, for putting in so much time and effort. Your work definitely paid off!
Bref  [auteur] 13 jul 2024 om 13:45 
Fakt si nemyslim že je to problém mapy. Potřeboval bych trochu konkrétnější bug report abych se tím zabýval. Tzn. otestovat na několika mapách reakci řady různých vozidel z různých módů na různý typy projektilů z různých zbraní a módů.

Konkrétně třeba vozidla z RHS mají tendenci spíš nebouchat, ale dostat zničenej nějakej komponent. Nejspíš jste se prostě blbě trefovali do RHS vozidel.
Gazzusz 13 jul 2024 om 13:02 
Ahoj, s naší jednotkou máme na mapě určité problémy. V kolekci modů máme mody jako ACE, RHS, CUP apod. a na mapě jsem udělal pro jednotku čtyři mise, a na všech ze čtyř misí byly problémy s destrukcí vozidel ovládaných aičkem. (Nejspíš to tak je i s vozidlama bez aiček) Jakmile jsem jednu celou misi přetáhl na jinou mapu vozidla se ničila bez problémů. (Místo čtyř až pěti raket, na jednu až dvě max) Mapa je jinak skvělá a byl bych rád kdyby jsme problém vyřešili a mohl bych na ní dělat více misí. DÍky za odpověď.