Apocalyptic Vibes

Apocalyptic Vibes

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The Old World Enchiridion (WIP)
Von Kiga
"Greetings, Rook-- the North you say? Of course... rest for some time, then be on your way and complete the route. Be sure to come back, it is our calling. We always come back."

A General Guide to Apocalyptic Vibes. Covering a range of subject matters,
  • Walk-through, Objectives, Lore/Speculation
  • Hints & Advice, Item Location, Equipment
  • NPCs, Trades, Events
  • Chapters & Levels, Music, Anticipation & Game Bugs
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Welcome to The Old World, Rook. (Glossary/Explaining Table Of Contents)

So, you have found yourself on route - along the way you must have come across these postmodern texts, your curiosity unwilling to turn one's back. It is to aid in every possible way, or perhaps its from a Rook like non-other than yourself - who is to reveal and tell wanderers of The Old World, about what he has discovered.

Within the book, contents varying from one minuscule to an extreme, detailed actuality to anomalous phenomenon - encouraging to beginners, challenging to the experienced.

(Author's Note)
I spent a while writing down a lot of things within a text document on my computer - a lot. Some things are written out in enough detail I could practically copy and paste them, others are ideas I would need to act on as they are not even properly formulated yet. So, this guide won't be 100% complete for some time, but rather something I work on the more information I gather and write down. For the time being, enjoy what T.O.W.E. has to offer!
Walk-through, Objectives, Lore/Speculation

A walk-through will take some time as the game is subject to change in some areas. The core game-play will most likely remain the same, but for now I want to work on the areas of this guide where it'll take me less time than putting together an entire walk-through from start to finish.

Again, this relates enough with the walk-through where it will take some time to setup, but ideally it will be done before the walk-through - also it is worth noting that I intend on separating spoilers from a hand-held trip through the game. Apocalyptic Vibes is a great journey and figuring things out along the way rather than looking through a walk-through before playing is highly recommended!

This will be on a similar wavelength to that of the first subject within this section - the walk-through. Putting together a clear series of events, lore and even speculation will take time and needs to if it is to be considered at all.

You're being watched
-Throughout the game, you could be being watched - not 100% sure about it, but as you progress you will feel as if so. (Placeholder)
Hints & Advice, Item Location, Equipment

Hints & Advice
While traversing your route, it is always handy to keep any Hints & Advice in mind. Ensuring a safe journey, a successful engagement and most importantly - your way back.

  1. Water reduces your max stamina - making you 'wet' - consequently, you can dry off by staying near a gas lantern or a campfire, restoring your max stamina once more. A small candle does nothing but provide light - campfires will also dry you more quickly.
  2. Gas lanterns do not require matches to light.
  3. Exploration can be rewarding.
  4. Aiming down sight does not improve accuracy or provide any advantage other than a zoom. Pressing 'ALT' with the Karabin in hand will increase the magnification of the scope to x2.
  5. Objects like bottles and cans can alert enemies - as well as trudging through water. Running and sometimes walking can also alert enemies or in general, being too close
  6. The flashlight does not alert enemies and can be kept on the entire game without any disadvantages. The developer has hinted that the flashlight does something to enemies who aren't yet aware of your presence, but so far - I can't figure it out.
  7. Once enemies are alerted of your presence, they will know where you are at all times.
  8. Enemies can kill each other if another is in their line of sight.
  9. Stabbing an enemy's head or torso - holding 'right-click' then 'left-clicking' - will instantly kill them. If you're quick enough and they don't shoot, it will be a silent kill - not alerting any other enemies. Using the knife - 'left-click' or 'right-click', uses quite a lot of stamina.
  10. "Nomads' Bullet" can be considered a form of currency as there is not a gun yet out there that uses the ammo - instead the bullets could be used for trading.
  11. Bodies can block your path - rarely making some areas impossible to traverse through.
  12. The Nomads' armaments consists of what appears to be a Mauser to a Double-Barreled Shotgun.
  13. A Cassette can be used for trading and to record whatever is on the radio onto the Cassette.
  14. Rain will lower your max stamina and damage your health.
  15. You can easily get stuck in a hole or in crevices - there is no safety railing, if there is any, it is rare.
  16. In some areas, enemies can be avoided and do not need to be fought in order to progress. It is plausible to complete the game without killing anyone - enemies are more obstacles.
  17. Crouch-walking is more silent then walking.
  18. NPCs cannot open doors.
  19. Antennas with red lights at the top of them contain radios.
  20. Looking at the light anomaly in the sky will blind you and damage your health.
  21. When saving at a campfire, pressing 'Tab' will display where your last campfire save was, along with what the name of the level/objective at the time of that save was.
  22. Changing levels where it says a journey will take an hour or so, will not affect weather events - it will be as if time didn't progress - so you cannot skip weather events by changing levels.
  23. It is possible to not use a gas mask while still in the early stages of the game - all you'd have to do is stay indoors and wait out the fog.
  24. In total, there are 15 unique levels, if you want to count sub-levels, even more. Some you can backtrack to, though this isn't exactly encouraged or perhaps even intentional.
  25. Losing isn't exactly an option. You're able to thwart your own efforts by doing things that don't make sense - like leaving the Tea Box during 'Chapter 1'. I haven't explored those possibilities, but maybe it leads to alternate outcomes.
  26. Pressing 'Q' with the matchbox equipped will light a match. It will emit a light around you for some odd time before burning out completely.
  27. To restore your maximum health after taking permanent damage - you can use tea from the tea box. Although in very small amounts, it is still very helpful.

