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[B41] The Workshop - no magazines
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7 mar, 2023 @ 1:31
7 mar, 2023 @ 7:14
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[B41] The Workshop - no magazines

This mod automatically learned new recipes each time you leveled up Metalworking.
Did not support Scrap Armor.

Here is the new version: The Workshop - all recipes.
When you make a new character, it automatically reads all 20 magazines.
Start with every recipe. Supports Scrap Weapons / Scrap Guns / Scrap Armor.

Workshop ID: 2943505229
Mod ID: TheWorkshop-nomagazines
6 kommentarer
itsmars  [skapare] 11 feb, 2024 @ 9:34 
new version released.
itsmars  [skapare] 10 feb, 2024 @ 5:08 
@SDgamer yeah I've been meaning to do that.
In fact, there's not really a point giving the player recipes as they level up, because the recipes themselves already require a certain skill level to use.

It would probably be better to just give every single recipe from the start, depending on what you're using (scrap weapons/guns/armor).

I don't play with the workshop or the scrap mods anymore, but I will get around to updating this -- if djvirus doesn't.

Learning recipes from magazines sucks. Especially if you play with 'insanely rare' loot.
SDgamer 9 okt, 2023 @ 15:24 
will this ever get updated for the armor?
404_coffee.exe 15 apr, 2023 @ 6:24 
This is the good stuff
itsmars  [skapare] 5 apr, 2023 @ 12:19 
NaYceR 25 mar, 2023 @ 16:10 
may it possible that you do this for every skill ?