Space Engineers

Space Engineers

235 평점
Aryx Weapon Enterprises - Vol. 2 - Naval
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Type: Mod
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2023년 3월 10일 오후 5시 44분
2023년 5월 13일 오후 2시 18분
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Aryx Weapon Enterprises - Vol. 2 - Naval

The wet sibling of the King of Weapon Mods

AWE: Volume II is a Weaponcore weapon mod adding 10 new guns, turrets and explosives to the game, because these are the three things that solve any problem. Designed as a slimmer, more tacticool version of my flagship weapon mod.


AC35 M11A4 Sabre Autocannon
The Sabre is an anti-light autocannon designed to intercept and destroy skiffs, aircraft and missiles. High muzzle velocity, best against projectiles and aircraft.
Range: 2km
Size: 1x1x2 LG
Ammo: 35mm SABRE
Role: Anti-Missile

AC80 Prosecutor Heavy Autocannon
The Prosecutor is a heavy autocannon sidegrade of the Sabre, designed to destroy aircraft and armour. Slower fire rate, but far more damaging.
Range: 1.5km
Size: 1x1x2 LG
Role: Anti-Aircraft

M33 Vector Minigun
The Vector is a light swivel-mounted minigun designed to take on infantry by laying down an incredible rate of fire.
Range: 800m
Size: 3x3x2 SG
Ammo: 14mm Minigun Ammo
Role: Anti-Infantry

RK130 SPECTRE Deck Gun
Based on the real-life AK130, the Spectre is a deck gun designed for direct battle. Heavily armoured and has a powerful shell burst.
Range: 4km
Size: 3x3x3 LG
Ammo: 130mm SPECTRE
Role: Anti-Armour

R2-80 Trombone Repeater Cannon
The Trombone is a heavy repeater cannon designed for dual anti-aircraft and anti-surface roles. It can switch between flak for AA or AP for anti-surface.
Range: 4km
Size: 3x3x2 LG
Ammo: 60mm Flak
Role: Advanced Anti-Aircraft

M285 Vindicator-II Naval Cannon
The Vindicator is a heavyweight dual-barrelled naval cannon designed to destroy enemy armour from long range. Less firepower than cannons of similar calibre, but better range and accuracy.
Range: 6km
Size: 5x5x3 LG
Role: Advanced Anti-Armour

The Fox is a light radar-guided multi-launch rocket system designed for anti-tank and anti-aircraft duty. Whilst inaccurate, it fires a flurry of powerful rockets with good range and tracking.
Range: 2km
Size: 2x3x1 SG
Ammo: R6 Fox Missile
Role: Anti-Aircraft Missile

RA-6K Heather Rocket Artillery
The Heather is a powerful artillery piece that launches anti-ship cruise missiles at long range, able to strike targets with high speed delivering devastating damage. Ineffective against small aircraft.
Range: 8km
Size: 3x3x3 LG
Ammo: Heather Artillery Rocket
Role: Artillery

LM54 Lambda Machine Gun
The Lambda is a lightweight machine gun turret designed for close air support, anti-missile and light anti-aircraft roles.
Range: 800m
Size: 1x1x1 SG
Ammo: Lambda LMG Ammobox
Role: Anti-Infantry, Anti-Missile

This mod requires the weaponcore framework to function and as such cannot be ported to Mod.IO or Xbox.
No reuploads allowed, enforced by DMCA. If I can find it, I can and will kill it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why the crossout resemblance
Crossout bases a lot of its guns on real life guns and so do I. I also enjoy playing crossout so go figure.

What ammo do the guns use?
Read their descriptions!

Why weaponcore?
I like having battles that use weapons that don't track like ♥♥♥♥ and have homing capability. + performance.

Many thanks to the members of the merchant's guild who give me money in exchange for my terrible mods. Allow me to buy food and pay the bills at

Join the Aryx Modhouse server to report bugs and provide ideas, as I seldom read steam comments for my own mental health's sake.
댓글 58
ArSole 2024년 6월 21일 오전 12시 42분 
How do we change the volume of these blocks??? such a choice mod to use but they so freaken loud lol
andrew.wimmer0 2024년 4월 13일 오전 8시 43분 
Any chance you could lower the launch volume of the rocket artillery? Its my absolute favorite rocket turret, but it scares the shit out of me every time it launches when I am not paying attention.
Love your mods!!!
MadMac392 2024년 3월 13일 오전 9시 07분 
Hello I would like to know dose the ammo show up with Isy Inventory manger as I have build 100 of each and there not showing
FantazeR 2024년 2월 8일 오전 5시 12분 
New weaponcore
Green_Lightning 2024년 1월 22일 오후 10시 45분 
Agreed about weak weapons, also there's no AP rounds for the battleship gun.
Cosmos 2023년 12월 27일 오전 6시 23분 
For some reason these weapons seem to do very little damage to anything even without reinforcement mods
Lord Raso 2023년 8월 28일 오전 10시 49분 
I don't know if this is outside of your wheelhouse, or not, but would it be possible to develop a set of blocks that are akin to the custom torpedo/missile block mods out there but that work with the new AI blocks?
I can't believe we are this far out form the release of the new AI/guidance blocks and no one has seen all of these ugly, rectangular, custom missiles made from scaffolding and tires and said "enough is enough" yet. :/
joe lasagna 2023년 6월 30일 오후 5시 01분 
Hey just letting you know that the Vector minigun has a bug that at the end of a burst theres a chance it will never stop playing the sound until you restart the server and will continue to stack until its impossible to hear
Grebanton1234 2023년 5월 14일 오전 11시 34분 
Oh ok, thank you
ATF_Coldblooded Carebear || 2023년 5월 4일 오후 8시 43분 
@Grebanton1234 for change log you can go to the discord server and look for the change log tab in it