Item Location
Every nook has a secret - exploration necessary to longevity. One man's garbage can be another's treasure. The Old World is built upon the remains and ashes of what once was, it is only in our blood to value everything impermanent.

  • Passage 1 Key
    Found within 'map01' of 'Passage'. This key - found within a locker in a garage - opens the 'Passage 1' door not too far from where the key is obtained. Inside, there are some items alongside a Belt Lamp
  • Raiders' Car Key
    Obtained from inside of a locker, guarded by Nomads in 'map03' of 'Passage'. This key unlocks the 'Raiders' Car' - inside are many items, including - the Tea Box, Cassette(1) and a Double-Barreled Shotgun.
  • Cassette(1)
    Cassette(1) has one song recorded onto it - 'Black Satans - Death' and is involved in a trade later in the game.
  • Tea Box
    The objective item of 'Chapter 1'. Within the Tea Box is presumably 31 bags of tea. You're able to use some of this tea by holding 'T' while checking the contents - this will give you an immediate boost to your health. It is possible to simply leave the Tea Box and progress forward - as there is an option to do so. There are no repercussions in doing so - same with the Double-Barreled Shotgun and Cassette(1).
  • Metal Door Key
    A key that is found within 'map05' of 'High Overpass'. It can be found in the same building the Familiar Rook is in - by the radio. This key opens a door in the next map, 'map07' in which behind the 'Metal Door' is a campfire that you can use for saving.

A weapon is only as useful as the man who uses it. Knowing your strengths with your Equipment can guarantee triumph or downfall. Discovering the inexhaustible capabilities of oneself - a power unlike any other.

  • Revolver
    The Revolver can be found in 'map01' of 'Passage'. Found within a shelf in the very beginning of the game. It has a 6 round capacity and a max reserve of 56 rounds. Pulling the trigger ('left-click') will draw back the hammer of the revolver and then fire the handgun. Alternatively, holding the hammer back (holding 'ALT') and then firing ('left-click') will fire the handgun instantaneously. A bullet to the head will instantly kill an enemy, shooting at the torso of an enemy takes 3 shots.
  • Knife
    A Knife can be found within 'map01' of 'Passage'. As soon as the game starts, head down the stairs of the building you're in and atop of a toppled shelf it will be. The Knife has two attacks, a light slash ('left-click') and a deadly stab (hold 'right-click', then 'left-click'). A stab will instantly kill an enemy if they're hit in the head or torso. Two slashes to the torso will also kill. The Knife can be found in other stages of the game.
  • Belt Lamp
    Within 'map01' of 'Passage' - through the 'Passage 1' door. The Belt Lamp is on a table next to a gas lantern. Once on your person, pressing 'L' will turn on the Belt Lamp.
  • Double-Barreled Shotgun
    Found inside of the 'Raiders' Car' - the Double-Barreled Shotgun is a powerful weapon - able to kill an enemy instantly with a single shot anywhere at their body - being that at least 2/3 of the pellets make contact with the target. Each shot has about 33 - 27 pellets. If that wasn't enough carnage, you're able to shoot both barrels at once (holding 'ALT', then firing).
NPCs, Trades, Events

Left behind, buried within the dust of rockets and boundless stars - anachronistic, those that continue to survive the harsh conditions of Earth know nothing more. The past slowly fades with only a handful aware of the magnificent feats humankind achieved - their progression only living within writings and mind.

  • Nomad Raiders
    There are Mauser guys and Double-Barreled Shotgun guys... (Placeholder)
  • Familiar Rook
    Within... (Placeholder)

Trading has remained a staple of The Old World - similar to the past and for centuries before. It is instinct to want, to negotiate - barter. The business of Trades is common, yet those who trek days on end are hardly valued.

  • Trade
    Trading for this item is good because...

Not a day passes without uncertainty, doubt - paranoia, delusion. Events so inconceivable, yet that more existent. To coexist in an illogical wasteland, realizable. This is the normality of life - and you are with no protection against its mystification.

