Stranded: Alien Dawn

Stranded: Alien Dawn

40 valoraciones
Mantis, the GeMod Wildcard
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7 MAR 2023 a las 12:49
9 MAR 2023 a las 12:56
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Mantis, the GeMod Wildcard

En 1 colección creada por udecebal
Ge(netically) Mod(ified) Family - Stage 1
15 artículos
"The fullness of life is in the hazards of life." - Edith Hamilton

Loreen McAllister, aka Mantis, has a personality that can be best described as "intense". Always first, always right, she feasts upon her prey, be that guilty or plain innocent. Things work for her until they don't and her moments of ungodly fury would make a starving lioness turn tail and run for its life. Victor seems to be the only person in the world versus whom her attitudes dramatically changes and nobody knows exactly why.
Dr.Burke's personal notes:
"Loreen is our Madame de Pompadour without her salts. Everything she may desire tomorrow should have been brought yesterday and there is no way an ordinary being would ever win an argument against her. I saw Gillian doing that once, but Gillian is anything but ordinary."
3 comentarios
udecebal  [autor] 9 MAR 2023 a las 13:00 
The portrait should now be default, thank you again for the testing!
udecebal  [autor] 9 MAR 2023 a las 12:14 
ok, I will look into it, thanks.
upuaut2 9 MAR 2023 a las 12:12 
i think her portrait is too small compared to default ones. i a little bit bigger would be just perfect