Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Mode de jeu: Capture de drapeau
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23.140 MB
10 mars 2023 à 4h19
10 mars 2023 à 4h59
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WazzimaGiygg - The NukeGiygg

Episode Description: A long queue, all of them come to a stop. They bring from Baltimore, the Colors of Resilience. Electric magic, psychiatric fornication! How wonderful! The mother is proud of her son. In Baltimore's Resilience Color Therapy! BUT WAS IT NOT A LAST CASE RADICAL TREATMENT? WHY THE PRIDE???

Attention.Read this topic before post commentary:

The map is not 100% error free, however it is an incredible game to be played. Developed with the intent of map developers in Team Fortress 2 to be encouraged to create their maps not only for this game but for any game!

Visite my page in steam:

WorkShop Team Fortress 2:

When I did the chapter and episode "Blood Rags", I did it to show some of the ideas that circulated in my head.

When I did the chapter and episode "Blood Rags", I did it to show some of the ideas that circulated in my head.

It's not just ideas, but when you're forced to think differently than you are throughout your life, you lose your originality. An example is always having a joker who says about who suffers the most.

When I write a book, I put knowledge, feelings, things that need to be said and a sincere protest.

I create maps since 2018, I had other maps that were discarded, the first one officially in the Workshop was CP_BROKEN.
And I developed other diversified maps like in HD.

Blood Rags represents more than a title, it represents all my anger and disappointment against the world, and it will be one of the longest I've done in the Workshop, expanding to future projects.

I'll be commenting on other maps I've created, and I'll be honest with everyone!