Second Ambush in 'Passage'
A scripted event occurs within 'map03' of 'Passage' - where three enemies can be found in one room. Once you make line of sight with the enemy behind a gas lantern, he will light it and the rest will begin moving around the area. It is possible to simply run by, trigger the event and not have been seen, but chances are - you were.
Chapters & Levels, Music, Anticipation & Game Bugs

Chapters & Levels
Every Rook knows their route well, it is their job. Without exception, completing one's route is their calling.

'Chapter 1: One Last Thing'
-The beginning of the game. The date is September 3rd, 2_05 - the time, around five A.M. The level, 'Passage'. You were ambushed by the Nomadic Raiders Band - wounded, the Nomads robbed and left you to fate. Luckily, you managed to survive your predicament and set out to retrieve the package stolen from you.

'Passage' (map01 & 03)
-The first level you're introduced to and where 'Chapter 1' begins. 'Passage' is split up into two different maps. The first, 'map01' is relatively safe and vacant with items strewn about, the second, 'map03' is where you'll encounter ten Nomads and more valuable items - such as a Double-Barreled Shotgun and a Tea Box among other things. You can sneak by the Nomads or fight them head-on. The next level is, 'High Overpass' - you can also backtrack to 'map01' if you want.

'High Overpass' (map05 & 07)
-Just like 'Passage', 'High Overpass' has two maps. The first level, 'map05' is safe - despite there being dialogue that suggests danger. Within the level there is an NPC that offers basic trades and there are some items about. The next level, 'map07' is filled to the brim with 18 Nomads. Sneaking is not possible. Backtracking - still a possibility. What lies ahead is, 'The Tower'.

'The Tower' (map06)
-Unlike the previous, 'The Tower' only has one level and one enemy. The level is more of an experience than anything - with some items here and there. From here, it is possible to backtrack, but if you head back to 'High Overpass', you will find yourself within 'map05' - completely skipping 'map07'. If you want to head back to 'The Tower', you'll need to go through 'map07' once again. Going forward, you'll begin the 'Prologue' and arrive in 'First Sands'.

-It is August 31st - around seven A.M., 'four days before the events of the first chapter'. You're home within 'First Sands'. Awoken by your Grandfather, he tells you to pick-up his route, saying, "you need it more than I do." - you're tasked with delivering a package to the North - but must pick it up at 'Third Sands'. Afterwards, you're to come back - as it is your job.

'First Sands' (map10)
-Where the events of the 'Prologue' begin. All your previous items are lost as it is the 'Prologue' after all. Within the level you will get all of the equipment you had during 'Chapter 1'. 'First Sands' is a peaceful area with other houses nearby, but no NPCs in sight. There are some items around. Going forward leads to, 'Magazin'.

'Magazin' (map11)

The Old World is in tune with the sounds of the wasteland, what can and can't be heard. Music from the far reaches connecting one radio to another. An interlinked world - connected by song and harmony.

  1. Captive Portal - Be Which One
  2. Hedrush - Headrush
  3. Hedrush - Offspring
  4. Hedrush - The Trolley Problem
  5. In Search Of - Shoegaze [soundcloud.com]
  6. Jason Shaw - Cold Morning
  7. TETSUO - Flashbacks
  8. TETSUO - Labyrinthine
  9. TETSUO - Russian Ghosts
  10. Vãde - Ambient Steel [soundcloud.com]
  11. Vãde - Proof of Concept [soundcloud.com]

Anticipation & Game Bugs
Similarities clairvoyant, distortions all too frequent. If a Rook's mind is left to wander, the subconscious will slowly cloud - disabling senses, altering reason. It is dangerous to engage even the smallest abnormalities.

  1. Assault Rifle & Sniper Rifle
    If you were to use the command, 'give everything' - besides the general items in your inventory, you'll see that your larger weapon slots are equipped with weapons - stacked and overlaid onto each other. Two of these weapons are not available in the game by legitimate means. One, is an assault rifle, chambered in 5.45 - a magazine capacity of 30. While another appears to be a harder hitting rifle-- perhaps a sniper rifle - the ammo it uses is simply called, 'rifle ammo' - it has a magazine capacity of 5. I am not a gun enthusiast, but some may be able to decipher what they are - the sniper-like rifle has a distinctive sound, while the assault rifle does not, yet.

