Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Hunter's Call
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There he blows up!
Items (4)
Hell's Heart
Gemaakt door Svdl
Man-portable harpoon launcher for the Soldier. 4 Lods, includes projectile. See also the rest of the set!...
Sailor's Sou'wester
Gemaakt door Svdl
Waterproof hat for the Soldier. Paintable. See also the rest of the set!...
Roamer's Raincoat
Gemaakt door Svdl
Raggedy raincoat for the Soldier. See also the rest of the set!...
Jumper's Jigs
Gemaakt door Svdl
Soldier's Items for a good time on the sea. Paintable. See also the rest of the set!...