  1. Permanent Cassette Recording
    If you were to save before recording anything onto your Cassette, then reload your previous save - the game won't remember what was previously on the Cassette. You can never get the original recording back - even if you go back to the moment where you first picked it up. Restarting the game will not fix this - nor will verifying your files work. However, going to the options and restoring your settings to default will revert back to the original recording.
  2. The End Purgatory
    When going through the last level, 'Trail To Passage' if you load a save in that area, you will be put right back at the beginning.
  3. Invisible Bulb
    If you kept your light on while travelling to 'First Sands' and beginning the 'Prologue', you will still have a light even when you don't have a belt lamp in your inventory. When you equip one later and press, 'L' - the light will instead overlay the old one, only when you turn off the lamp will it get rid of the old light.
  4. Trigger Happy Rifleman
    Pressing 'V' will relax your arm(s)/holster your weapon - if you press 'V' again, it will unholster your weapon. So far, the Double-Barreled Shotgun is the only weapon that has smooth animations and stays on screen when being holstered or unholstered. The rest have smooth holstering animations - they will however suddenly appear when unholstered. The Karabin is the only weapon that when unholstering will appear for a second, then disappear as if being holstered. Only changing weapons or aiming down sight will make it appear on screen once again.
  5. Charismatic Multitasker
    While in dialogue, you're able to check your Tea Box. The text from the Tea Box and dialogue will overlap each other - you're also able to use tea while in dialogue.
  6. There can only be one
    You're able to kill the Familiar Rook within 'High Overpass', 'map05' if you're standing near the window on the main road - all you need to do is jump and you will be able to shoot at him at the same time. Upon death - he will disappear and his dialogue will trigger, but his trades will become unavailable.
  7. Déjà vu
    Once the 'Prologue' begins, you'll find yourself within 'First Sands'. Here, you have the option to go back, to 'The Tower'. Once you go back, everything will be as it was during 'Chapter 1'. The same enemies, items, events, etc. If you were to go through all the levels, loot everything, kill all the enemies, etc. then leave to 'First Sands' again - you-- again, can backtrack. This will, once more go back to how everything was during 'Chapter 1'. So, going back refreshes all the past levels - without failure.
(Closing, Contributions)
Thank you for reading through this guide and hopefully it was an enjoyable read. It is definitely nice to have a proper guide that I can truly cherish.

I could probably go into detail on why I like this game so much, but it would turn into me typing endlessly. Instead, I'll speak of how I ended up here.

When I found this game, I had recently gotten a drop from a game worth about $2.50. So, I ended up on the Steam store looking at cheap games - my PC is slowly dying and already lives off its charger, so I kept thinking how nice it'd be to find a game that is old as it would run just fine on my PC, like Fallout: New Vegas or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-- a game on an old engine. Then, I found Apocalyptic Vibes. Released in March, 2023 and running on an old engine. After seeing the trailer I found myself captivated... for years I've been held back from genres I truly love, but this game was exactly what I was looking for and allowed me a way through I've never experienced before. So, thank you. This game has inspired me in many ways, one being this guide of course.

Shoot for your goals and dreams, don't give in, abandon drive and motivation - find a reason to live for and continue to live. Experience things you've always wanted to experience. Be a good influence in someone's life, think about the people you'll meet years, months or days from now. Live for yourself. Live a fulfilling life and when time comes, pass with a smile - knowing everything was alright.

Stay safe out there, Rook - and most importantly. Be sure to come back...

Bilbö Bägginson - Developer (Hints & Advice, 6., 9.)
Kiga-or-Keegs - Author
VirtuousLiam (Hints & Advice 27.)

In loving memory of, Muhibullah Mauser
Street boy to Neat boy...
8 Kommentare
lugert 9. Feb. um 13:20 
hey, might be a little late but the "sniper rifle" is a SVT-40 with a PU scope, it's a soviet semi auto rifle from ww2 (and i like it very much)
Kiga  [Autor] 24. März 2023 um 15:14 
I plan on working it sometime soon - plenty of things to add, can be a little overwhelming, but I know it'll be worth it.
Bielow 24. März 2023 um 9:44 
When will be another update?
Kiga  [Autor] 16. März 2023 um 13:26 
Good to know! I'll add that into the list along with your contribution-- I never used the tea myself - something of a loot goblin myself. Nice find!
VirtuousLiam 16. März 2023 um 2:56 
I found out that tea does it, it only increases it by small amounts per use (it looks like about 1/20th maybe 1/15th) of your max health
Kiga  [Autor] 15. März 2023 um 17:17 
Unfortunately, no - there is nothing that allows you to regain your permanently damaged health.
VirtuousLiam 15. März 2023 um 16:59 
is it possible to raise your hp after it's been decreased permanently by death?
Kiga  [Autor] 9. März 2023 um 19:17 
There is plenty more to do!
I just put the guide up now as I was getting impatient with myself, but I will continue to work on it and get the majority finished.
For the time being, comment anything you'd like to see added and I'll look into it! Many areas of the guide are not completed, if it looks so - it is not the case. For now, this is what I have added!